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Fernández-Carrera, Ana; Wodarg, Dirk; Montoya, Joseph P; Loick-Wilde, Natalie: Stable isotopes and mol% of amino acids in seston at surface during ENDEAVOR cruise EN614 [dataset]. PANGAEA, (dataset in review)

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The Amazon river accounts annually for 20% of riverine discharge into the global ocean with strong seasonal variations. This lens of freshwater spreads at surface as a plume, and can reach as far as the Caribbean. During this journey, the changing physicochemical characteristics of the aging plume define contrasting plankton habitats. These habitats select for communities with varying degrees of complexity of the plankton food web. During ENDEAVOR cruise EN614 ( we studied the dominant trophic function at the base of the food web (autotrophs vs mixotrophs) using stable isotopes of nitrogen in specific amino acids as well as bulk isotopes of carbon and nitrogen. This dataset contains the nitrogen signatures of 12 amino acids in δ notation (δ15N, ‰ vs N2 in air), the mol% of 13 amino acids and the carbon (δ13C, ‰ vs VPDB) and nitrogen isotopes in bulk samples at surface as well as environmental data and phytoplankton community structure.
Amazon River plume; amino acids mol%; Compound-specific stable isotope analyses of amino acids; seston; stable carbon isotopes δ13C; stable nitrogen isotope (δ15N)
Supplement to:
Fernández-Carrera, Ana; et al. (submitted): Mixotrophy emerges as the optimal strategy in mature waters of the Amazon River plume.
Related to:
Fernández-Carrera, Ana; Steinkopf, Markus; Liskow, Iris; Wodarg, Dirk; Voss, Maren; Loick-Wilde, Natalie: Stable isotopes and mol% of amino acids in 0.2-3 µm seston at surface during METEOR cruise M174 [dataset]. PANGAEA,
Fernández-Carrera, Ana; Steinkopf, Markus; Liskow, Iris; Wodarg, Dirk; Voss, Maren; Loick-Wilde, Natalie: Stable isotopes and mol% of amino acids in 3-200 µm seston at surface during METEOR cruise M174 [dataset]. PANGAEA,
Bricaud, Annick; Claustre, Hervé; Ras, Joséphine; Oubelkheir, Kadija (2004): Natural variability of phytoplanktonic absorption in oceanic waters: Influence of the size structure of algal populations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 109(C11), 2004JC002419,
Grasshoff, Klaus; Kremling, Klaus; Ehrhardt, M (1999): Methods of Seawater Analysis, Third Edition. Wiley-VCH,
Pham, Anh H; Choisnard, Noémie; Fernández-Carrera, Ana; Subramaniam, Ajit; Strope, Erica K; Carpenter, Edward J; Voss, Maren; Montoya, Joseph P (2024): Planktonic habitats in the Amazon Plume region of the Western Tropical North Atlantic. Frontiers in Marine Science, 11, 1287497,
Weber, Sarah C; Subramaniam, Ajit; Montoya, Joseph P; Doan-Nhu, Hai; Nguyen-Ngoc, Lam; Dippner, Joachim W; Voss, Maren (2019): Habitat Delineation in Highly Variable Marine Environments. Frontiers in Marine Science, 6, 112,
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bonn (DFG), grant/award no. 439440452: Metabolismus des Stickstoffs in der Amazonasfahne und dem westlichen, tropischen Nordatlantik (MeNARP)
National Science Foundation (NSF), grant/award no. OCE-1737078: Impact of the Amazon River Plume on Nitrogen Availability and Planktonic Food Web Dynamics in the Western Tropical North Atlantic (Amazon River Plume Nitrogen)
Median Latitude: 10.275539 * Median Longitude: -54.715836 * South-bound Latitude: 4.889500 * West-bound Longitude: -57.252960 * North-bound Latitude: 16.289230 * East-bound Longitude: -50.892740
