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Li, Na; Lei, Ruibo; Dou, Yinke (2025): Landfast sea ice temperature measured during CHINARE (2006) in Prydz Bay, Antarctica [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2025-01-30DOI registered: 2025-02-27

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During Chinese Antarctic Research Expedition (CHINARE), ice cores were extracted with a 9-cm internal diameter ice corer on landfast ice in the coastal area off Zhongshan Station (69.37°S; 76.36°E), East Antarctica. Totally 25 ice cores were obtained within an area of 20 m by 20 m throughout two ice seasons from November 2004 to December 2006. The ice cores were then quickly cut lengthwise into vertical sections of 0.05-0.10 m thick, sealed in clean plastic containers and then returned to the cold laboratory of Zhongshan Station. Ice density was measured with a mass/volume method. Ice salinity was measured by a portable conductivity meter. Ice temperatures were measured along two chains of thermistors deployed close to the ice core sampling sites. The two thermistor chains were about 2.5 m long and included 26 and 30 sensors respectively, with a regular spacing of 0.06 m. At deployment, the first thermistor was located right at the ice-air interface. The resulting time series describes the evolution of ice temperature over time from 5 April to 29 December 2005, and from 30 March to 20 December 2006, with sample intervals of 6 hours.
ice density; ice salinity; ice temperature; Landfast ice
Related to:
Li, Na; Lei, Ruibo; Dou, Yinke (2025): Landfast sea ice density and salinity during CHINARE (2004-2006) in Prydz Bay, Antarctica [dataset]. PANGAEA,
Li, Na; Lei, Ruibo; Dou, Yinke (2025): Landfast sea ice temperature measured during CHINARE (2005) in Prydz Bay, Antarctica [dataset]. PANGAEA,
Li, Na (submitted): Seasonal variation of landfast sea ice porosity in Prydz Bay, Antarctica and its implication for sea ice physical properties. The Cryosphere
National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), grant/award no. 41606222
National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), grant/award no. 42325604
National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), grant/award no. 52192691
Latitude: -69.370000 * Longitude: 76.360000
Date/Time Start: 2006-03-30T05:45:52 * Date/Time End: 2006-12-20T04:12:00
CHINARE2006 * Latitude: -69.370000 * Longitude: 76.360000 * Date/Time Start: 2006-03-30T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2009-12-20T00:00:00 * Campaign: CHINARE2004-2006 * Method/Device: Thermistor chain (THERMC)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DATE/TIMEDate/TimeLi, NaGeocode – UTC
2Temperature, technicalT tech°CLi, NaThermistor 1
3Temperature, technicalT tech°CLi, NaThermistor 2
4Temperature, technicalT tech°CLi, NaThermistor 3
5Temperature, technicalT tech°CLi, NaThermistor 4
6Temperature, technicalT tech°CLi, NaThermistor 5
7Temperature, technicalT tech°CLi, NaThermistor 6
8Temperature, technicalT tech°CLi, NaThermistor 7
9Temperature, technicalT tech°CLi, NaThermistor 8
10Temperature, technicalT tech°CLi, NaThermistor 9
11Temperature, technicalT tech°CLi, NaThermistor 10
12Temperature, technicalT tech°CLi, NaThermistor 11
13Temperature, technicalT tech°CLi, NaThermistor 12
14Temperature, technicalT tech°CLi, NaThermistor 13
15Temperature, technicalT tech°CLi, NaThermistor 14
16Temperature, technicalT tech°CLi, NaThermistor 15
17Temperature, technicalT tech°CLi, NaThermistor 16
18Temperature, technicalT tech°CLi, NaThermistor 17
19Temperature, technicalT tech°CLi, NaThermistor 18
20Temperature, technicalT tech°CLi, NaThermistor 19
21Temperature, technicalT tech°CLi, NaThermistor 20
22Temperature, technicalT tech°CLi, NaThermistor 21
23Temperature, technicalT tech°CLi, NaThermistor 22
24Temperature, technicalT tech°CLi, NaThermistor 23
25Temperature, technicalT tech°CLi, NaThermistor 24
26Temperature, technicalT tech°CLi, NaThermistor 25
27Temperature, technicalT tech°CLi, NaThermistor 26
28Temperature, technicalT tech°CLi, NaThermistor 27
29Temperature, technicalT tech°CLi, NaThermistor 28
30Temperature, technicalT tech°CLi, NaThermistor 29
31Temperature, technicalT tech°CLi, NaThermistor 30
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
29760 data points

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