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Veit-Köhler, Gritta; Guilini, Katja; Hellmann, Annika; Bruhn, Marco: Meiofauna abundances in multicorer samples from six deep-sea stations in the Atlantic part of the Southern Ocean (POLARSTERN cruise PS71, ANT-XXIV/2 SYSTCO, November 2007-February 2008) [dataset]. PANGAEA, (dataset in review)

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We provide abundance data for meiofauna taxa determined from sediment samples collected at bathyal and abyssal depths (1927–5337 m) along a 2400-km North-South transect in the Atlantic part of the Southern Ocean. During the RV Polarstern expedition PS71 (ANT XXIV-2 SYSTCO, 28 November 2007 until 04 February 2008) six deep-sea stations were sampled from the Polar Front in the north (49°S), over the southern Polar Front (52°S, this site was visited two times), the Central Weddell Sea (62°S), and the seamount Maud Rise (64°S) to the Lazarev Sea (70°S) in the south. Samples (cores) were collected at each station with a MUC10 multicorer. On board, sediment cores were sliced into depth layers (0-1cm, 1-2cm, 2-3cm, 3-4cm, 4-5cm, 5-7cm, 7-10cm, 10-15cm, 15-20cm) and preserved in 4%-borax-buffered formaldehyde solution. In the laboratory, samples were sieved (upper sieve size 1000 µm, lower sieve size 32 µm) and centrifuged using a silica polymer as flotation medium to separate the animals from the sediment. Meiofauna organisms were counted on higher taxon level using a stereo microscope (detailed methods see Veit-Köhler et al. 2011). Abundance is presented per depth layer (note different slice hights) as ind/10cm².
Meiofauna communities included individuals from 17 higher taxa. Data were obtained for a study on Southern Ocean deep-sea meiofauna, their relation to surface productivity, reaction to a phytoplankton bloom and stable isotope composition (see "Related to" below).
ANDEEP-SYSTCO; Antarctic; Deep sea; fauna abundance; meiofauna; MultiCorer; sediment depth layers; Southern Ocean; taxa; Weddell Sea
Related to:
Guilini, Katja; Veit-Köhler, Gritta; De Troch, Marleen; Gansbeke, Dirk Van; Vanreusel, Ann (2013): Latitudinal and temporal variability in the community structure and fatty acid composition of deep-sea nematodes in the Southern Ocean. Progress in Oceanography, 110, 80-92,
Lins, Lidia; Guilini, Katja; Veit-Köhler, Gritta; Hauquier, Freija; Alves, Renata M S; Esteves, André M; Vanreusel, Ann (2014): The link between meiofauna and surface productivity in the Southern Ocean. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 108, 60-68,
Mayr, Christoph; Peeken, Ilka; Veit-Köhler, Gritta: Sediment characteristics (TOC, TN, δ13C, δ15N, Chl a, phaeopigments, water content, sediment description) of multicorer samples from six deep-sea stations in the Southern Ocean (PS71 SYSTCO 2007-2008) [dataset]. PANGAEA,
Veit-Köhler, Gritta; Guilini, Katja; Bruhn, Marco; Mayr, Christoph: Meiofauna stable isotope values (δ13C, δ15N) and individual body mass from sediment samples collected with a multicorer at six deep-sea stations in the Southern Ocean (PS71 SYSTCO 2007-2008) [dataset]. PANGAEA,
Veit-Köhler, Gritta; Guilini, Katja; Peeken, Ilka; Quillfeldt, Petra; Mayr, Christoph (2013): Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope signatures of deep-sea meiofauna follow oceanographical gradients across the Southern Ocean. Progress in Oceanography, 110, 69-79,
Veit-Köhler, Gritta; Guilini, Katja; Peeken, Ilka; Sachs, Oliver; Sauter, Eberhard-Jürgen; Würzberg, Laura (2011): Antarctic deep-sea meiofauna and bacteria react to the deposition of particulate organic matter after a phytoplankton bloom. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 58(19-20), 1983-1995,
Veit-Köhler, Gritta; Henche, Annika; Guilini, Katja; Vanreusel, Ann (2010): Metazoan meiofauna - the link between structural and functional biodiversity of the meiofauna communities in the Antarctic deep sea. In: Bathmann, U. [ed.] "The Expedition of the Research Vessel "Polarstern" to the Antarctic in 2007/2008 (ANT-XXIV/2)", Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 604, 106-107,