Date/Time Start: 2018-05-09T23:34:00 * Date/Time End: 2018-05-29T15:02:00
Minimum DEPTH, water: 2.8 m * Maximum DEPTH, water: 10.5 m
EN614_3-09 * Latitude: 8.575890 * Longitude: -54.518280 * Date/Time: 2018-05-09T23:34:00 * Location: western tropical Atlantic * Campaign: EN614 * Basis: Endeavor * Method/Device: CTD/Rosette (CTD-RO)
EN614_6-04 * Latitude: 7.330560 * Longitude: -55.597440 * Date/Time: 2018-05-11T21:15:00 * Location: western tropical Atlantic * Campaign: EN614 * Basis: Endeavor * Method/Device: CTD/Rosette (CTD-RO)
EN614_8-02 * Latitude: 7.365010 * Longitude: -53.818070 * Date/Time: 2018-05-12T16:26:00 * Location: western tropical Atlantic * Campaign: EN614 * Basis: Endeavor * Method/Device: CTD/Rosette (CTD-RO)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEventLoick-Wilde, Natalie
2Station labelStationLoick-Wilde, Natalie
3CampaignCampaignLoick-Wilde, Natalie
4DATE/TIMEDate/TimeLoick-Wilde, NatalieGeocode
5LATITUDELatitudeLoick-Wilde, NatalieGeocode
6LONGITUDELongitudeLoick-Wilde, NatalieGeocode
7LocationLocationLoick-Wilde, Natalie
8HabitatHabitatLoick-Wilde, NatalieHabitat Delineation in Highly Variable Marine Environments (Weber et. al, 2019)
9DEPTH, waterDepth watermLoick-Wilde, NatalieCTD/Rosette (CTD-RO)Geocode
10SalinitySalLoick-Wilde, NatalieCTD/Rosette (CTD-RO)psu
11Temperature, waterTemp°CLoick-Wilde, NatalieCTD/Rosette (CTD-RO)
12OxygenO2µmol/lLoick-Wilde, NatalieCTD/Rosette (CTD-RO)
13SilicateSi(OH)4µmol/lMontoya, Joseph PMethods of Seawater Analysis, Third Edition (Grasshoff et al., 1999)
14Nitrite[NO2]-µmol/lMontoya, Joseph PMethods of Seawater Analysis, Third Edition (Grasshoff et al., 1999)
15Phosphate[PO4]3-µmol/lMontoya, Joseph PMethods of Seawater Analysis, Third Edition (Grasshoff et al., 1999)
16Nitrate[NO3]-µmol/lMontoya, Joseph PMethods of Seawater Analysis, Third Edition (Grasshoff et al., 1999)
17Depth of nitraclineDepth nitraclinemLoick-Wilde, NatalieLinear interpolation in nutrient depth profile1µM
18Depth, phosphoclinePO4-clinemLoick-Wilde, NatalieLinear interpolation in nutrient depth profile0.1µM
19Depth, silicoclineSi-clinemLoick-Wilde, NatalieLinear interpolation in nutrient depth profile2µM
20Chlorophyll aChl aµg/lLoick-Wilde, NatalieHigh performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), Agilent 1200
21High-pressure liquid chromatography size indexHPLC Size indexµmLoick-Wilde, NatalieBased on HPLC pigments according to Bricaud et al (2004)
22River plume thicknessRiver plume thicknessmLoick-Wilde, NatalieLinear interpolation depth of 35 PSU
23Brunt-Väisälä frequency, maximumN2 max1/s2Loick-Wilde, Natalie
24Mixed layer depthMLDmLoick-Wilde, Natalie
25Depth, deep chlorophyll maximumDCM depthmLoick-Wilde, Natalie
26Filamentous CyanobacteriaFilamentous cyanob%Loick-Wilde, NatalieChemTax v 1.9.5 (Wright, S., 2017)
27SynechococcusSynechococcus%Loick-Wilde, NatalieChemTax v 1.9.5 (Wright, S., 2017)
28ProchlorococcusProchlorococcus%Loick-Wilde, NatalieChemTax v 1.9.5 (Wright, S., 2017)
29PrasinophytesPrasinophytes%Loick-Wilde, NatalieChemTax v 1.9.5 (Wright, S., 2017)
30CryptophytesCryptophytes%Loick-Wilde, NatalieChemTax v 1.9.5 (Wright, S., 2017)
31DiatomsDiatoms%Loick-Wilde, NatalieChemTax v 1.9.5 (Wright, S., 2017)
32HaptophytesHaptophytes%Loick-Wilde, NatalieChemTax v 1.9.5 (Wright, S., 2017)
33DinoflagellatesDinofl%Loick-Wilde, NatalieChemTax v 1.9.5 (Wright, S., 2017)
