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The Baltic Sea has been affected by eutrophication for several decades with the result of a gradual increase of oxygen minimum zones at the sea floor and release of phosphate from sediments. This has generated a decreasing inorganic nitrogen:phosphorus (N:P) ratio and excess phosphate remaining after the spring bloom. In the present study, a 17-days experiment was performed on June 2021 at the Tvärminne Research Station (Gulf of Finland, Northern Baltic Sea) where the effects of the decreasing ratio of dissolved inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus on the planktonic community were investigated in 12 in-situ mesocosms. Temperature, dissolved oxygen concentration and salinity were determined in situ, whilst water samples were collected during the whole duration of the experiment using a Limnos sampler (Hydro-Bios, Kiel), transported to the laboratory and processed for measurements of dissolved inorganic, organic and particulate nutrients, extracellular enzymatic activities, bacterial production, bacterial abundance, pigments fluorescency and concentration, eukaryotic organisms and prokariotyc cell and filament counts. Dissolved inorganic nutrients (nitrate, nitrite, ammonium, phosphate and silica) were determined according to Grasshoff et al. (1999). Concentrations of dissolved organic carbon and total dissolved nitrogen were determined. Dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) was calculated as difference between total dissolved nitrogen and dissolved inorganic nitrogen. Total dissolved phosphorus concentration was determined according to Koistinen et al. (2017). Dissolved organic phosphorus was calculated as difference between total dissolved phosphorus and dissolved inorganic phosphorus. Concentrations of particulate organic carbon (POC) and particulate organic nitrogen (PON) were also determined. The concentration of particulate organic phosphorus (POP) was measured according to Solórzano & Sharp (1980) with slight modification by Koistinen et al. (2017). Particulate organic elemental ratios POC:PON:POP were calculated on a molar basis. Extracellular enzymatic activities were determined according to Baltar et al. (2016). Bacterial production was determined as thymidine and leucine incorporations according to Fuhrman and Azam (1982), Smith and Azam (1992) and Kirchman et al. (1985). Chlorophyll-a was extracted from biomass according to Jespersen and Christoffersen (1987). Chlorophyll-a and Phycocyanin relative fluorescences were also measured. Filamentous cyanobacterial counts were determined after being stained with DAPI (4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole) and counted using epifluorescence microscopy according to Andersen and Throndsen (1995). Picocyanobacterial and heterotrophic bacterial counts were determined according to Gasol and Del Giorgio (2000). Aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria were determined using epifluorescence microscopy with infrared emission method (Piwosz et al. 2022). Picoeukaryotes counts were determined via flow cytometry. Counts of adults, nauplii and egg sacks of Copepoda, Amphibalanus sp. and larvae, Evadne sp., Podon sp., Bosmina sp., Synchaeta sp. and Keratella quadrata were manually identified via images created using a flatbed scanner.