Belgian Federal Science Policy Office (BELSPO), grant/award no. SD/BA/02A: Biodiversity of three representative groups of the Antarctic Zoobenthos - Coping with Change (BIANZO II)
German Research Foundation (DFG), grant/award no. 5472008: Priority Programme 1158 Antarctic Research with Comparable Investigations in Arctic Sea Ice Areas
Ghent University, grant/award no. 01J14909: The relation between FUNction and biodiversity of Nematoda in the DEEP-sea (FUNDEEP)
Research Foundation of Flanders (FWO), grant/award no. 3G0346
Median Latitude: -59.341073 * Median Longitude: -0.103964 * South-bound Latitude: -70.081000 * West-bound Longitude: -3.378600 * North-bound Latitude: -49.015800 * East-bound Longitude: 2.875500
Date/Time Start: 2007-12-06T04:38:00 * Date/Time End: 2008-01-29T11:31:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.0050 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.1750 m
PS71/013-12 * Latitude: -52.037000 * Longitude: -0.017300 * Date/Time: 2007-12-06T04:38:00 * Elevation: -3000.0 m * Location: South Atlantic Ocean * Campaign: ANT-XXIV/2 (PS71 ANDEEP-SYSTCO SCACE) * Basis: Polarstern * Method/Device: MultiCorer (MUC)
PS71/013-14 * Latitude: -52.037500 * Longitude: -0.018600 * Date/Time: 2007-12-06T08:44:00 * Elevation: -2997.0 m * Location: South Atlantic Ocean * Campaign: ANT-XXIV/2 (PS71 ANDEEP-SYSTCO SCACE) * Basis: Polarstern * Method/Device: MultiCorer (MUC)
PS71/017-12 * Latitude: -70.081000 * Longitude: -3.376600 * Date/Time: 2007-12-22T18:11:00 * Elevation: -1927.0 m * Location: Weddell Sea * Campaign: ANT-XXIV/2 (PS71 ANDEEP-SYSTCO SCACE) * Basis: Polarstern * Method/Device: MultiCorer (MUC)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEventVeit-Köhler, Gritta
2Date/Time of eventDate/TimeVeit-Köhler, Gritta
3Latitude of eventLatitudeVeit-Köhler, Gritta
4Longitude of eventLongitudeVeit-Köhler, Gritta
5Elevation of eventElevationmVeit-Köhler, Gritta
6Cruise/expeditionExpeditionVeit-Köhler, Gritta
7Station labelStationVeit-Köhler, Gritta
8Gear identification numberGear IDVeit-Köhler, GrittaDeployment
9Sample IDSample IDVeit-Köhler, GrittaCore no.
10DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmVeit-Köhler, GrittaGeocode
11Depth, top/minDepth topmVeit-Köhler, Gritta
12Depth, bottom/maxDepth botmVeit-Köhler, Gritta
13AcariAcari#/10 cm2Veit-Köhler, GrittaCounting 32-1000 µm fraction
14AmphipodaAmphipoda#/10 cm2Veit-Köhler, GrittaCounting 32-1000 µm fraction
15AnnelidaAnnelida#/10 cm2Veit-Köhler, GrittaCounting 32-1000 µm fraction
16BivalviaBivalvia#/10 cm2Veit-Köhler, GrittaCounting 32-1000 µm fraction
17CopepodaCopepoda#/10 cm2Veit-Köhler, GrittaCounting 32-1000 µm fraction
18Copepoda, naupliiCopepoda naup#/10 cm2Veit-Köhler, GrittaCounting 32-1000 µm fraction
19CrinoideaCrinoidea#/10 cm2Veit-Köhler, GrittaCounting 32-1000 µm fraction
20CumaceaCumacea#/10 cm2Veit-Köhler, GrittaCounting 32-1000 µm fraction
21GastrotrichaGastrotricha#/10 cm2Veit-Köhler, GrittaCounting 32-1000 µm fraction
22GastropodaGastropoda#/10 cm2Veit-Köhler, GrittaCounting 32-1000 µm fraction
23IsopodaIsopoda#/10 cm2Veit-Köhler, GrittaCounting 32-1000 µm fraction
24KinorhynchaKinorhyncha#/10 cm2Veit-Köhler, GrittaCounting 32-1000 µm fraction
25LoriciferaLoricifera#/10 cm2Veit-Köhler, GrittaCounting 32-1000 µm fraction
26NematodaNematoda#/10 cm2Veit-Köhler, GrittaCounting 32-1000 µm fraction
27OstracodaOstracoda#/10 cm2Veit-Köhler, GrittaCounting 32-1000 µm fraction
28RotiferaRotifera#/10 cm2Veit-Köhler, GrittaCounting 32-1000 µm fraction
29TanaidaceaTanaidacea#/10 cm2Veit-Köhler, GrittaCounting 32-1000 µm fraction
30TantulocaridaTantulocarida#/10 cm2Veit-Köhler, GrittaCounting 32-1000 µm fraction
31TardigradaTardigrada#/10 cm2Veit-Köhler, GrittaCounting 32-1000 µm fraction
32Meiofauna, otherMeiof oth#/10 cm2Veit-Köhler, GrittaCounting 32-1000 µm fractionindeterminata
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0) (License comes into effect after moratorium ends)
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
5694 data points

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