Drapeau, Hayley; Tank, Suzanne E; Cavaco, Maria; Serbu, Jessica A; St. Louis, V L; Bhatia, Maya P (2025): Organic carbon concentration, absorbance and fluorescent characteristics, and isotopic composition of river water sourced from four glacially-fed rivers in the Canadian Rocky Mountains (2019-2021) [dataset]. PANGAEA, https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.975984 (DOI registration in progress)
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Published: 2025-03-07
Climate change is accelerating the warming of mountain glacial systems, leading to increased water fluxes and the enhanced export of glacially-derived sediment and organic matter (OM). Glacial OM represents an aged yet potentially bioavailable carbon pool that differs in composition from OM found in non-glacially sourced waters. Despite its significance, the composition of riverine OM from glacial headwaters to downstream reaches remains poorly understood in the Canadian Rockies. This dataset presents dissolved OM composition data derived from UV-vis spectroscopy including five calculated spectroscopic parameters (a254, S275_295, BIX, HIX, FI) and model outputs from parallel factor analysis of excitation-emission spectra (C1, C2, C3, C4). This data is supplemented with dissolved and particulate organic carbon concentrations and isotopic characteristics, and water isotope data. Data were collected over three summers (2019-2021) before, during, and after glacial ice melt along stream transects spanning 0-100 km downstream of glacial termini on the eastern slopes of the Canadian Rocky Mountains. Samples were obtained from the Bow River, North Saskatchewan River, and Sunwapta-Athabasca River. Paired microbial samples are archived at the NCBI database, under accession number PRJNA995204.
Supplement to:
Drapeau, Hayley; Tank, Suzanne E; Cavaco, Maria; Serbu, Jessica A; St.Louis, Vincent; Bhatia, Maya P (in press): Shifts in organic matter character and microbial assemblages from glacial headwaters to downstream reaches in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. Biogeosciences
Drapeau, Hayley; Tank, Suzanne E; Cavaco, Maria; St.Louis, Vincent; Bhatia, Maya P; Serbu, Jessica A (preprint): Shifts in organic matter character and microbial community structure from glacial headwaters to downstream reaches in Canadian Rocky Mountain rivers. https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-2023-121
Alberta Conservation Association, grant/award no. 030‐00‐90‐140 / 1068: Impacts of glaciers on microbial biodiversity, food webs, and carbon cycling in Banff and Jasper National Parks
Government of Canada, grant/award no. 29000-RES0046243: From the Mountains to Our Tables: Freshwater Security in Three Canadian Eastern Rocky Mountain Watersheds
Median Latitude: 52.128699 * Median Longitude: -117.085982 * South-bound Latitude: 51.284950 * West-bound Longitude: -118.042556 * North-bound Latitude: 52.812056 * East-bound Longitude: -115.983500
Date/Time Start: 2019-05-14T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2021-09-16T00:00:00
Minimum Elevation: 1060.0 m * Maximum Elevation: 2063.0 m
AR1_R19-25 * Latitude: 52.594869 * Longitude: -117.805439 * Date/Time: 2019-07-15T00:00:00 * Elevation: 1240.0 m * Location: Rocky Mountains, Canada * Method/Device: Sampling river (RIVER)
Further funding information:
* Campus Alberta Innovates Program, Web: https://www.alberta.ca/campus-alberta-innovation-program, Award: Campus Alberta Innovates Program Chair funding to MPB and SET
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | Event label | Event | Tank, Suzanne E | |||
2 | Latitude of event | Latitude | Tank, Suzanne E | |||
