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Döring, Michael (2022): Holocene temperature anomalies (0.07...11.5 kyr b2k) of Greenland Summit from firn model inversions of GISP2 δ15N, δ40Ar and δ15Nexcess data and GISP2 accumulation rates (0.02...35kyr b2k) [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA,

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Holocene temperature anomalies (0.07...11.5 kyr b2k) of Greenland Summit were reconstructed from firn model inversions of GISP2 d15N, d40Ar and d15Nexcess data. Three different accumulation rate datasets for the GISP2 site and two different firn densification and heat and gas diffusion models (Schwander et al., 1997; Goujon et al., 2003) were used for uncertainty estimation. The GISP2 accumulation data used (0.02...35 kyr b2k, original data from: Cuffey and Clow, 1997), based on the GICC05 chronology (Rasmussen et al., 2014; Seierstad et al., 2014), are published together with the temperature anomalies. The file contains the most robust temperature estimate (T(d15N)) together with modelled firn parameters (delta age, lock-in depth, firn temperature gradient), modelled isotopes (d15N, d40Ar and d15Nexcess) on gas and glacial scales for all isotopic inversions (d15N, d40Ar, d15Nexcess) together with the respective reconstructed temperature anomalies. All data are synchronised with the GICC05 chronology. For details see: Döring and Leuenberger, 2022. Comparison of Holocene temperature reconstructions based on GISP2 multiple-gas-isotope measurements. Quat. Sci. Rev.
Accumulation rate; argon isotope; GISP2; Greenland; Holocene; Ice core; nitrogen isotope; summit; temperature reconstruction
Supplement to:
Döring, Michael; Leuenberger, Markus Christian (2022): Comparison of Holocene temperature reconstructions based on GISP2 multiple-gas-isotope measurements. Quaternary Science Reviews, 280, 107274,
Related to:
Cuffey, Kurt M; Clow, Gary D (1997): Temperature, accumulation, and ice sheet elevation in central Greenland through the last deglacial transition. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 102(C12), 26383-26396,
Döring, Michael; Leuenberger, Markus Christian (2018): Novel automated inversion algorithm for temperature reconstruction using gas isotopes from ice cores. Climate of the Past, 14(6), 763-788,
Goujon, C; Barnola, Jean-Marc; Ritz, Catherine (2003): Modeling the densification of polar firn including heat diffusion: Application to close-off characteristics and gas isotopic fractionation for Antarctica and Greenland sites. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 108(D24), n/a-n/a,
Kobashi, Takuro; Severinghaus, Jeffrey P; Kawamura, Kenji (2008): Argon and nitrogen isotopes of trapped air in the GISP2 ice core during the Holocene epoch (0-11,500 B.P.): Methodology and implications for gas loss processes. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 72(19), 4675-4686,
Schwander, Jakob; Sowers, Todd A; Barnola, Jean-Marc; Blunier, Thomas; Malaizé, Bruno; Fuchs, A (1997): Age scale of the air in the summit ice: implication for glacial-interglacial temperature change. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 102(D16), 19483-19494,
Latitude: 72.970000 * Longitude: -38.800000
Date/Time Start: 1990-01-01T00:39:00 * Date/Time End: 1990-01-01T00:39:00
GISP2 * Latitude: 72.970000 * Longitude: -38.800000 * Date/Time: 1990-01-01T00:39:00 * Elevation: 3208.0 m * Recovery: 3053 m * Campaign: GISP * Basis: Sampling/drilling ice * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: GISP2 is a combination of the shallow B and the deeper D core; about 200 ka
21 datasets

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Datasets listed in this bundled publication

