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Ebeling, Anna; Rust, Bettina; Zimmermann, Tristan; Pröfrock, Daniel: Trace metal distribution for water samples of ATAIR cruise AT261 [dataset]. PANGAEA, (dataset in review)

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Offshore wind energy is a steadily growing sector contributing to the worldwide energy production. The impact of these offshore constructions on the marine environment, however, remains unclear in many aspects. In fact, little is known about potential emissions from corrosion protection systems such as organic coatings or galvanic anodes composed of Al and Zn alloys, used to protect offshore structures. In order to assess potential chemical emissions from offshore wind farms and their impact on the marine environment water and sediment samples were taken in the surrounding and within different wind farms of the German Bight in April 2018 within the context of the Hereon-BSH project OffChEm. The water samples were taken in metal-free GO-FLO sampling bottles, filtered over <0.45 µm polycarbonate filters into pre-cleaned LDPE bottles and acidified with nitric acid. The filtrates were then measured for their (trace) metal concentrations with ICP-MS/MS coupled online to a seaFAST preconcentration and matrix removal system.
Related to:
Ebeling, Anna; Rust, Bettina; Kretzschmann, Lisett; Tewes, Simon; Herbst, Marcel; Kirchgeorg, Torben; Weinberg, Ingo; Pröfrock, Daniel (2022): Seawater and sediment data from offshore wind farms in the German Bight collected during the cruise AT261 [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA,
Ebeling, Anna; Zimmermann, Tristan; Klein, Ole; Irrgeher, Johanna; Pröfrock, Daniel (2022): Analysis of Seventeen Certified Water Reference Materials for Trace and Technology‐Critical Elements. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 46(2), 351-378,
Median Latitude: 54.179203 * Median Longitude: 7.150437 * South-bound Latitude: 53.978315 * West-bound Longitude: 6.402127 * North-bound Latitude: 54.549578 * East-bound Longitude: 7.769226
Date/Time Start: 2018-04-11T05:48:00 * Date/Time End: 2018-04-15T10:27:00
Minimum Elevation: -35.5 m * Maximum Elevation: -20.0 m
Atair261_2 (Station_2_TI7) * Latitude: 54.414862 * Longitude: 7.711306 * Date/Time: 2018-04-12T12:55:00 * Elevation: -23.5 m * Location: German Bight * Campaign: Atair261 (AT261) * Basis: Atair * Method/Device: Multiple investigations (MULT)
Atair261_3 (Station_3_MEWI1) * Latitude: 54.395018 * Longitude: 7.708857 * Date/Time: 2018-04-12T13:39:00 * Elevation: -23.5 m * Location: German Bight * Campaign: Atair261 (AT261) * Basis: Atair * Method/Device: Multiple investigations (MULT)
Atair261_4 (Station_4_MEWI3) * Latitude: 54.357376 * Longitude: 7.710200 * Date/Time: 2018-04-12T14:24:00 * Elevation: -22.5 m * Location: German Bight * Campaign: Atair261 (AT261) * Basis: Atair * Method/Device: Multiple investigations (MULT)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEventEbeling, Anna
2Sample IDSample IDEbeling, Anna
3Station labelStationEbeling, Anna
4DEPTH, waterDepth watermEbeling, AnnaGeocode
5LATITUDELatitudeEbeling, AnnaGeocode
6LONGITUDELongitudeEbeling, AnnaGeocode
7DATE/TIMEDate/TimeEbeling, AnnaGeocode
8ELEVATIONElevationm a.s.l.Ebeling, AnnaGeocode
9LanthanumLang/lEbeling, AnnaICP-MS, Elemental Scientific, seaFASTmeasured in water column, < 0.45 µm filtrate, limit of detection: 0.18 ng/l, limit of quantification: 0.48 ng/l
