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Gassen, Lisa; Ayim, Samuel M; Bibi, Riaz; Cortés, Edgar; Holthusen, Lina Aleke; Jaeger, Leonie; Lehners, Carola; Ribas-Ribas, Mariana; Wurl, Oliver: High-Resolution Measurements of Essential Climate Variables in the Harbor of Bremerhaven from the Autonomous Surface Vehicle HALOBATES during RV Heincke Cruise HE614 [dataset]. PANGAEA, (dataset in review)

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The autonomous surface vehicle HALOBATES measured Essential Climate Variables (ECV), such as sea surface temperature (SST) and salinity (SSS), during the RV Heincke cruise HE614 in the harbor of Bremerhaven. HALOBATES captured the SST and SSS at six depths with a high vertical resolution of about 10 cm, from the near-surface layer (NSL) (between 30 and 100 cm) and the sea surface microlayer (SML) (upper millimeter). Conductivity, temperature, and depth (CTD) sensors measured temperature and conductivity (for salinity calculation) via a flow-through system on HALOBATES. Additional temperature sensors were mounted underneath the catamaran to measure in-situ temperature at six depths in the NSL. Salinity was corrected with discrete water samples to remove biases between the sensors. Two data loggers with several meteorological stations on the catamaran captured important weather variables during operation time. HALOBATES was operated on 14 and 15 March 2023.
autonomous surface vehicle; essential climate variables; near sea surface; North Sea; sea surface microlayer; skin layer
Median Latitude: 53.524936 * Median Longitude: 8.579250 * South-bound Latitude: 53.523000 * West-bound Longitude: 8.576700 * North-bound Latitude: 53.528500 * East-bound Longitude: 8.581300
Date/Time Start: 2023-03-14T07:26:00 * Date/Time End: 2023-03-15T11:59:50
HE614_22-1 * Latitude Start: 53.523010 * Longitude Start: 8.580611 * Latitude End: 53.523005 * Longitude End: 8.580611 * Date/Time Start: 2023-03-14T07:12:30 * Date/Time End: 2023-03-14T09:37:36 * Location: North Sea * Campaign: HE614 (SCANS) * Basis: Heincke * Method/Device: CATAMARAN (CATM)
HE614_23-2 * Latitude Start: 53.523009 * Longitude Start: 8.580612 * Latitude End: 53.523008 * Longitude End: 8.580608 * Date/Time Start: 2023-03-15T07:44:45 * Date/Time End: 2023-03-15T12:44:09 * Location: North Sea * Campaign: HE614 (SCANS) * Basis: Heincke * Method/Device: CATAMARAN (CATM)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEventGassen, Lisa
2DATE/TIMEDate/TimeGassen, LisaGeocode
3LATITUDELatitudeGassen, LisaGeocode
4LONGITUDELongitudeGassen, LisaGeocode
5Pressure, atmosphericPPPPhPaGassen, LisaCampbell datalogger
6Humidity, relativeRH%Gassen, LisaCampbell datalogger
7Temperature, airTTT°CGassen, LisaCampbell datalogger
8Dew/frost pointTdTdTd°CGassen, LisaCampbell datalogger
9Wind speedffm/sAyim, Samuel MCampbell datalogger
10Wind speedffm/sGassen, LisaTrue Wind Speed from Campbell datalogger scaled to 10 meters
11Wind direction, trueWindDirTrudegGassen, LisaCampbell datalogger
12Ultraviolet-a globalUV-a globalW/m2Gassen, LisaCampbell datalogger
13Temperature, technicalT tech°CAyim, Samuel MCampbell dataloggerpanel temperature
14Temperature, waterTemp°CAyim, Samuel MCTD, Idronaut, Ocean Seven 310at the SML (depth = 0)
15ConductivityCondmS/cmAyim, Samuel MCTD, Idronaut, Ocean Seven 310at the SML (depth = 0)
16SalinitySalAyim, Samuel MCTD, Idronaut, Ocean Seven 310at the SML (depth = 0)
17Salinity, absoluteASALg/kgAyim, Samuel MCTD, Idronaut, Ocean Seven 310at the SML (depth = 0)
18Temperature, waterTemp°CAyim, Samuel MCTD, Idronaut, Ocean Seven 310at 30 cm depth
19ConductivityCondmS/cmAyim, Samuel MCTD, Idronaut, Ocean Seven 310at 30 cm depth