  1. Döring, M (2022): A: GISP2 temperature anomalies from δ15N fitting using Schwander et al. (1997) firn model and Goujon et al. (2003) firn model.
  2. Döring, M (2022): B: Modelled Isotopes and firn parameters using the Schwander et al. (1997) firn model with temperature (dataset A, column 2) and 200 km ice sheet margin retreat accumulation rate scenario (dataset Q, column 4) as inputs.
  3. Döring, M (2022): C: Modelled Isotopes and firn parameters using the Goujon et al. (2003) firn model with temperature (table A, column 4) and 200 km ice sheet margin retreat accumulation rate scenario (table Q, column 4) as inputs.
  4. Döring, M (2022): D: GISP2 temperature anomalies from δ15N fitting using Schwander et al. (1997) firn model and Goujon et al. (2003) firn model reconstructed using stabilized temperature from 70 to 1000 yr b2k.
  5. Döring, M (2022): E: Modelled Isotopes and firn parameters using the Schwander et al. (1997) firn model with temperature (dataset D, column 2) and 200 km ice sheet margin retreat accumulation rate scenario (dataset Q, column 4) as inputs.
  6. Döring, M (2022): F: Modelled Isotopes and firn parameters using the Goujon et al. (2003) firn model with temperature (dataset D, column 4) and 200 km ice sheet margin retreat accumulation rate scenario (dataset Q, column 4) as inputs.
  7. Döring, M (2022): G: GISP2 temperature anomalies from δ40Ar fitting using Schwander et al. (1997) firn model and Goujon et al. (2003) firn model reconstructed using stabilized temperature from 70 to 1000 yr b2k.
  8. Döring, M (2022): H: Modelled Isotopes and firn parameters using the Schwander et al. (1997) firn model with temperature (dataset G, column 2) and 200 km ice sheet margin retreat accumulation rate scenario (dataset Q, column 4) as inputs.
  9. Döring, M (2022): I: Modelled Isotopes and firn parameters using the Goujon et al. (2003) firn model with temperature (dataset G, column 4) and 200 km ice sheet margin retreat accumulation rate scenario (dataset Q, column 4) as inputs.
  10. Döring, M (2022): J: GISP2 temperature anomalies from δ15Nexcess fitting using Schwander et al. (1997) firn model and Goujon et al. (2003) firn model.
  11. Döring, M (2022): K: Modelled Isotopes and firn parameters using the Schwander et al. (1997) firn model with temperature (dataset J, column 2) and 200 km ice sheet margin retreat accumulation rate scenario (dataset Q, column 4) as inputs.
  12. Döring, M (2022): L: Modelled Isotopes and firn parameters using the Schwander et al. (1997) firn model with temperature from (dataset J, column 4) as input and 200 km ice sheet margin retreat accumulation rate scenario (dataset Q, column 4) as inputs.
  13. Döring, M (2022): M: Modelled Isotopes and firn parameters using the Goujon et al. (2003) firn model with temperature (dataset J, column 6) and 200 km ice sheet margin retreat accumulation rate scenario (dataset Q, column 4) as inputs.
  14. Döring, M (2022): N: GISP2 temperature anomalies from hybrid approach using Schwander et al. (1997) firn model and Goujon et al. (2003) firn model.
  15. Döring, M (2022): O: Modelled Isotopes and firn parameters using the Schwander et al. (1997) firn model with temperature (dataset N, column 2) and 200 km ice sheet margin retreat accumulation rate scenario (dataset Q, column 4) as inputs.
  16. Döring, M (2022): P: Modelled Isotopes and firn parameters using the Goujon et al. (2003) firn model with temperature (dataset N, column 4) and 200 km ice sheet margin retreat accumulation rate scenario (dataset Q, column 4) as inputs.
  17. Döring, M (2022): Q: Original accumulation rates for GISP2 site (20 yr to 35000 yr b2k) from Cuffey and Clow (1997) adapted to GICC05 (Döring and Leuenberger 2018) for different ice sheet margin retreat scenarios (50 km, 100km, 200km).
  18. Döring, M (2022): R: Temperature anomalies from δ15N fitting using the Schwander et al. (1997) firn model with the three accumulation rate scenarios (dataset Q).
  19. Döring, M (2022): S: Modelled isotopes and firn parameters using the Schwander et al. (1997) firn model with temperature (dataset R, columns 2,5) and 50 km ice sheet margin retreat accumulation rate scenario (dataset Q, column 2) as inputs.
  20. Döring, M (2022): T: Modelled Isotopes and firn parameters using the Schwander et al. (1997) firn model with temperature (dataset R, columns 3,6) and 100 km ice sheet margin retreat accumulation rate scenario (dataset Q, column 3) as inputs.
  21. Döring, M (2022): U: Modelled Isotopes and firn parameters using the Schwander et al. (1997) firn model with temperature (dataset R, columns 4,7) and 200 km ice sheet margin retreat accumulation rate scenario (dataset Q, column 4) as inputs.