AQUACOSM; Baltic Sea; Field experiment; inorganic nutrients; mesocosm study; plankton community
Supplement to:
Vanharanta, Mari; Santoro, Mariano; Villena-Alemany, Cristian; Piiparinen, Jonna; Piwosz, Kasia; Grossart, Hans-Peter; Labrenz, Matthias; Spilling, Kristian (2024): Microbial remineralization processes during postspring-bloom with excess phosphate available in the northern Baltic Sea. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 100(8), fiae103,
Vanharanta, Mari; Santoro, Mariano; Villena-Alemany, Cristian; Piiparinen, Jonna; Piwosz, Kasia; Grossart, Hans-Peter; Labrenz, Matthias; Spilling, Kristian (in review): Microbial remineralization processes during post-spring-bloom excess phosphate in the northern Baltic Sea. bioRxiv,
Andersen, Per; Throndsen, Jahn (2004): Estimating cell numbers. In: Hallegraeff, K, Anderson, DM, Cembella, AD (eds.) Manual on harmful marine microalgae. Monographs on oceanographic methodology no. 11, UNESCO, Paris, 99-129,
Baltar, Federico; Legrand, Catherine; Pinhassi, Jarone (2016): Cell-free extracellular enzymatic activity is linked to seasonal temperature changes: a case study in the Baltic Sea. Biogeosciences, 13(9), 2815-2821,
Fuhrman, J A; Azam, Farooq (1982): Thymidine incorporation as a measure of heterotrophic bacterioplankton production in marine surface waters: Evaluation and field results. Marine Biology, 66, 109-120,
Gasol, Josep M; Del Giorgio, Paul A (2000): Using flow cytometry for counting natural planktonic bacteria and understanding the structure of planktonic bacterial communities. Scientia Marina, 64(2), 197-224,
Grasshoff, Klaus; Kremling, Klaus; Ehrhardt, M (2009): Methods of Seawater Analysis, 3rd Completely Revised and Enlarged Edition. 632 pp
Jespersen, A-M; Christoffersen, Kirsten Seestern (1987): Measurements of chlorophyll-a from phytoplankton using ethanol as extraction solvent. Archiv für Hydrobiologie, 109(3), 445-454,
Kirchman, David L; K'nees, E; Hodson, Robert E (1985): Leucine incorporation and its potential as a measure of protein synthesis by bacteria in natural aquatic systems. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 49(3), 599-607,
Koistinen, Jaana; Sjöblom, Mervi; Spilling, Kristian (2017): Determining Inorganic and Organic Phosphorus. In: Spilling, K (eds.), Biofuels from Algae, Methods in Molecular Biology, 1980, Springer New York, New York, NY, 87-94,
Piwosz, Kasia; Villena-Alemany, Cristian; Mujakić, Izabela (2022): Photoheterotrophy by aerobic anoxygenic bacteria modulates carbon fluxes in a freshwater lake. The ISME Journal, 16(4), 1046-1054,
Smith, David Charles; Azam, Farooq (1992): A simple, economical method for measuring bacterial protein synthesis rates in seawater using 3H-leucine. Marine Microbial Food Webs, 6(2), 107-114
Solórzano, Lucia; Sharp, Jonathan H (1980): Determination of total dissolved phosphorus and particulate phosphorus in natural waters¹. Limnology and Oceanography, 25(4), 754-758,
Horizon 2020 (H2020), grant/award no. 731065: Network of Leading European AQUAtic MesoCOSM Facilities Connecting Mountains to Oceans from the Arctic to the Mediterranean
Latitude: 59.843611 * Longitude: 23.251667
Date/Time Start: 2021-06-07T08:30:00 * Date/Time End: 2021-06-23T08:30:00
Minimum DEPTH, water, experiment: 1.5 m * Maximum DEPTH, water, experiment: 1.5 m
Tvärminne_mesocosm * Latitude: 59.843611 * Longitude: 23.251667 * Date/Time Start: 2021-06-07T08:30:00 * Date/Time End: 2021-06-23T08:30:00 * Elevation: 0.0 m * Location: Tvärminne Zoological Station, Finnland * Method/Device: Mesocosm experiment (MESO)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEventSpilling, Kristian
2Latitude of eventLatitudeSpilling, Kristian
