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Crovetto, Lucas; Venn, Alexander A; Sevilgen, Duygu; Tambutté, Sylvie; Tambutté, Eric: Measurements of the coelenteron pH in a reef coral, Stylophora pistillata, using microsensors, under light and dark conditions and in tissues with different dinoflagellate densities [dataset]. PANGAEA, (dataset in review)

pH measurements in the cœlenteron (pHcoel) of a reef coral, Stylophora pistillata, were performed using the microsensor technique. Seven samples grown in long-term coral culture facilities on glass slides at the Centre Scientifique de Monaco were used for this study. Measuremetns were made using motorised micromanipulator for precise movements of the microsensor on the order of micrometres. We first performed depth profiles in the polyps and in the coenosarc in tissue with a high dinoflagellate density, under light conditions to determine the variation of pHcoel. We then measured pHcoel of polyps and coenosarc at eight light intensities, from darkness to strong illumination, which allowed us to derive a pHcoel-irradiance curve and evaluate the role of photosynthesis in influencing pH in the coelenteron. Finally, we measured pHcoel in the coenosarc under light and dark conditions in two regions of interest characterised by visually different densities of dinoflagellates residing within the coral tissue: a high dinoflagellate density (HDD) tissue at the centre of the microcolonies and a low dinoflagellate density (LDD) tissue at the edge of microcolonies. For each sample, at least three replicate measurements were performed under all conditions.
calcification; coenosarc; Dinoflagellate; Laboratory experiment; Photosynthesis; polyp
Supplement to:
Crovetto, Lucas; Venn, Alexander A; Sevilgen, Duygu; Tambutté, Sylvie; Tambutté, Eric (submitted): Spatial variability and effect of light on cœlenteron pH of a reef coral. Communications Biology
Stylophora pistillata is a species cultured for many years at the Centre Scientifique de Monaco. We use nubbins to make our experiments. Originally collected in the Red Sea 30 years ago. Samples are maintained in long-term coral culture facilities supplied with flowing seawater directly from the Mediterranean Sea (exchange rate 170% h-1), at a salinity of 38, temperature of 25°C, under an irradiance of 175 µmol photons m-2 s-1 (provided by a BLV HQI Light Bulb Nepturion, 150W) on a 12h: 12h photoperiod.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Type of studyStudy typeCrovetto, Lucas
2Date/time start, experimentDate/time start expCrovetto, Lucas
3Date/time end, experimentDate/time end expCrovetto, Lucas
4FigureFigCrovetto, Lucasrefers to the figures in the manuscript
5Treatment: light intensityT:Ioµmol/m2/sCrovetto, LucasLight bulb, Nepturion, BLV HQI 150Wphotons
6Depth in coral tissueDepth cor tisµmCrovetto, Lucas
7Temperature, waterTemp°CCrovetto, LucasThermometer, Ponsel
8SalinitySalCrovetto, LucasPortable 2-channel multimeter, Hach, HQ40D
9pHpHCrovetto, LucaspH sensor, Mettler Toledo, InLab Pure Pro-ISM; mounted on Motorized micromanipulator, PyroScience, MUX2 [software Profix , PyroScience, version 4.51; Macroscope, Leica Microsystems, Z16 APO]seawater
10pH, standard deviationpH std dev±Crovetto, LucaspH sensor, Mettler Toledo, InLab Pure Pro-ISM; mounted on Motorized micromanipulator, PyroScience, MUX2 [software Profix , PyroScience, version 4.51; Macroscope, Leica Microsystems, Z16 APO]seawater
11Stylophora pistillata, polyp, pHS. pistillata polyp pHCrovetto, LucaspH sensor, Mettler Toledo, InLab Pure Pro-ISM; mounted on Motorized micromanipulator, PyroScience, MUX2 [software Profix , PyroScience, version 4.51; Macroscope, Leica Microsystems, Z16 APO]