34Carbon, particulatePCµmol/lMontoya, Joseph PContinuous flow isotope ratio mass spectrometer (CF-IRMS), Micromass, Isoprime; coupled with Elemental analyser, Carlo Erba, NA 2500
35δ13C, sestonδ13C sest‰ PDBMontoya, Joseph PContinuous flow isotope ratio mass spectrometer (CF-IRMS), Micromass, Isoprime; coupled with Elemental analyser, Carlo Erba, NA 2500
36Nitrogen, particulatePNµmol/lMontoya, Joseph PContinuous flow isotope ratio mass spectrometer (CF-IRMS), Micromass, Isoprime; coupled with Elemental analyser, Carlo Erba, NA 2500
37δ15N, sestonδ15N sest‰ airMontoya, Joseph PContinuous flow isotope ratio mass spectrometer (CF-IRMS), Micromass, Isoprime; coupled with Elemental analyser, Carlo Erba, NA 2500
38Glutamine and Glutamic acid, δ15NGln + Glu δ15N‰ airLoick-Wilde, NatalieIsotope ration mass spectrometer (IRMS), Thermo Fischer Scientific, MAT253; universal continuous flow interface, Thermo Scientific, ConFlo IV; gas chromatography, Thermo Scientific, GC Isolink II; gas chromatography, Thermo Scientific, Trace GC 1300
39Glutamine and Glutamic acid, δ15N standard deviationGln + Glu δ15N std dev±Loick-Wilde, NatalieIsotope ration mass spectrometer (IRMS), Thermo Fischer Scientific, MAT253; universal continuous flow interface, Thermo Scientific, ConFlo IV; gas chromatography, Thermo Scientific, GC Isolink II; gas chromatography, Thermo Scientific, Trace GC 1300
40Phenylalanine, δ15NPhe δ15N‰ airLoick-Wilde, NatalieIsotope ration mass spectrometer (IRMS), Thermo Fischer Scientific, MAT253; universal continuous flow interface, Thermo Scientific, ConFlo IV; gas chromatography, Thermo Scientific, GC Isolink II; gas chromatography, Thermo Scientific, Trace GC 1300
41Phenylalanine, δ15N, standard deviationPhe δ15N std dev±Loick-Wilde, NatalieIsotope ration mass spectrometer (IRMS), Thermo Fischer Scientific, MAT253; universal continuous flow interface, Thermo Scientific, ConFlo IV; gas chromatography, Thermo Scientific, GC Isolink II; gas chromatography, Thermo Scientific, Trace GC 1300
42Alanine, δ15NAla δ15N‰ airLoick-Wilde, NatalieIsotope ration mass spectrometer (IRMS), Thermo Fischer Scientific, MAT253; universal continuous flow interface, Thermo Scientific, ConFlo IV; gas chromatography, Thermo Scientific, GC Isolink II; gas chromatography, Thermo Scientific, Trace GC 1300
43Alanine, δ15N, standard deviationAla δ15N std dev±Loick-Wilde, NatalieIsotope ration mass spectrometer (IRMS), Thermo Fischer Scientific, MAT253; universal continuous flow interface, Thermo Scientific, ConFlo IV; gas chromatography, Thermo Scientific, GC Isolink II; gas chromatography, Thermo Scientific, Trace GC 1300
44Valine, δ15NVal δ15N‰ airLoick-Wilde, NatalieIsotope ration mass spectrometer (IRMS), Thermo Fischer Scientific, MAT253; universal continuous flow interface, Thermo Scientific, ConFlo IV; gas chromatography, Thermo Scientific, GC Isolink II; gas chromatography, Thermo Scientific, Trace GC 1300
45Valine, δ15N, standard deviationVal δ15N std dev±Loick-Wilde, NatalieIsotope ration mass spectrometer (IRMS), Thermo Fischer Scientific, MAT253; universal continuous flow interface, Thermo Scientific, ConFlo IV; gas chromatography, Thermo Scientific, GC Isolink II; gas chromatography, Thermo Scientific, Trace GC 1300
46Leucine, δ15NLeu δ15N‰ airLoick-Wilde, NatalieIsotope ration mass spectrometer (IRMS), Thermo Fischer Scientific, MAT253; universal continuous flow interface, Thermo Scientific, ConFlo IV; gas chromatography, Thermo Scientific, GC Isolink II; gas chromatography, Thermo Scientific, Trace GC 1300