20SalinitySalAyim, Samuel MCTD, Idronaut, Ocean Seven 310at 30 cm depth
21Salinity, absoluteASALg/kgAyim, Samuel MCTD, Idronaut, Ocean Seven 310at 30 cm depth
22Temperature, waterTemp°CAyim, Samuel MCTD, Idronaut, Ocean Seven 310at 40 cm depth
23ConductivityCondmS/cmAyim, Samuel MCTD, Idronaut, Ocean Seven 310at 40 cm depth
24SalinitySalAyim, Samuel MCTD, Idronaut, Ocean Seven 310at 40 cm depth
25Salinity, absoluteASALg/kgAyim, Samuel MCTD, Idronaut, Ocean Seven 310at 40 cm depth
26Temperature, waterTemp°CAyim, Samuel MCTD, Idronaut, Ocean Seven 310at 60 cm depth
27ConductivityCondmS/cmAyim, Samuel MCTD, Idronaut, Ocean Seven 310at 60 cm depth
28SalinitySalAyim, Samuel MCTD, Idronaut, Ocean Seven 310at 60 cm depth
29Salinity, absoluteASALg/kgAyim, Samuel MCTD, Idronaut, Ocean Seven 310at 60 cm depth
30Temperature, waterTemp°CAyim, Samuel MCTD, Idronaut, Ocean Seven 310at 85 cm depth
31ConductivityCondmS/cmAyim, Samuel MCTD, Idronaut, Ocean Seven 310at 85 cm depth
32SalinitySalAyim, Samuel MCTD, Idronaut, Ocean Seven 310at 85 cm depth
33Salinity, absoluteASALg/kgAyim, Samuel MCTD, Idronaut, Ocean Seven 310at 85 cm depth
34Temperature, waterTemp°CAyim, Samuel MCTD, Idronaut, Ocean Seven 310at 100 cm depth
35ConductivityCondmS/cmAyim, Samuel MCTD, Idronaut, Ocean Seven 310at 100 cm depth
36SalinitySalAyim, Samuel MCTD, Idronaut, Ocean Seven 310at 100 cm depth
37Salinity, absoluteASALg/kgAyim, Samuel MCTD, Idronaut, Ocean Seven 310at 100 cm depth
38Short-wave downward (GLOBAL) radiationSWDW/m2Jaeger, LeoniePyranometer, Hukseflux, SR20-D2300-3000 nm spectral range, sensors mounted on the ship
39Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Jaeger, LeoniePyranometer, Hukseflux, SR20-D2300-3000 nm spectral range, sensors mounted on the ship
40Short-wave net radiationSW netW/m2Jaeger, LeonieCalculated
41Long-wave downward radiationLWDW/m2Jaeger, LeoniePyrgeometer, Hukseflux, IR204500-42000 nm spectral range, sensors mounted on the ship
42Long-wave upward radiationLWUW/m2Jaeger, LeoniePyrgeometer, Hukseflux, IR204500-42000 nm spectral range, sensors mounted on the ship
43Long-wave net radiationLW netW/m2Jaeger, LeonieCalculated
44Net radiationNETW/m2Jaeger, LeonieCalculated
45Temperature, waterTemp°CGassen, LisaTemperature Sensor, RBR Solo³at 30 cm depth
46Temperature, waterTemp°CGassen, LisaTemperature Sensor, RBR Solo³at 40 cm depth
47Temperature, waterTemp°CGassen, LisaTemperature Sensor, RBR Solo³at 50 cm depth
48Temperature, waterTemp°CGassen, LisaTemperature Sensor, RBR Solo³at 60 cm depth
49Temperature, waterTemp°CGassen, LisaTemperature Sensor, RBR Solo³at 85 cm depth
50Temperature, waterTemp°CGassen, LisaT.D, RBR, RBRduet³at 100 cm depth
51Pressure, waterPressdbarGassen, LisaT.D, RBR, RBRduet³at 100 cm depth
52Short-wave downward (GLOBAL) radiation, minimumSWD minW/m2Gassen, LisaPyranometer, Kipp & Zonen, SMP6at a height of 200 cm above the sea surface
53Short-wave downward (GLOBAL) radiation, maximumSWD maxW/m2Gassen, LisaPyranometer, Kipp & Zonen, SMP6at a height of 200 cm above the sea surface
54Temperature, air, minimumTnTnTn°CGassen, LisaPyranometer, Kipp & Zonen, SMP6at a height of 200 cm above the sea surface
55Temperature, air, maximumTxTxTx°CGassen, LisaPyranometer, Kipp & Zonen, SMP6at a height of 200 cm above the sea surface
56Temperature, air, minimumTnTnTn°CGassen, LisaHygro-Thermo-Transmitter-compact, RS485, Thies Climasensor 2, at a height of 150 cm above the sea surface
57Temperature, air, maximumTxTxTx°CGassen, LisaHygro-Thermo-Transmitter-compact, RS485, Thies Climasensor 2, at a height of 150 cm above the sea surface
