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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Haualand, Kristine Flacké; Sauter, Tobias; Abermann, Jakob; de Villiers, Simon D; Georgi, Alexander; Goger, Brigitta; Dawson, Isaac; Nerhus, Sigurd D; Robson, Benjamin A; Sjursen, Kamilla H; Thomas, Daniel J; Thomaser, Moritz; Yde, Jacob C: UAV meteorological measurements in Nigardsbreen and Mjølverdalen during fall 2023 [dataset]. PANGAEA, (dataset in review), In: Haualand, KF et al.: Atmospheric observations and simulations of Nigardsbreen and Mjølverdalen during fall 2023 [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA, (dataset in review)

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cold air pool; glacial lake; glacier retreat; glacier wind
Related to:
Haualand, Kristine Flacké; et al. (submitted): Influence of Glacier Retreat and Proglacial Lake Temperature on Glacier Winds and Cold Air Pool Formation in a Glacier-Lake-Valley System in Western Norway. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
The Research Council of Norway (RCN), grant/award no. 302458: JOSTICE
Median Latitude: 61.679095 * Median Longitude: 7.208612 * South-bound Latitude: 61.661403 * West-bound Longitude: 7.184306 * North-bound Latitude: 61.691613 * East-bound Longitude: 7.242561
Date/Time Start: 2023-09-12T11:17:40 * Date/Time End: 2023-10-18T11:35:59
Minimum ALTITUDE: 272.553 m * Maximum ALTITUDE: 1371.798 m
20230912-141957-00065717_front * Latitude: 61.680282 * Longitude: 7.199212 * Date/Time: 2023-09-12T00:00:00 * Method/Device: Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)
20230912-211512-00061169_glacier * Latitude: 61.685875 * Longitude: 7.198040 * Date/Time: 2023-09-12T00:00:00 * Method/Device: Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)
20230912-212134-00065805_outlet * Latitude: 61.667255 * Longitude: 7.242332 * Date/Time: 2023-09-12T00:00:00 * Method/Device: Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEventHaualand, Kristine FlackéUAV Sensor, InterMet Systems, iMet-XQ2
2Time point, descriptiveTime pointHaualand, Kristine FlackéUAV Sensor, InterMet Systems, iMet-XQ2
3Time in secondsTimesHaualand, Kristine FlackéUAV Sensor, InterMet Systems, iMet-XQ2
4Pressure, at given altitudePPPPhPaHaualand, Kristine FlackéUAV Sensor, InterMet Systems, iMet-XQ2
5Temperature, airTTT°CHaualand, Kristine FlackéUAV Sensor, InterMet Systems, iMet-XQ2
6Humidity, relativeRH%Haualand, Kristine FlackéUAV Sensor, InterMet Systems, iMet-XQ2
7Temperature, airTTT°CHaualand, Kristine FlackéUAV Sensor, InterMet Systems, iMet-XQ2used to calculate RH
8DATE/TIMEDate/TimeHaualand, Kristine FlackéUAV Sensor, InterMet Systems, iMet-XQ2Geocode
9LONGITUDELongitudeHaualand, Kristine FlackéUAV Sensor, InterMet Systems, iMet-XQ2Geocode
10LATITUDELatitudeHaualand, Kristine FlackéUAV Sensor, InterMet Systems, iMet-XQ2Geocode
11ALTITUDEAltitudemHaualand, Kristine FlackéUAV Sensor, InterMet Systems, iMet-XQ2Geocode
12NumberNoHaualand, Kristine FlackéUAV Sensor, InterMet Systems, iMet-XQ2Sat Count
13CommentCommentHaualand, Kristine FlackéUAV Sensor, InterMet Systems, iMet-XQ2Profile hour
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0) (License comes into effect after moratorium ends)
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
147646 data points

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