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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Ebeling, Anna; Rust, Bettina; Kretzschmann, Lisett; Tewes, Simon; Herbst, Marcel; Kirchgeorg, Torben; Weinberg, Ingo; Pröfrock, Daniel (2022): Seawater and sediment data from offshore wind farms in the German Bight collected during the cruise AT261 [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA,

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Offshore wind energy is a steadily growing sector contributing to the worldwide energy production. The impact of these offshore constructions on the marine environment, however, remains unclear in many aspects. In fact, little is known about potential emissions from corrosion protection systems such as organic coatings or galvanic anodes composed of Al and Zn alloys, used to protect offshore structures. In order to assess potential chemical emissions from offshore wind farms and their impact on the marine environment water and sediment samples were taken in the surrounding and within different wind farms of the German Bight in April 2018.
Median Latitude: 54.245321 * Median Longitude: 7.186896 * South-bound Latitude: 53.978315 * West-bound Longitude: 6.402127 * North-bound Latitude: 54.549578 * East-bound Longitude: 7.769226
Date/Time Start: 2018-04-11T05:48:00 * Date/Time End: 2018-04-15T10:27:00
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