3Longitude of eventLongitudeSpilling, Kristian
4Type of studyStudy typeSpilling, Kristian
5DATE/TIMEDate/TimeSpilling, KristianGeocode
6Day of experimentDOEdaySpilling, Kristian
7Mesocosm labelMeso labelSpilling, Kristian
8Experimental treatmentExp treatSpilling, Kristian
9DEPTH, water, experimentDepth water expmSpilling, KristianLIMNOS water sampler (LIMNOSWS)Geocode
10Temperature, waterTemp°CSpilling, KristianOptical dissolved oxygen, conductivity, temperature probe, YSI , ProSolo ODO/CTIn situ measurement
11Oxygen, dissolvedDOmg/lSpilling, KristianDissolved oxygen data logger, HOBO, U26-001In situ measurement
12SalinitySalSpilling, KristianDissolved oxygen data logger, HOBO, U26-001In situ measurement
13Ammonium[NH4]+µmol/lSpilling, KristianSpectrophotometer, Hitachi, U-1100
14Nitrite[NO2]-µmol/lSpilling, KristianAutoanalyser (Thermo Scientific Aquakem 250)
15Nitrate[NO3]-µmol/lSpilling, KristianAutoanalyser (Thermo Scientific Aquakem 250)
16Phosphate[PO4]3-µmol/lSpilling, KristianAutoanalyser (Thermo Scientific Aquakem 250)
17SilicateSi(OH)4mmol/lSpilling, KristianAutoanalyser (Thermo Scientific Aquakem 250)Dissolved silicate
18Carbon, organic, dissolvedDOCmg/lSpilling, KristianTotal organic carbon analyzer (TOC-VCPH), Shimadzu
19Nitrogen, organic, dissolvedDONµmol/lSpilling, KristianCalculated as difference between total dissolved nitrogen and dissolved inorganic nitrogen
20Phosphorus, organic, dissolvedDOPµmol/lSpilling, KristianCalculated as difference between total dissolved phosphorus and inorganic phosphorus
21Carbon, organic, particulatePOCµmol/lSpilling, KristianCHN elemental analyzer; coupled with Mass spectrometer, Europa Scientific ANCA-MS 20-20 15N/13C
22Nitrogen, organic, particulatePONµmol/lSpilling, KristianCHN elemental analyzer; coupled with Mass spectrometer, Europa Scientific ANCA-MS 20-20 15N/13C
23Phosphorus, organic, particulatePOPµmol/lSpilling, KristianDetermined according to Solórzano and Sharp (1980) modified by Koistinen et al. (2017)
24Alkaline phosphatase activityALKP Anmol/l/hSpilling, KristianFluorescence Spectrometer, Agilent Technologies, Cary EclipseCell free activity
25Alkaline phosphatase activityALKP Anmol/l/hSpilling, KristianFluorescence Spectrometer, Agilent Technologies, Cary EclipseOf free living bacteria
26Alkaline phosphatase activityALKP Anmol/l/hSpilling, KristianFluorescence Spectrometer, Agilent Technologies, Cary EclipseOf particle attached bacteria
27Leucine aminopeptidase activityLeu aminopepnmol/l/hSpilling, KristianFluorescence Spectrometer, Agilent Technologies, Cary EclipseCell free activity
28Leucine aminopeptidase activityLeu aminopepnmol/l/hSpilling, KristianFluorescence Spectrometer, Agilent Technologies, Cary EclipseOf free living bacteria
29Leucine aminopeptidase activityLeu aminopepnmol/l/hSpilling, KristianFluorescence Spectrometer, Agilent Technologies, Cary EclipseOf particle attached bacteria
30alpha-glucosidase activityMUF-aglunmol/l/hSpilling, KristianFluorescence Spectrometer, Agilent Technologies, Cary EclipseCell free activity
31alpha-glucosidase activityMUF-aglunmol/l/hSpilling, KristianFluorescence Spectrometer, Agilent Technologies, Cary EclipseOf free living bacteria
32alpha-glucosidase activityMUF-aglunmol/l/hSpilling, KristianFluorescence Spectrometer, Agilent Technologies, Cary EclipseOf particle attached bacteria
33beta-glucosidase activityMUF-bglunmol/l/hSpilling, KristianFluorescence Spectrometer, Agilent Technologies, Cary EclipseCell free activity
34beta-glucosidase activityMUF-bglunmol/l/hSpilling, KristianFluorescence Spectrometer, Agilent Technologies, Cary EclipseOf free living bacteria