12Stylophora pistillata, polyp, pH, standard errorS. pistillata polyp pH std e±Crovetto, LucaspH sensor, Mettler Toledo, InLab Pure Pro-ISM; mounted on Motorized micromanipulator, PyroScience, MUX2 [software Profix , PyroScience, version 4.51; Macroscope, Leica Microsystems, Z16 APO]
13Stylophora pistillata, coenosarc, pHS. pistillata coenosarc pHCrovetto, LucaspH sensor, Mettler Toledo, InLab Pure Pro-ISM; mounted on Motorized micromanipulator, PyroScience, MUX2 [software Profix , PyroScience, version 4.51; Macroscope, Leica Microsystems, Z16 APO]
14Stylophora pistillata, coenosarc, pH, standard errorS. pistillata coenosarc pH std e±Crovetto, LucaspH sensor, Mettler Toledo, InLab Pure Pro-ISM; mounted on Motorized micromanipulator, PyroScience, MUX2 [software Profix , PyroScience, version 4.51; Macroscope, Leica Microsystems, Z16 APO]
15Stylophora pistillata, coelenteron in polyp, pHS. pistillata coel polyp pHCrovetto, LucaspH sensor, Mettler Toledo, InLab Pure Pro-ISM; mounted on Motorized micromanipulator, PyroScience, MUX2 [software Profix , PyroScience, version 4.51; Macroscope, Leica Microsystems, Z16 APO]
16Stylophora pistillata, coelenteron in polyp, pH, standard deviationS. pistillata coel polyp pH std dev±Crovetto, LucaspH sensor, Mettler Toledo, InLab Pure Pro-ISM; mounted on Motorized micromanipulator, PyroScience, MUX2 [software Profix , PyroScience, version 4.51; Macroscope, Leica Microsystems, Z16 APO]
17Stylophora pistillata, coelenteron in coenosarc, pHS. pistillata cœl coenosarc pHCrovetto, LucaspH sensor, Mettler Toledo, InLab Pure Pro-ISM; mounted on Motorized micromanipulator, PyroScience, MUX2 [software Profix , PyroScience, version 4.51; Macroscope, Leica Microsystems, Z16 APO]
18Stylophora pistillata, coelenteron in coenosarc, pH, standard deviationS. pistillata cœl coenosarc pH std dev±Crovetto, LucaspH sensor, Mettler Toledo, InLab Pure Pro-ISM; mounted on Motorized micromanipulator, PyroScience, MUX2 [software Profix , PyroScience, version 4.51; Macroscope, Leica Microsystems, Z16 APO]
19Stylophora pistillata, coelenteron in coenosarc in high dinoflagellate density tissues, pHS. pistillata cœl coenosarc HDD pHCrovetto, LucaspH sensor, Mettler Toledo, InLab Pure Pro-ISM; mounted on Motorized micromanipulator, PyroScience, MUX2 [software Profix , PyroScience, version 4.51; Macroscope, Leica Microsystems, Z16 APO]
20Stylophora pistillata, coelenteron in coenosarc in high dinoflagellate density tissues, pH, standard deviationS. pistillata coel coenosarc HDD pH std±Crovetto, LucaspH sensor, Mettler Toledo, InLab Pure Pro-ISM; mounted on Motorized micromanipulator, PyroScience, MUX2 [software Profix , PyroScience, version 4.51; Macroscope, Leica Microsystems, Z16 APO]
21Stylophora pistillata, coelenteron in coenosarc in low dinoflagellate density tissues, pHS. pistillata coel coenosarc LDD pHCrovetto, LucaspH sensor, Mettler Toledo, InLab Pure Pro-ISM; mounted on Motorized micromanipulator, PyroScience, MUX2 [software Profix , PyroScience, version 4.51; Macroscope, Leica Microsystems, Z16 APO]
22Stylophora pistillata, coelenteron in coenosarc in low dinoflagellate density tissues, pH, standard deviationS. pistillata coel coenosarc LDD pH std±Crovetto, LucaspH sensor, Mettler Toledo, InLab Pure Pro-ISM; mounted on Motorized micromanipulator, PyroScience, MUX2 [software Profix , PyroScience, version 4.51; Macroscope, Leica Microsystems, Z16 APO]
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0) (License comes into effect after moratorium ends)
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
439 data points

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