58Humidity, relative, minimumRH min%Gassen, LisaHygro-Thermo-Transmitter-compact, RS485, Thies Climasensor 2, at a height of 150 cm above the sea surface
59Humidity, relative, maximumRH max%Gassen, LisaHygro-Thermo-Transmitter-compact, RS485, Thies Climasensor 2, at a height of 150 cm above the sea surface
60Dew/frost point, minimumTdTdTd min°CGassen, LisaHygro-Thermo-Transmitter-compact, RS485, Thies Climasensor 2, at a height of 150 cm above the sea surface
61Dew/frost point maximumTdTdTd max°CGassen, LisaHygro-Thermo-Transmitter-compact, RS485, Thies Climasensor 2, at a height of 150 cm above the sea surface
62Temperature, air, minimumTnTnTn°CGassen, LisaHygro-Thermo-Transmitter-compact, RS485, Thies Climasensor 3, at a height of 50 cm above the sea surface
63Temperature, air, maximumTxTxTx°CGassen, LisaHygro-Thermo-Transmitter-compact, RS485, Thies Climasensor 3, at a height of 50 cm above the sea surface
64Temperature, air, minimumTnTnTn°CGassen, LisaHygro-Thermo-Transmitter-compact, RS485, Thies Climasensor 4, at a height of 100 cm above the sea surface
65Temperature, air, maximumTxTxTx°CGassen, LisaHygro-Thermo-Transmitter-compact, RS485, Thies Climasensor 4, at a height of 100 cm above the sea surface
66Humidity, relative, minimumRH min%Gassen, LisaHygro-Thermo-Transmitter-compact, RS485, Thies Climasensor 5, at a height of 200 cm above the sea surface
67Humidity, relative, maximumRH max%Gassen, LisaHygro-Thermo-Transmitter-compact, RS485, Thies Climasensor 5, at a height of 200 cm above the sea surface
68Dew/frost point, minimumTdTdTd min°CGassen, LisaHygro-Thermo-Transmitter-compact, RS485, Thies Climasensor 4, at a height of 100 cm above the sea surface
69Dew/frost point maximumTdTdTd max°CGassen, LisaHygro-Thermo-Transmitter-compact, RS485, Thies Climasensor 4, at a height of 100 cm above the sea surface
70Temperature, air, minimumTnTnTn°CGassen, LisaHygro-Thermo-Transmitter-compact, RS485, Thies Climasensor 5, at a height of 200 cm above the sea surface
71Temperature, air, maximumTxTxTx°CGassen, LisaHygro-Thermo-Transmitter-compact, RS485, Thies Climasensor 5, at a height of 200 cm above the sea surface
72Humidity, relative, minimumRH min%Gassen, LisaHygro-Thermo-Transmitter-compact, RS485, Thies Climasensor 4, at a height of 100 cm above the sea surface
73Humidity, relative, maximumRH max%Gassen, LisaHygro-Thermo-Transmitter-compact, RS485, Thies Climasensor 4, at a height of 100 cm above the sea surface
74Dew/frost point, minimumTdTdTd min°CGassen, LisaHygro-Thermo-Transmitter-compact, RS485, Thies Climasensor 5, at a height of 200 cm above the sea surface
75Dew/frost point maximumTdTdTd max°CGassen, LisaHygro-Thermo-Transmitter-compact, RS485, Thies Climasensor 5, at a height of 200 cm above the sea surface
76Wind speed, minimumff minm/sGassen, LisaWeather station, Thies Clima, Climate Sensor US (CUS)CUS, at a height of 200 cm above the sea surface
77Wind speed, maximumff maxm/sGassen, LisaWeather station, Thies Clima, Climate Sensor US (CUS)CUS, at a height of 200 cm above the sea surface
78Wind direction, minimumdd mindegGassen, LisaWeather station, Thies Clima, Climate Sensor US (CUS)CUS, at a height of 200 cm above the sea surface
79Wind direction, maximumdd maxdegGassen, LisaWeather station, Thies Clima, Climate Sensor US (CUS)CUS, at a height of 200 cm above the sea surface
80Temperature, air, minimumTnTnTn°CGassen, LisaWeather station, Thies Clima, Climate Sensor US (CUS)CUS, at a height of 200 cm above the sea surface
81Temperature, air, maximumTxTxTx°CGassen, LisaWeather station, Thies Clima, Climate Sensor US (CUS)CUS, at a height of 200 cm above the sea surface
82Humidity, relative, minimumRH min%Gassen, LisaWeather station, Thies Clima, Climate Sensor US (CUS)CUS, at a height of 200 cm above the sea surface
