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Pérez-Cárdenas, Nathalia; Eppinga, Maarten B.; Rabett, Ryan; Schuman, Meredith C.; Santos, Maria J. (2024): Spatiotemporal Distribution of Archaeological Sites in Borneo Over the Last 45,000 Years, with Emphasis on the Mid-Late Holocene (Last 6,000 Years) [environment] [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In: Pérez-Cárdenas, Nathalia; Eppinga, Maarten B.; Rabett, Ryan; Schuman, Meredith C.; Santos, Maria J. (2024): Spatiotemporal Distribution of Archaeological Sites in Borneo Over the Last 45,000 Years, with Emphasis on the Mid-Late Holocene (Last 6,000 Years) [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2024-11-12DOI registered: 2024-12-11

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The dataset comprises 73 archaeological and historical sites across Borneo, a valuable resource for researchers interested in regional Bornean human occupation and settlement. It covers a period of 45 ka before the present (BP) to 0 BP (1950 CE), with a specific focus on the last 6 ka BP. The dataset provides detailed information on the location, timing, and duration of human occupation at each site, based on archaeological surveys. This compilation enables the study of resource use and their landscape legacies, making it an indispensable tool for understanding the regional Bornean human occupation and settlement. The archaeological site database was constructed based on a review of published reports and articles (see Perez-Cardenas et al., 2024).
We reviewed and categorized each record between i) no radiocarbon data, such as U-series and U-Th dating, ii) calibrated radiocarbon, and iii) uncalibrated radiocarbon. Then, calibrated and uncalibrated radiocarbon were recalibrated to 95.4% confidence using the atmospheric curve IntCal20, OxCal 4.4 (Reimer et al., 2020). The dates obtained using Uranium were not calibrated. The lab code used in the original reference is provided for each record. We subset the dataset, obtaining 47 archaeological sites, by selecting sites with records over the last 6 ka BP to extract environmental characteristics. We created a matrix with the time and duration of occupation of archaeological evidence in 100-year intervals from 6 ka BP to 0 BP (1950 CE) for each site.
Archaeology; Excavations; Holocene; land use; Rainforest; tropical forest
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Pérez-Cárdenas, Nathalia; Eppinga, Maarten B.; Rabett, Ryan; Schuman, Meredith C.; Santos, Maria J. (2024): Spatiotemporal Distribution of Archaeological Sites in Borneo Over the Last 45,000 Years, with Emphasis on the Mid-Late Holocene (Last 6,000 Years) [archaeology] [dataset]. PANGAEA,
Pérez-Cárdenas, Nathalia; Eppinga, Maarten B.; Rabett, Ryan; Schuman, Meredith C.; Santos, Maria J. (2024): Spatiotemporal Distribution of Archaeological Sites in Borneo Over the Last 45,000 Years, with Emphasis on the Mid-Late Holocene (Last 6,000 Years) [chronology] [dataset]. PANGAEA,
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University of Zurich, grant/award no. University Research Priority Program (URPP): To infer the legacy of human activities on tropical forest diversity with spatial genetics and remote sensing
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1SiteSitePérez-Cárdenas, Nathalia
2ALTITUDEAltitudemPérez-Cárdenas, Nathaliabased on the Shuttle Radar Topography MissionGeocode – resolution of 2.5 arc-minutes
3SandSand%Pérez-Cárdenas, Nathaliabased on SoilGRIDS (Hengl et al., 2017)30-second spatial resolution for the 5-15 cm depth interval
4SiltSilt%Pérez-Cárdenas, Nathaliabased on SoilGRIDS (Hengl et al., 2017)30-second spatial resolution for the 5-15 cm depth interval
5ClayClay%Pérez-Cárdenas, Nathaliabased on SoilGRIDS (Hengl et al., 2017)30-second spatial resolution for the 5-15 cm depth interval
6Temperature, annual meanMAT°CPérez-Cárdenas, Nathaliabased on WorldClim 2.1spatial resolution of 2.5 arc-minutes
7PrecipitationPrecipmmPérez-Cárdenas, Nathaliabased on WorldClim 2.1spatial resolution of 2.5 arc-minutes
8Precipitation, coefficient of variationPrecip CVPérez-Cárdenas, Nathaliabased on WorldClim 2.1spatial resolution of 2.5 arc-minutes
9Distance to river, minimumDist river minkmPérez-Cárdenas, Nathaliabased on global river network (Lin et al. 2021)
10Distance to coast, minimumDist coast minkmPérez-Cárdenas, Nathaliabased on island boundaries (Runfola et al. 2020)
11Cation exchange capacityCECcmol/kgPérez-Cárdenas, Nathaliabased on SoilGRIDS (Hengl et al., 2017)30-second spatial resolution
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC) * Processing Level: PANGAEA data processing level 4 (ProcLevel4)
470 data points

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