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Lyle, Mitchell W; Olivarez Lyle, Annette: Data to reconstruct biogenic sedimentary component time series from the Miocene Pacific to study the biological pump [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA, (dataset in review)

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We measured over 1,600 samples for POC and CaCO3, from 5 Sites of the Deep-Sea Drilling Project, Ocean Drilling Program, and Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (Sites 574, 884, 1208, U1337, and U1338) from the equatorial Pacific and North Pacific. Freeze-dried sediment samples were analyzed using coulometry and furnace methodologies presented in Lyle et al., (2000) which provide accurate POC values at very low levels. These data were analyzed from 2008 to 2012. We include XRF data for Sites 574, and interpreted XRF data for Sites U1337 and U1338. We have also included data reported for Sites 806 and 807 (Stax and Stein, 1993) from the western equatorial Pacific. We made a continuous sediment splice for Site 574 and created new age models for all drill sites to calculate mass accumulation rates to ~20 million years ago or to the base of the Neogene sediments at each drill site. Age models are also presented in the data sets.
Biological pump; Equatorial Pacific; Mass accumulation rates; Miocene; North Pacific; Organic carbon
Supplement to:
Lyle, Mitchell W; Olivarez Lyle, Annette (preprint): Variations in the Biological Pump through the Miocene: Evidence from organic carbon burial in Pacific Ocean sediments.
Lyle, Mitchell W; Mix, Alan C; Ravelo, Ana Christina; Andreasen, Dyke; Heusser, Linda E; Olivarez, Annette (2000): Millennial-scale CaCO3 and Corg events along the northern and central California margins: stratigraphy and origins. In: Lyle, M; Koizumi, I; Richter, C; Moore, TC Jr (eds.) Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 167, 1-20,
Stax, Rainer; Stein, Ruediger (1993): Long-term changes in the accumulation of organic carbon in Neogene sediments, Ontong Java Plateau. In: Berger, WH; Kroenke, LW; Mayer, LA; et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 130, 573-584,
National Science Foundation (NSF), grant/award no. OCE-1656960: Tracing Greenhouse to Icehouse Climate Evolution Along the Western North Atlantic Meridional and Paleodepth Transect
Median Latitude: 11.243294 * Median Longitude: -164.064880 * South-bound Latitude: 0.318500 * West-bound Longitude: 156.625000 * North-bound Latitude: 51.450400 * East-bound Longitude: -117.969372
Date/Time Start: 1982-04-11T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2001-09-17T13:30:00
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0) (License comes into effect after moratorium ends)
20 datasets

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Datasets listed in this bundled publication

  1. Lyle, MW; Olivarez Lyle, A (in review): Splice intervals of DSDP Site 85-574.
  2. Lyle, MW; Olivarez Lyle, A (in review): Disturbances in DSDP Site 85-574.
  3. Lyle, MW; Olivarez Lyle, A (in review): Corrected carbonate content and age model of DSDP Site 85-574.
  4. Lyle, MW; Olivarez Lyle, A (in review): Carbonate content and accumulation rates of DSDP Site 85-574.
  5. Lyle, MW; Olivarez Lyle, A (in review): XRF analysis of DSDP Hole 85-574A.
  6. Lyle, MW; Olivarez Lyle, A (in review): XRF analysis of DSDP Hole 85-574.
  7. Lyle, MW; Olivarez Lyle, A (in review): Age-Depth profile of ODP Hole 145-884B.
  8. Lyle, MW; Olivarez Lyle, A (in review): Carbonate content and accumulation rates of ODP Hole 145-884B.
  9. Lyle, MW; Olivarez Lyle, A (in review): Paleomagnetic chronostratigraphy of ODP Hole 198-1208A.
  10. Lyle, MW; Olivarez Lyle, A (in review): Carbonate content and accumulation rates of ODP Hole 198-1208A.
  11. Lyle, MW; Olivarez Lyle, A (in review): Age-Depth profile and accumulation rates of IODP Site 321-U1337.
  12. Lyle, MW; Olivarez Lyle, A (in review): Carbonate content and accumulation rates of IODP Site 321-U1337.
  13. Lyle, MW; Olivarez Lyle, A (in review): Organic carbon content and accumulation rates of IODP Site 321-U1338.
  14. Lyle, MW; Olivarez Lyle, A (in review): Age model and accumulation rates of IODP Site 321-U1338.
  15. Lyle, MW; Olivarez Lyle, A (in review): Stratigraphy of ODP Hole 130-806B.
  16. Lyle, MW; Olivarez Lyle, A (in review): Age model of ODP Hole 130-806B.
  17. Lyle, MW; Olivarez Lyle, A (in review): Carbonate content and accumulation rates of ODP Hole 130-806B.
  18. Lyle, MW; Olivarez Lyle, A (in review): Stratigraphy of ODP Hole 130-807A.
  19. Lyle, MW; Olivarez Lyle, A (in review): Age-Depth profile of ODP Hole 130-807A.
  20. Lyle, MW; Olivarez Lyle, A (in review): Carbonate content and accumulation rates of ODP Hole 130-807A.