47Leucine, δ15N, standard deviationLeu δ15N std dev±Loick-Wilde, NatalieIsotope ration mass spectrometer (IRMS), Thermo Fischer Scientific, MAT253; universal continuous flow interface, Thermo Scientific, ConFlo IV; gas chromatography, Thermo Scientific, GC Isolink II; gas chromatography, Thermo Scientific, Trace GC 1300
48Isoleucine, δ15NIle δ15N‰ airLoick-Wilde, NatalieIsotope ration mass spectrometer (IRMS), Thermo Fischer Scientific, MAT253; universal continuous flow interface, Thermo Scientific, ConFlo IV; gas chromatography, Thermo Scientific, GC Isolink II; gas chromatography, Thermo Scientific, Trace GC 1300
49Isoleucine, δ15N, standard deviationIle δ15N std dev±Loick-Wilde, NatalieIsotope ration mass spectrometer (IRMS), Thermo Fischer Scientific, MAT253; universal continuous flow interface, Thermo Scientific, ConFlo IV; gas chromatography, Thermo Scientific, GC Isolink II; gas chromatography, Thermo Scientific, Trace GC 1300
50Proline, δ15NPro δ15N‰ airLoick-Wilde, NatalieIsotope ration mass spectrometer (IRMS), Thermo Fischer Scientific, MAT253; universal continuous flow interface, Thermo Scientific, ConFlo IV; gas chromatography, Thermo Scientific, GC Isolink II; gas chromatography, Thermo Scientific, Trace GC 1300
51Proline, δ15N, standard deviationPro δ15N std dev±Loick-Wilde, NatalieIsotope ration mass spectrometer (IRMS), Thermo Fischer Scientific, MAT253; universal continuous flow interface, Thermo Scientific, ConFlo IV; gas chromatography, Thermo Scientific, GC Isolink II; gas chromatography, Thermo Scientific, Trace GC 1300
52Aspartamine and Aspartic acid, δ15NAsn + Asp δ15N‰ airLoick-Wilde, NatalieIsotope ration mass spectrometer (IRMS), Thermo Fischer Scientific, MAT253; universal continuous flow interface, Thermo Scientific, ConFlo IV; gas chromatography, Thermo Scientific, GC Isolink II; gas chromatography, Thermo Scientific, Trace GC 1300
53Aspartamine and Aspartic acid, δ15N standard deviationAsn + Asp δ15N std dev±Loick-Wilde, NatalieIsotope ration mass spectrometer (IRMS), Thermo Fischer Scientific, MAT253; universal continuous flow interface, Thermo Scientific, ConFlo IV; gas chromatography, Thermo Scientific, GC Isolink II; gas chromatography, Thermo Scientific, Trace GC 1300
54Lysine, δ15NLys δ15N‰ airLoick-Wilde, NatalieIsotope ration mass spectrometer (IRMS), Thermo Fischer Scientific, MAT253; universal continuous flow interface, Thermo Scientific, ConFlo IV; gas chromatography, Thermo Scientific, GC Isolink II; gas chromatography, Thermo Scientific, Trace GC 1300
55Lysine, δ15N, standard deviationLys δ15N std dev±Loick-Wilde, NatalieIsotope ration mass spectrometer (IRMS), Thermo Fischer Scientific, MAT253; universal continuous flow interface, Thermo Scientific, ConFlo IV; gas chromatography, Thermo Scientific, GC Isolink II; gas chromatography, Thermo Scientific, Trace GC 1300
56Tyrosine, δ15NTyr δ15N‰ airLoick-Wilde, NatalieIsotope ration mass spectrometer (IRMS), Thermo Fischer Scientific, MAT253; universal continuous flow interface, Thermo Scientific, ConFlo IV; gas chromatography, Thermo Scientific, GC Isolink II; gas chromatography, Thermo Scientific, Trace GC 1300
57Tyrosine, δ15N standard deviationTyr δ5N std dev±Loick-Wilde, NatalieIsotope ration mass spectrometer (IRMS), Thermo Fischer Scientific, MAT253; universal continuous flow interface, Thermo Scientific, ConFlo IV; gas chromatography, Thermo Scientific, GC Isolink II; gas chromatography, Thermo Scientific, Trace GC 1300
