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de Santana, Claudeilton Severino (2024): Mesozooplankton abundance under the Amazon River Plume influence measured during cruise Camadas Finas III [dataset]. PANGAEA, (DOI registration in progress)

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Zooplankton samples were collected in October 2012 aboard the Camadas Finas III cruise, using bongo nets with a 300 µm mesh size. The cruise followed the distribution of the Amazon River Plume across coastal and oceanic waters during the retroflection period of the North Brazil Current. For each sample, size fractions (>1 mm and <1 mm) were digitized using a ZooScan device (resolution: 2400 dpi) and analyzed using ZooProcess software. Images were counted, measurements were estimated, and data were organized into size bins. All living particles were subjected to quality control protocols established by The Pelagic Size Structure Database (PSSdb; A lower threshold of 600 µm was defined, while the upper threshold was determined by the largest size class prior to three consecutive empty size classes. Particles within these thresholds were used to estimate abundance, biovolume, biomass, and Normalized Biovolume Size Spectra (NBSS). For different taxonomic units, these data are summarized in the respective columns.
NBSS; Western Tropical Atlantic; Zooplankton; ZooScan
Median Latitude: 3.262208 * Median Longitude: -43.549479 * South-bound Latitude: -3.521667 * West-bound Longitude: -50.896000 * North-bound Latitude: 8.002500 * East-bound Longitude: -37.349000
Date/Time Start: 2012-10-09T06:59:00 * Date/Time End: 2012-11-01T08:27:00
Minimum Elevation: -4817.0 m * Maximum Elevation: -8.0 m
Camadas-Finas-III_1 * Latitude: 7.522330 * Longitude: -46.055700 * Date/Time: 2012-10-14T04:52:00 * Elevation: -8.0 m * Campaign: Camadas Finas III (Amazon River plume) * Basis: Cruzeiro do Sul * Method/Device: Bongo net (BONGO)
Camadas-Finas-III_2 * Latitude: 7.096500 * Longitude: -46.990700 * Date/Time: 2012-10-14T20:28:00 * Elevation: -34.0 m * Campaign: Camadas Finas III (Amazon River plume) * Basis: Cruzeiro do Sul * Method/Device: Bongo net (BONGO)
Camadas-Finas-III_3 * Latitude: 6.706167 * Longitude: -47.873833 * Date/Time: 2012-10-14T11:35:00 * Elevation: -33.0 m * Campaign: Camadas Finas III (Amazon River plume) * Basis: Cruzeiro do Sul * Method/Device: Bongo net (BONGO)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEventde Santana, Claudeilton Severino
2Campaign of eventCampaignde Santana, Claudeilton Severino
3Station labelStationde Santana, Claudeilton Severino
4Sample code/labelSample labelde Santana, Claudeilton Severino
5Latitude of eventLatitudede Santana, Claudeilton Severino
6Longitude of eventLongitudede Santana, Claudeilton Severino
7Date/Time of eventDate/Timede Santana, Claudeilton Severino
8Day-Night commentDay/Nightde Santana, Claudeilton Severino
9Depth, water, top/minimumDepth water topmde Santana, Claudeilton Severinosample depth minimum
10Depth, water, bottom/maximumDepth water botmde Santana, Claudeilton Severinosample depth maximum
11Elevation of eventElevationmde Santana, Claudeilton Severino
12TransectTransectde Santana, Claudeilton Severino
13CurrentCurrentde Santana, Claudeilton Severinosectors
14ActinopterygiiActinopterygii#/m3de Santana, Claudeilton Severino
15AmphipodaAmphipoda#/m3de Santana, Claudeilton Severino
16AnnelidaAnnelida#/m3de Santana, Claudeilton Severino
17AppendiculariaAppendic#/m3de Santana, Claudeilton Severino
18ChaetognathaChaetognatha#/m3de Santana, Claudeilton Severino
19CnidariaCnidaria#/m3de Santana, Claudeilton Severino
20CopepodaCopepoda#/m3de Santana, Claudeilton Severino
21CrustaceaCrustacea#/m3de Santana, Claudeilton Severino
22DecapodaDecapoda#/m3de Santana, Claudeilton Severino
23EuphausiaceaEuphaus#/m3de Santana, Claudeilton Severino
24ForaminiferaForam#/m3de Santana, Claudeilton Severino
25MolluscaMollusca#/m3de Santana, Claudeilton Severino
26OstracodaOstrac#/m3de Santana, Claudeilton Severino
27SiphonophoraeSiphonophorae#/m3de Santana, Claudeilton Severino
28ThaliaceaThaliacea#/m3de Santana, Claudeilton Severino
29Mesozooplankton, other groupsMesozoopl oth#/m3de Santana, Claudeilton Severino
30MesozooplanktonMesozoopl#/m3de Santana, Claudeilton Severinototal
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0) (License comes into effect after moratorium ends)
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
1056 data points

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