10Lanthanum, standard deviationLa std dev±Ebeling, Anna
11CeriumCeng/lEbeling, AnnaICP-MS, Elemental Scientific, seaFASTmeasured in water column, < 0.45 µm filtrate, limit of detection: 0.29 ng/l, limit of quantification: 0.76 ng/l
12Cerium, standard deviationCe std dev±Ebeling, Anna
13PraseodymiumPrng/lEbeling, AnnaICP-MS, Elemental Scientific, seaFASTmeasured in water column, < 0.45 µm filtrate, limit of detection: 0.038 ng/l, limit of quantification: 0.099 ng/l
14Praseodymium, standard deviationPr std dev±Ebeling, Anna
15NeodymiumNdng/lEbeling, AnnaICP-MS, Elemental Scientific, seaFASTmeasured in water column, < 0.45 µm filtrate, limit of detection: 0.15 ng/l, limit of quantification: 0.37 ng/l
16Neodymium, standard deviationNd std dev±Ebeling, Anna
17SamariumSmng/lEbeling, AnnaICP-MS, Elemental Scientific, seaFASTmeasured in water column, < 0.45 µm filtrate, limit of detection: 0.04 ng/l, limit of quantification: 0.11 ng/l
18Samarium, standard deviationSm std dev±Ebeling, Anna
19EuropiumEung/lEbeling, AnnaICP-MS, Elemental Scientific, seaFASTmeasured in water column, < 0.45 µm filtrate, limit of detection: 0.022 ng/l, limit of quantification: 0.072 ng/l
20Europium, standard deviationEu std dev±Ebeling, Anna
21GadoliniumGdng/lEbeling, AnnaICP-MS, Elemental Scientific, seaFASTmeasured in water column, < 0.45 µm filtrate, limit of detection: 0.08 ng/l, limit of quantification: 0.27 ng/l
22Gadolinium, standard deviationGd std dev±Ebeling, Anna
23TerbiumTbng/lEbeling, AnnaICP-MS, Elemental Scientific, seaFASTmeasured in water column, < 0.45 µm filtrate, limit of detection: 0.008 ng/l, limit of quantification: 0.022 ng/l
24Terbium, standard deviationTb std dev±Ebeling, Anna
25DysprosiumDyng/lEbeling, AnnaICP-MS, Elemental Scientific, seaFASTmeasured in water column, < 0.45 µm filtrate, limit of detection: 0.04 ng/l, limit of quantification: 0.11 ng/l
26Dysprosium, standard deviationDy std dev±Ebeling, Anna
27HolmiumHong/lEbeling, AnnaICP-MS, Elemental Scientific, seaFASTmeasured in water column, < 0.45 µm filtrate, limit of detection: 0.014 ng/l, limit of quantification: 0.038 ng/l
28Holmium, standard deviationHo std dev±Ebeling, Anna
29ErbiumErng/lEbeling, AnnaICP-MS, Elemental Scientific, seaFASTmeasured in water column, < 0.45 µm filtrate, limit of detection: 0.02 ng/l, limit of quantification: 0.04 ng/l
30Erbium, standard deviationEr std dev±Ebeling, Anna
31ThuliumTmng/lEbeling, AnnaICP-MS, Elemental Scientific, seaFASTmeasured in water column, < 0.45 µm filtrate, limit of detection: 0.013 ng/l, limit of quantification: 0.033 ng/l
32Thulium, standard deviationTm std dev±Ebeling, Anna
33YtterbiumYbng/lEbeling, AnnaICP-MS, Elemental Scientific, seaFASTmeasured in water column, < 0.45 µm filtrate, limit of detection: 0.04 ng/l, limit of quantification: 0.1 ng/l
34Ytterbium, standard deviationYb std dev±Ebeling, Anna
35LutetiumLung/lEbeling, AnnaICP-MS, Elemental Scientific, seaFASTmeasured in water column, < 0.45 µm filtrate, limit of detection: 0.012 ng/l, limit of quantification: 0.034 ng/l
36Lutetium, standard deviationLu std dev±Ebeling, Anna
37AluminiumAlng/lEbeling, AnnaICP-MS, Elemental Scientific, seaFASTmeasured in water column, < 0.45 µm filtrate, limit of detection: 10 ng/l, limit of quantification: 150 ng/l
38Aluminium, standard deviationAl std dev±Ebeling, Anna
39VanadiumVng/lEbeling, AnnaICP-MS, Elemental Scientific, seaFASTmeasured in water column, < 0.45 µm filtrate, limit of detection: 2.9 ng/l, limit of quantification: 5.8 ng/l