58Serine, δ15NSer δ15N‰ airLoick-Wilde, NatalieIsotope ration mass spectrometer (IRMS), Thermo Fischer Scientific, MAT253; universal continuous flow interface, Thermo Scientific, ConFlo IV; gas chromatography, Thermo Scientific, GC Isolink II; gas chromatography, Thermo Scientific, Trace GC 1300
59Serine, δ15N, standard deviationSer δ15N std dev±Loick-Wilde, NatalieIsotope ration mass spectrometer (IRMS), Thermo Fischer Scientific, MAT253; universal continuous flow interface, Thermo Scientific, ConFlo IV; gas chromatography, Thermo Scientific, GC Isolink II; gas chromatography, Thermo Scientific, Trace GC 1300
60Threonine, δ15NThr δ15N‰ airLoick-Wilde, NatalieIsotope ration mass spectrometer (IRMS), Thermo Fischer Scientific, MAT253; universal continuous flow interface, Thermo Scientific, ConFlo IV; gas chromatography, Thermo Scientific, GC Isolink II; gas chromatography, Thermo Scientific, Trace GC 1300
61Threonine, δ15N, standard deviationThr δ15N std dev±Loick-Wilde, NatalieIsotope ration mass spectrometer (IRMS), Thermo Fischer Scientific, MAT253; universal continuous flow interface, Thermo Scientific, ConFlo IV; gas chromatography, Thermo Scientific, GC Isolink II; gas chromatography, Thermo Scientific, Trace GC 1300
62Glutamine and Glutamic acidGln + Glu%Loick-Wilde, NatalieGas chromatographer mass spectrometer, Thermo Finnigan, Trace GCMS DSQ II; coupled with TriPlus Autosampler, Thermo Finniganmol%
63PhenylalaninePhe%Loick-Wilde, NatalieGas chromatographer mass spectrometer, Thermo Finnigan, Trace GCMS DSQ II; coupled with TriPlus Autosampler, Thermo Finniganmol%
64AlanineAla%Loick-Wilde, NatalieGas chromatographer mass spectrometer, Thermo Finnigan, Trace GCMS DSQ II; coupled with TriPlus Autosampler, Thermo Finniganmol%
65ValineVal%Loick-Wilde, NatalieGas chromatographer mass spectrometer, Thermo Finnigan, Trace GCMS DSQ II; coupled with TriPlus Autosampler, Thermo Finniganmol%
66LeucineLeu%Loick-Wilde, NatalieGas chromatographer mass spectrometer, Thermo Finnigan, Trace GCMS DSQ II; coupled with TriPlus Autosampler, Thermo Finniganmol%
67IsoleucineIle%Loick-Wilde, NatalieGas chromatographer mass spectrometer, Thermo Finnigan, Trace GCMS DSQ II; coupled with TriPlus Autosampler, Thermo Finniganmol%
68ProlinePro%Loick-Wilde, NatalieGas chromatographer mass spectrometer, Thermo Finnigan, Trace GCMS DSQ II; coupled with TriPlus Autosampler, Thermo Finniganmol%
69Aspartamine and Aspartic acidAsn + Asp%Loick-Wilde, NatalieGas chromatographer mass spectrometer, Thermo Finnigan, Trace GCMS DSQ II; coupled with TriPlus Autosampler, Thermo Finniganmol%
70LysineLys%Loick-Wilde, NatalieGas chromatographer mass spectrometer, Thermo Finnigan, Trace GCMS DSQ II; coupled with TriPlus Autosampler, Thermo Finniganmol%
71TyrosineTyr%Loick-Wilde, NatalieGas chromatographer mass spectrometer, Thermo Finnigan, Trace GCMS DSQ II; coupled with TriPlus Autosampler, Thermo Finniganmol%
72SerineSer%Loick-Wilde, NatalieGas chromatographer mass spectrometer, Thermo Finnigan, Trace GCMS DSQ II; coupled with TriPlus Autosampler, Thermo Finniganmol%
73ThreonineThr%Loick-Wilde, NatalieGas chromatographer mass spectrometer, Thermo Finnigan, Trace GCMS DSQ II; coupled with TriPlus Autosampler, Thermo Finniganmol%
74GlycineGly%Loick-Wilde, NatalieGas chromatographer mass spectrometer, Thermo Finnigan, Trace GCMS DSQ II; coupled with TriPlus Autosampler, Thermo Finniganmol%
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720 data points

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