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Barrett, Ruby (2025): Species level size-normalised weight data [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In: Barrett, R (2025): Planktic foraminifera size-normalised weight data and associated environmental data [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2025-01-13DOI registered: 2025-01-14

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This dataset contains a compilation of published and new SNW data with corresponding sea surface (≤ 20 m) environmental data extracted from CMIP6 that are used in the species level Bayesian regression modelling.
planktic foraminifera; size-normalised weight
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Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), grant/award no. NE/S007504/1: NERC GW4+ DTP2 - a Great Western Alliance Doctoral Training Partnership
Median Latitude: 38.324119 * Median Longitude: 1.348481 * South-bound Latitude: -53.630000 * West-bound Longitude: -174.000000 * North-bound Latitude: 78.400000 * East-bound Longitude: 180.000000
Curation Level: Basic curation (CurationLevelB)
10780 data points

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