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Bouat, Loic (2024): Uranium-Lead LA-ICPMS analysis of calcite samples from the Vendée coast [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,

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This data provide all details concerning LA-ICPMS U-Pb analyzis on calcites from the Vendée coast in France. The 3 calcites samples PP5, PN201 and ASN201 come from veins hosted in the sedimentary cover below the unconformity with the Armorican Massif below.
The LA-ICPMS U-Pb analyzis were proceed with the GeOHeLiS Platform from Université Rennes 1 (France) using WC1 standard as quality control.
calcite; dating; U-Pb dating
Supplement to:
Bouat, Loic (in review): Fluid flow and mineralization at basement-cover unconformities (Vendée coast, France): Structural and petrological approach constrained by U-Pb dating.
Median Latitude: 46.421306 * Median Longitude: -1.639435 * South-bound Latitude: 46.414719 * West-bound Longitude: -1.647895 * North-bound Latitude: 46.427717 * East-bound Longitude: -1.629926
4 datasets

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