35beta-glucosidase activityMUF-bglunmol/l/hSpilling, KristianFluorescence Spectrometer, Agilent Technologies, Cary EclipseOf particle attached bacteria
36Bacterial production of carbon, thymidine uptake rateBP dThd upt rateµmol/l/hSpilling, KristianLiquid scintillation counter, PerkinElmer, Wallac 1414 WinSpectralThymidine incorporation
37Bacterial production of carbon, leucine uptake rateBP Leu upt rateµmol/l/hSpilling, KristianLiquid scintillation counter, PerkinElmer, Wallac 1414 WinSpectralLeucine incorporation
38Chlorophyll a, totalTChl aµg/lSpilling, KristianSpectrophotometer, Varian Cary Eclipse, Agilent Technologies Inc., Santa Clara, CA, USAExtracted
39Chlorophyll aChl aRFUSpilling, KristianFluorometer (hand-held), Photon Systems Instruments, AquaPen handheld (PSI AquaPen)Fluorescence [relative fluorescence units]
40PhycocyaninPhycocRFUSpilling, KristianFluorometer (hand-held), Photon Systems Instruments, AquaPen handheld (PSI AquaPen)Fluorescence [relative fluorescence units]
41Aphanizomenon sp.Aphanizomenon sp.#/lSpilling, KristianMicroscope, Carl Zeiss, Axioskop 2 plus; coupled with fluorescence lamp, Carl Zeiss, HBO100No. of filaments
42Anabaena/Pseudoanabaena sp.Anabaena/Pseudoanabaena sp.#/lSpilling, KristianMicroscope, Carl Zeiss, Axioskop 2 plus; coupled with fluorescence lamp, Carl Zeiss, HBO100No. of filaments
43Limnothrix/Planktothrix sp.Limnothrix/Planktothrix sp.#/lSpilling, KristianMicroscope, Carl Zeiss, Axioskop 2 plus; coupled with fluorescence lamp, Carl Zeiss, HBO100No. of filaments
44Bacteria, heterotrophicHBA106 #/mlSpilling, KristianFlow Cytometer, BD Biosciences, LSR IINo. of cells
45PicocyanobacteriaPicocyanobacteria#/mlSpilling, KristianFlow Cytometer, BD Biosciences, LSR IINo. of cells
46Bacteria, aerobic, anoxygenic, phototrophicAAPB#/mlSpilling, KristianMicroscope, Carl Zeiss, Axio Imager.D2; coupled with Collibri LED module illumination system, Carl ZeissNo. of cells
47Nanoflagellates, heterotrophicHNF#/mlSpilling, KristianStereo Microscope, Leica, M125; coupled with integrated camera and fluorescence capabilityNo. of cells
48Nanoflagellates, phototrophicPNF#/mlSpilling, KristianStereo Microscope, Leica, M125; coupled with integrated camera and fluorescence capabilityNo. of cells
49PicoeukaryotesPEuk#/mlSpilling, KristianFlow cytometer, Sysmex Partec, CyFlow Cube 8; coupled with two lasers 126, two scattering (forward and side) and three fluorescence detectorsNo. of cells
50Copepoda, adultCopepoda ad#/lSpilling, KristianCounting, visualImages created using a flatbed scanner
51Copepoda, naupliiCopepoda naup#/lSpilling, KristianCounting, visualImages created using a flatbed scanner
52Copepoda, egg sacCopepoda egg sac#/lSpilling, KristianCounting, visualImages created using a flatbed scanner
53AmphibalanusAmphibalanus#/lSpilling, KristianCounting, visualImages created using a flatbed scanner
54Amphibalanus, larvaeAmphibalanus larv#/lSpilling, KristianCounting, visualImages created using a flatbed scanner
55Evadne sp.Evadne sp.#/lSpilling, KristianCounting, visualImages created using a flatbed scanner
56Podon sp.Podon sp.#/lSpilling, KristianCounting, visualImages created using a flatbed scanner
57Bosmina sp.Bosmina sp.#/lSpilling, KristianCounting, visualImages created using a flatbed scanner
58BivalviaBivalvia#/lSpilling, KristianCounting, visualImages created using a flatbed scanner
59Synchaeta sp.Synchaeta sp.#/lSpilling, KristianCounting, visualImages created using a flatbed scanner
60Keratella quadrataK. quadrata#/lSpilling, KristianCounting, visualImages created using a flatbed scanner
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Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
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