83Humidity, relative, maximumRH max%Gassen, LisaWeather station, Thies Clima, Climate Sensor US (CUS)CUS, at a height of 200 cm above the sea surface
84Pressure, atmospheric, minimumPPPP minhPaGassen, LisaWeather station, Thies Clima, Climate Sensor US (CUS)CUS, at a height of 200 cm above the sea surface
85Pressure, atmospheric, maximumPPPP maxhPaGassen, LisaWeather station, Thies Clima, Climate Sensor US (CUS)CUS, at a height of 200 cm above the sea surface
86Humidity, relative, minimumRH min%Gassen, LisaHygro-Thermo-Transmitter-compact, RS485, Thies Climasensor 3, at a height of 50 cm above the sea surface
87Humidity, relative, maximumRH max%Gassen, LisaHygro-Thermo-Transmitter-compact, RS485, Thies Climasensor 3, at a height of 50 cm above the sea surface
88Dew/frost point, minimumTdTdTd min°CGassen, LisaHygro-Thermo-Transmitter-compact, RS485, Thies Climasensor 3, at a height of 50 cm above the sea surface
89Dew/frost point maximumTdTdTd max°CGassen, LisaHygro-Thermo-Transmitter-compact, RS485, Thies Climasensor 3, at a height of 50 cm above the sea surface
90Short-wave downward (GLOBAL) radiationSWDW/m2Gassen, LisaPyranometer, Kipp & Zonen, SMP6at a height of 200 cm above the sea surface; spectral range of 285-2800 nm
91Temperature, technicalT tech°CGassen, LisaPyranometer, Kipp & Zonen, SMP6at a height of 200 cm above the sea surface
92Temperature, airTTT°CGassen, LisaHygro-Thermo-Transmitter-compact, RS485, Thies Climasensor 2, at a height of 150 cm above the sea surface, average
93Humidity, relativeRH%Gassen, LisaHygro-Thermo-Transmitter-compact, RS485, Thies Climasensor 2, at a height of 150 cm above the sea surface, average
94Dew/frost pointTdTdTd°CGassen, LisaHygro-Thermo-Transmitter-compact, RS485, Thies Climasensor 2, at a height of 150 cm above the sea surface, average
95Temperature, airTTT°CGassen, LisaHygro-Thermo-Transmitter-compact, RS485, Thies Climasensor 3, at a height of 50 cm above the sea surface, average
96Humidity, relativeRH%Gassen, LisaHygro-Thermo-Transmitter-compact, RS485, Thies Climasensor 3, at a height of 50 cm above the sea surface, average
97Dew/frost pointTdTdTd°CGassen, LisaHygro-Thermo-Transmitter-compact, RS485, Thies Climasensor 3, at a height of 50 cm above the sea surface, average
98Temperature, airTTT°CGassen, LisaHygro-Thermo-Transmitter-compact, RS485, Thies Climasensor 4, at a height of 100 cm above the sea surface, average
99Humidity, relativeRH%Gassen, LisaHygro-Thermo-Transmitter-compact, RS485, Thies Climasensor 4, at a height of 100 cm above the sea surface, average
100Dew/frost pointTdTdTd°CGassen, LisaHygro-Thermo-Transmitter-compact, RS485, Thies Climasensor 4, at a height of 100 cm above the sea surface, average
101Temperature, airTTT°CGassen, LisaHygro-Thermo-Transmitter-compact, RS485, Thies Climasensor 5, at a height of 200 cm above the sea surface, average
102Humidity, relativeRH%Gassen, LisaHygro-Thermo-Transmitter-compact, RS485, Thies Climasensor 5, at a height of 200 cm above the sea surface, average
103Dew/frost pointTdTdTd°CGassen, LisaHygro-Thermo-Transmitter-compact, RS485, Thies Climasensor 5, at a height of 200 cm above the sea surface, average
104Wind speedffm/sGassen, LisaWeather station, Thies Clima, Climate Sensor US (CUS)CUS, at a height of 200 cm above the sea surface, average
105Wind directiondddegGassen, LisaWeather station, Thies Clima, Climate Sensor US (CUS)CUS, at a height of 200 cm above the sea surface, average
106Temperature, airTTT°CGassen, LisaWeather station, Thies Clima, Climate Sensor US (CUS)CUS, at a height of 200 cm above the sea surface, average