40Vanadium, standard deviationV std dev±Ebeling, Anna
41ManganeseMnng/lEbeling, AnnaICP-MS, Elemental Scientific, seaFASTmeasured in water column, < 0.45 µm filtrate, limit of detection: 26 ng/l, limit of quantification: 70 ng/l
42Manganese, standard deviationMn std dev±Ebeling, Anna
43IronFeng/lEbeling, AnnaICP-MS, Elemental Scientific, seaFASTmeasured in water column, < 0.45 µm filtrate, limit of detection: 120 ng/l, limit of quantification: 320 ng/l
44Iron, standard deviationFe std dev±Ebeling, Anna
45CobaltCong/lEbeling, AnnaICP-MS, Elemental Scientific, seaFASTmeasured in water column, < 0.45 µm filtrate, limit of detection: 1 ng/l, limit of quantification: 3.1 ng/l
46Cobalt, standard deviationCo std dev±Ebeling, Anna
47NickelNing/lEbeling, AnnaICP-MS, Elemental Scientific, seaFASTmeasured in water column, < 0.45 µm filtrate, limit of detection: 28 ng/l, limit of quantification: 80 ng/l
48Nickel, standard deviationNi std dev±Ebeling, Anna
49CopperCung/lEbeling, AnnaICP-MS, Elemental Scientific, seaFASTmeasured in water column, < 0.45 µm filtrate, limit of detection: 23 ng/l, limit of quantification: 60 ng/l
50Copper, standard deviationCu std dev±Ebeling, Anna
51ZincZnng/lEbeling, AnnaICP-MS, Elemental Scientific, seaFASTmeasured in water column, < 0.45 µm filtrate, limit of detection: 100 ng/l, limit of quantification: 250 ng/l
52Zinc, standard deviationZn std dev±Ebeling, Anna
53GalliumGang/lEbeling, AnnaICP-MS, Elemental Scientific, seaFASTmeasured in water column, < 0.45 µm filtrate, limit of detection: 5 ng/l, limit of quantification: 12 ng/l
54MolybdenumMong/lEbeling, AnnaICP-MS, Elemental Scientific, seaFASTmeasured in water column, < 0.45 µm filtrate, limit of detection: 4 ng/l, limit of quantification: 11 ng/l
55Molybdenum, standard deviationMo std dev±Ebeling, Anna
56CadmiumCdng/lEbeling, AnnaICP-MS, Elemental Scientific, seaFASTmeasured in water column, < 0.45 µm filtrate, limit of detection: 0.5 ng/l, limit of quantification: 1.7 ng/l
57Cadmium, standard deviationCd std dev±Ebeling, Anna
58IndiumInng/lEbeling, AnnaICP-MS, Elemental Scientific, seaFASTmeasured in water column, < 0.45 µm filtrate, limit of detection: 0.0069 ng/l, limit of quantification: 0.051 ng/l
59TinSnng/lEbeling, AnnaICP-MS, Elemental Scientific, seaFASTmeasured in water column, < 0.45 µm filtrate, limit of detection: 2.1 ng/l, limit of quantification: 4.6 ng/l
60Tin, standard deviationSn std dev±Ebeling, Anna
61LeadPbng/lEbeling, AnnaICP-MS, Elemental Scientific, seaFASTmeasured in water column, < 0.45 µm filtrate, limit of detection: 2 ng/l, limit of quantification: 4 ng/l
62Lead, standard deviationPb std dev±Ebeling, Anna
63UraniumUng/lEbeling, AnnaICP-MS, Elemental Scientific, seaFASTmeasured in water column, < 0.45 µm filtrate, limit of detection: 2 ng/l, limit of quantification: 5.2 ng/l
64Uranium, standard deviationU std dev±Ebeling, Anna
65Gadolinium anomalyGd/Gd*Ebeling, AnnaICP-MS, Elemental Scientific, seaFASTmeasured in water column, < 0.45 µm filtrate
66Gadolinium anomaly, uncertaintyGd/Gd* unc±Ebeling, Anna
67Gadolinium, anthropogenicGd anthrop%Ebeling, AnnaICP-MS, Elemental Scientific, seaFASTmeasured in water column, < 0.45 µm filtrate
68Gadolinium, anthropogenic, uncertaintyGd anthrop unc±Ebeling, Anna
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3221 data points

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