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Aguilera, Victor M; Barranco, Linda; Gorostiaga, Pablo: Zooplankton measurements in the Coquimbo upwelling system during the year 2023 [dataset]. PANGAEA, (dataset in review)

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A series of discrete zooplankton biomass measurements were obtained on a near-monthly basis in a subtropical upwelling area of the Humboldt Current System during the year 2023. The measurements were taken under different warm events associated with the ENSO dynamic. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of remote (ENSO) and upwelling forcing on the intraseasonal variability of zooplankton biomass.
chlorophyll-a; El Niño; Particulate organic carbon; Upwelling; Zooplankton
Supplement to:
Aguilera, Victor M (2024): Oceanographic and biological effects of ENSO warming events over the 2022-2023 period in the Humboldt Current System.
Related to:
Aguilera, Victor M; Barranco, Linda; Gorostiaga, Pablo: Biological conditions in the Coquimbo upwelling system during the year 2023 [dataset]. PANGAEA,
Aguilera, Victor M; Barranco, Linda; Gorostiaga, Pablo: Oceanographic conditions in the Coquimbo upwelling system during the year 2023 [dataset]. PANGAEA,
Latitude: -29.046220 * Longitude: -71.548830
Date/Time Start: 2023-02-11T07:15:00 * Date/Time End: 2023-12-01T10:20:00
Minimum DEPTH, water: 10 m * Maximum DEPTH, water: 80 m
CHÑ_Ap_2023 * Latitude: -29.046220 * Longitude: -71.548830 * Date/Time: 2023-04-03T08:51:00 * Elevation: -130.0 m * Location: Chañaral, Chile * Campaign: ECLIPSE (Chañaral) * Basis: Orca * Method/Device: CTD and Niskin bottle
CHÑ_Feb_2023 * Latitude: -29.046220 * Longitude: -71.548830 * Date/Time: 2023-02-11T07:15:00 * Elevation: -130.0 m * Location: Chañaral, Chile * Campaign: ECLIPSE (Chañaral) * Basis: Orca * Method/Device: CTD and Niskin bottle
CHÑ_Jul_2023 * Latitude: -29.046220 * Longitude: -71.548830 * Date/Time: 2023-07-29T07:18:00 * Elevation: -130.0 m * Location: Chañaral, Chile * Campaign: ECLIPSE (Chañaral) * Basis: Orca * Method/Device: CTD and Niskin bottle
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEventAguilera, Victor M
2Latitude of eventLatitudeAguilera, Victor M
3Longitude of eventLongitudeAguilera, Victor M
4Elevation of eventElevationmAguilera, Victor M
5Date/Time of eventDate/TimeAguilera, Victor M
6Depth, water, top/minimumDepth water topmAguilera, Victor M
7Depth, water, bottom/maximumDepth water botmAguilera, Victor M
8DEPTH, waterDepth watermAguilera, Victor MGeocode – Mean depth of sampling
9Zooplankton, biomass, dry massZoopl biom dmµg/lAguilera, Victor MFluorometer (FLU)
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0) (License comes into effect after moratorium ends)
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
189 data points

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