107Humidity, relativeRH%Gassen, LisaWeather station, Thies Clima, Climate Sensor US (CUS)CUS, at a height of 200 cm above the sea surface, average
108Pressure, atmosphericPPPPhPaGassen, LisaWeather station, Thies Clima, Climate Sensor US (CUS)CUS, at a height of 200 cm above the sea surface, average
109PrecipitationPrecipmmGassen, LisaOptical Laser-based distrometer, Thies Clima, 5.4110.xx.x00mounted on the ship
110PrecipitationPrecipmm/hGassen, LisaOptical Laser-based distrometer, Thies Clima, 5.4110.xx.x00mounted on the ship
111Quality flagQFGassen, LisaCampbell_Air_Temperature
112Quality flagQFGassen, LisaCampbell_Panel_Temperature
113Quality flagQFGassen, LisaCampbell_Relative_Humidity
114Quality flagQFGassen, LisaCTD_Conductivity_100cm
115Quality flagQFGassen, LisaCTD_Temperature_100cm
116Quality flagQFGassen, LisaCTD_Conductivity_85cm
117Quality flagQFGassen, LisaCTD_Temperature_85cm
118Quality flagQFGassen, LisaCTD_Conductivity_SML
119Quality flagQFGassen, LisaCTD_Temperature_SML
120Quality flagQFGassen, LisaCTD_Conductivity_30cm
121Quality flagQFGassen, LisaCTD_Temperature_30cm
122Quality flagQFGassen, LisaCTD_Conductivity_40cm
123Quality flagQFGassen, LisaCTD_Temperature_40cm
124Quality flagQFGassen, LisaCTD_Conductivity_60cm
125Quality flagQFGassen, LisaCTD_Temperature_60cm
126Quality flagQFGassen, LisaRBR_Temperature_30cm
127Quality flagQFGassen, LisaRBR_Temperature_40cm
128Quality flagQFGassen, LisaRBR_Temperature_50cm
129Quality flagQFGassen, LisaRBR_Temperature_60cm
130Quality flagQFGassen, LisaRBR_Temperature_85cm
131Quality flagQFGassen, LisaRBR_Temperature_100cm
132Quality flagQFGassen, LisaThies_Temperature_SMP6_MIN
133Quality flagQFGassen, LisaThies_Temperature_SMP6_MAX
134Quality flagQFGassen, LisaThies_Temperature_2_MIN
135Quality flagQFGassen, LisaThies_Temperature_2_MAX
136Quality flagQFGassen, LisaThies_Temperature_3_MIN
137Quality flagQFGassen, LisaThies_Temperature_3_MAX
138Quality flagQFGassen, LisaThies_Temperature_4_MIN
139Quality flagQFGassen, LisaThies_Temperature_4_MAX
140Quality flagQFGassen, LisaThies_Temperature_5_MIN
141Quality flagQFGassen, LisaThies_Temperature_5_MAX
142Quality flagQFGassen, LisaThies_Temperature_CUS_MIN
143Quality flagQFGassen, LisaThies_Temperature_CUS_MAX
144Quality flagQFGassen, LisaThies_Relative_Humidity_2_MIN
145Quality flagQFGassen, LisaThies_Relative_Humidity_2_MAX
146Quality flagQFGassen, LisaThies_Relative_Humidity_4_MIN
147Quality flagQFGassen, LisaThies_Relative_Humidity_4_MAX
148Quality flagQFGassen, LisaThies_Relative_Humidity_5_MIN
149Quality flagQFGassen, LisaThies_Relative_Humidity_5_MAX
150Quality flagQFGassen, LisaThies_Relative_Humidity_CUS_MIN
151Quality flagQFGassen, LisaThies_Relative_Humidity_CUS_MAX
152Quality flagQFGassen, LisaThies_Relative_Humidity_3_MIN
153Quality flagQFGassen, LisaThies_Relative_Humidity_3_MAX
154Quality flagQFGassen, LisaThies_Temperature_SMP6_AVG
155Quality flagQFGassen, LisaThies_Temperature_2_AVG
156Quality flagQFGassen, LisaThies_Temperature_3_AVG
157Quality flagQFGassen, LisaThies_Temperature_4_AVG
158Quality flagQFGassen, LisaThies_Temperature_5_AVG
159Quality flagQFGassen, LisaThies_Temperature_CUS_AVG
160Quality flagQFGassen, LisaThies_Relative_Humidity_2_AVG
161Quality flagQFGassen, LisaThies_Relative_Humidity_3_AVG
162Quality flagQFGassen, LisaThies_Relative_Humidity_4_AVG
163Quality flagQFGassen, LisaThies_Relative_Humidity_5_AVG
164Quality flagQFGassen, LisaThies_Relative_Humidity_CUS_AVG
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0) (License comes into effect after moratorium ends)
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
140023 data points

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