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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science
This dataset comprises sediment and pore water analyses from sediment cores taken in April 2022 close to Utqiagvik, Alaska. An undisturbed upland, one drained lake basin, two thermokarst lakes as well as a lagoon and a semi-closed lagoon were sampled during fieldwork. Sedimentological and hydrochemical analyses were conducted at the Permafrost Research Section (AWI Potsdam), radiocarbon dating at the Mini Carbon Dating System (MICADAS) laboratory (AWI Bremerhaven) and the isotope data has been generated in the ISOLAB Facility (AWI Potsdam).
Alaska; Permafrost; pore water; sediment; talik; thermokarst
Additional metadata:
SENSOR: Metadata for mass spectrometer Finnigan Delta-S mass spectrometer (DIFE) at current Version. Alfred Wegener Institut Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, hdl:10013/sensor.af148dea-fe65-4c87-9744-50dc4c81f7c9
SENSOR: Metadata for mass spectrometer ThermoFisher Scientific Delta-V-Advantage at current Version. Alfred Wegener Institut Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, hdl:10013/sensor.1df540c8-1409-43bf-a237-9af0cd871fca
Further details:
SENSOR: Metadata for laboratory ISOLAB Facility - Stable Isotope Laboratory Potsdam at current Version. Alfred Wegener Institut Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, hdl:10013/sensor.ddc92f54-4c63-492d-81c7-696260694001
National Science Foundation (NSF), grant/award no. 1806213: Collaborative Research: Causes and Consequences of Catastrophic Thermokarst Lake Drainage in an Evolving Arctic System
National Science Foundation (NSF), grant/award no. 2336164: Collaborative Research: Thaw Below Zero - How Warming Saline Permafrost Controls Key Arctic Landscape Processes
Median Latitude: 71.277458 * Median Longitude: -156.455924 * South-bound Latitude: 71.263200 * West-bound Longitude: -156.496990 * North-bound Latitude: 71.290080 * East-bound Longitude: -156.423550
Date/Time Start: 2022-04-19T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2022-04-22T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 1.5 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 225.0 m
AK-Land_2022_NorthSlope_BRW22_DLB_001 * Latitude: 71.277200 * Longitude: -156.443110 * Date/Time: 2022-04-22T00:00:00 * Recovery: 1.42 m * Campaign: AK-Land_2022_NorthSlope (Perma-X Lagoons Alaska 2022) * Basis: AWI Arctic Land Expedition * Method/Device: SIPRE corer (SIPREC) * Comment: SIPRE corer (7.5 cm diameter)
AK-Land_2022_NorthSlope_BRW22_EL_001 * Latitude: 71.290080 * Longitude: -156.472000 * Date/Time: 2022-04-21T00:00:00 * Recovery: 2.26 m * Location: Alaskan North Slope * Campaign: AK-Land_2022_NorthSlope (Perma-X Lagoons Alaska 2022) * Basis: AWI Arctic Land Expedition * Method/Device: Vibra-corer * Comment: Vibra corer (7.5 cm diameter)
AK-Land_2022_NorthSlope_BRW22_ETL_001 * Latitude: 71.275300 * Longitude: -156.464450 * Date/Time: 2022-04-20T00:00:00 * Recovery: 1.38 m * Location: Alaskan North Slope * Campaign: AK-Land_2022_NorthSlope (Perma-X Lagoons Alaska 2022) * Basis: AWI Arctic Land Expedition * Method/Device: Vibra-corer * Comment: Vibra corer (7.5 cm diameter)
F.S. and M.J. received funding from the German Federal Environmental Foundation (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt).
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEventSeemann, Fabian
2CoreCoreSeemann, Fabian
3LATITUDELatitudeSeemann, FabianGeocode
4LONGITUDELongitudeSeemann, FabianGeocode
5Area/localityAreaSeemann, Fabian
6DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmSeemann, FabianGeocode – mean sample depth
7Depth, sediment/rock, top/minimumDepth sed topmSeemann, Fabianlayer top
8Depth, sediment/rock, bottom/maximumDepth sed botmSeemann, Fabianlayer bottom
9Carbon, totalTC%Seemann, FabianCarbon Analyzer, Elementar, soli TOC cube
10Carbon, organic, totalTOC%Seemann, FabianCarbon Analyzer, Elementar, soli TOC cube
11Nitrogen, totalTN%Seemann, FabianNitrogen Analyzer, Elementar, rapid MAX N exceed
12Carbon/Nitrogen ratioC/NSeemann, Fabian
13Mercury, totalHg totng/gSeemann, FabianMercury analyser, MLS-MWS, DMA-80 evo IIITotal mercury; machine detection limit of 0.003 ng and laboratory proven limit of determination of 0.4 ng.
14δ13C, organic carbonδ13C Corg‰ PDBSeemann, FabianMass specrometer, ThermoFischer, Delta-VISOLAB Potsdam (see Additional metadata)
15Calendar age, meanCal age meanka BPSeemann, FabianAge, 14C AMS, Mini Carbon Dating System (MICADAS)
16Calendar age, minimum/youngCal age minka BPSeemann, FabianAge, 14C AMS, Mini Carbon Dating System (MICADAS)
17Calendar age, maximum/oldCal age maxka BPSeemann, FabianAge, 14C AMS, Mini Carbon Dating System (MICADAS)
18Grain size, meanGrain size meanµmSeemann, Fabian
19Size fraction < 0.002 mm, clay<2 µm%Seemann, FabianGrain size, Mastersizer 3000, Malvern Instrument Inc.
20Size fraction 0.063-0.002 mm, silt, mud63-2 µm%Seemann, FabianGrain size, Mastersizer 3000, Malvern Instrument Inc.
21Size fraction 2.000-0.063 mm, sand2000-63 µm%Seemann, FabianGrain size, Mastersizer 3000, Malvern Instrument Inc.
22Size fraction > 1 mm, gravel>1 mm%Seemann, FabianGrain size, Mastersizer 3000, Malvern Instrument Inc.
23Magnetic susceptibility, massSuscept/mass10-6 m3/kgSeemann, FabianBartington MS2B bulk sensor 4600 Hz4.65 kHz
24Magnetic susceptibility, massSuscept/mass10-6 m3/kgSeemann, FabianBartington MS2B bulk sensor 4600 Hz0.465 kHz
25Soil water contentSWC%Seemann, Fabian
26Carbon, organic, dissolvedDOCmg/lSeemann, FabianHigh temperature catalytic oxidation (Shimadzu TOC-VCPH)
27pHpHSeemann, FabianWTW MultiLab 540
28Conductivity, electricalCond electrµS/cmSeemann, FabianHandheld meter, WTW, Cond 340i
29δ Deuterium, waterδD H2O‰ SMOWSeemann, FabianMass spectrometer, Finnigan, Delta-SISOLAB AWI Potsdam (see Additional metadata)
30δ18O, waterδ18O H2O‰ SMOWSeemann, FabianMass spectrometer, Finnigan, Delta-SISOLAB AWI Potsdam (see Additional metadata)
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0) (License comes into effect after moratorium ends)
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
2472 data points

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