3 | Longitude of event | Longitude | Tank, Suzanne E | |||
4 | Date/Time of event | Date/Time | Tank, Suzanne E | |||
5 | Site | Site | Tank, Suzanne E | |||
6 | Sample ID | Sample ID | Tank, Suzanne E | |||
7 | Season | Season | Tank, Suzanne E | Melt Season | ||
8 | Year of sampling | Year sampl | Tank, Suzanne E | |||
9 | Distance | Distance | km | Tank, Suzanne E | Distance from glacier termini | |
10 | Distance description | Dist descr | Tank, Suzanne E | |||
11 | River | River | Tank, Suzanne E | |||
12 | Carbon, organic, dissolved | DOC | mg/l | Tank, Suzanne E | Shimadzu TOC-L Total Organic Carbon Analyser series (Shimadzu TOC-L) | |
13 | Carbon, organic, particulate | POC | mg/l | Tank, Suzanne E | Element analyser CNS, vario EL Cube | |
14 | Δ14C, dissolved organic carbon | Δ14C DOC | ‰ | Tank, Suzanne E | see comment | following standard methods at the Andre E Lalonde AMS Laboratory (2019) and National Ocean Sciences AMS Facility (NOSAMS; 2020, 2021) |
15 | Δ14C, particulate organic carbon | Δ14C POC | ‰ | Tank, Suzanne E | see comment | following standard methods at the Andre E Lalonde AMS Laboratory (2019) and National Ocean Sciences AMS Facility (NOSAMS; 2020, 2021) |
16 | δ13C, dissolved organic carbon | δ13C DOC | ‰ PDB | Tank, Suzanne E | Total Organic Carbon Analyzers, Xylem, OI Analytical Aurora 1030W TOC Analyzer [SKU: 322110] coupled to a DELTA V Plus Advantage isotope ratio mass spectrometer | |
17 | Laboratory | Lab | Tank, Suzanne E | Analyzed at | ||
18 | δ13C, particulate organic carbon | δ13C POC | ‰ PDB | Tank, Suzanne E | see comment | Elementar vario EL cube elemental analyzer and DELTA V Plus Advantage isotope ratio mass spectrometer with ConFlo III interface |
19 | δ18O, water | δ18O H2O | ‰ SMOW | Tank, Suzanne E | see comment | Picarro L2130 isotope and gas concentration analyzer |
20 | Δδ Deuterium | ΔδD | ‰ | Tank, Suzanne E | see comment | Picarro L2130 isotope and gas concentration analyzer |
21 | Deuterium excess | d xs | ‰ | Tank, Suzanne E | Calculated according to Dansgaard (1964) | |
22 | Absorption coefficient, 254 nm | ac254 | 1/m | Tank, Suzanne E | Water Treatment Plant Analyzer, HORIBA Scientific, Aqualog | |
23 | Spectral slope of colored dissolved organic matter absorption, 275-295 nm | S275-295 | 1/nm | Tank, Suzanne E | Calculated according to Helms et al. (2008) | |
24 | Biological index | BIX | Tank, Suzanne E | Calculated according to Huguet et al. (2009) | ||
25 | Humification index | HIX | Tank, Suzanne E | Calculated according to Huguet et al. (2009) | ||
26 | Fluorescence index | FI | Tank, Suzanne E | Calculated according to McKnight et al. (2001) | ||
27 | Fluorescence intensity, parallel factor analysis component 1 | Fluorescence intens PARAFAC C1 | RU | Tank, Suzanne E | Parallel factor fluorescence spectroscopy (PARAFAC) according to Murphy et al. (2013) | As proportion of total peak fluorescence |
28 | Fluorescence intensity, parallel factor analysis component 2 | Fluorescence intens PARAFAC C2 | RU | Tank, Suzanne E | Parallel factor fluorescence spectroscopy (PARAFAC) according to Murphy et al. (2013) | As proportion of total peak fluorescence |
29 | Fluorescence intensity, parallel factor analysis component 3 | Fluorescence intens PARAFAC C3 | RU | Tank, Suzanne E | Parallel factor fluorescence spectroscopy (PARAFAC) according to Murphy et al. (2013) | As proportion of total peak fluorescence |
30 | Fluorescence intensity, parallel factor analysis component 4 | Fluorescence intens PARAFAC C4 | RU | Tank, Suzanne E | Parallel factor fluorescence spectroscopy (PARAFAC) according to Murphy et al. (2013) | As proportion of total peak fluorescence |
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