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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Cisneros de León, Alejandro; Danišík, Martin; Schmitt, Axel K; Schindlbeck-Belo, Julie; Kutterolf, Steffen; Sims, Kenneth W W; Garrison, Jennifer M; Mittal, Tushar (2024): Zircon (U-Th)/He dating resultsfrom selected Atitlán caldera eruptions (Table S5) [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In: Cisneros de León, A et al. (2024): Zircon geochronology and tephra glass compositions from Atitlán caldera (Guatemala) [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2024-12-18DOI registered: 2025-01-16

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This dataset presents zircon (U-Th)/He eruption dates from three samples of the Atitlán caldera, including I-tephra (G17-38), W-tephra (G17-42), and Atitlán Early Tephra (AET; G17-73). Zircon (U-Th)/He analyses were conducted using noble gas mass spectrometry and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS).
Central America; GLASS; SIMS; Supereruption; Tephra
Median Latitude: 14.850393 * Median Longitude: -91.380630 * South-bound Latitude: 14.835060 * West-bound Longitude: -91.406630 * North-bound Latitude: 14.869390 * East-bound Longitude: -91.329960
G17-38 * Latitude: 14.835060 * Longitude: -91.329960 * Location: Atitlán caldera, Guatemala * Method/Device: Rock sample (ROCK)
G17-42 * Latitude: 14.846730 * Longitude: -91.405300 * Location: Atitlán caldera, Guatemala * Method/Device: Rock sample (ROCK)
G17-73 * Latitude: 14.869390 * Longitude: -91.406630 * Location: Atitlán caldera, Guatemala * Method/Device: Rock sample (ROCK)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEventCisneros de León, Alejandro
2Sample typeSamp typeCisneros de León, Alejandro
3Sample code/labelSample labelCisneros de León, Alejandro
4Thorium-232232ThngCisneros de León, Alejandro
5Thorium-232, error, relative232Th e rel%Cisneros de León, Alejandro
6Thorium-232232Thmg/kgCisneros de León, Alejandroppm
7Uranium-238238UngCisneros de León, Alejandro
8Uranium-238, error, relative238U e rel%Cisneros de León, Alejandro
9Uranium-238238Umg/kgCisneros de León, Alejandroppm
10Samarium-147147SmngCisneros de León, Alejandro
11Samarium-147, error, relative147Sm e rel%Cisneros de León, Alejandro
12Samarium-147147Smmg/kgCisneros de León, Alejandroppm
13Helium-44He10-9 cm3Cisneros de León, Alejandrovolume of helium in ncc at STP
14Helium-4, error, relative4He e rel%Cisneros de León, Alejandro
15UncertaintyUncertainty%Cisneros de León, AlejandroTAU - total analytical uncertainty
16Thorium/Uranium ratioTh/UCisneros de León, Alejandro
17Uranium, effectivee Umg/kgCisneros de León, Alejandroppm
18Age, datedAge datedkaCisneros de León, AlejandroRaw He age - uncorrected (U–Th)/He age
19Age, standard deviationAge std dev±Cisneros de León, Alejandro
20AgeAgeMaCisneros de León, AlejandroRaw He age - uncorrected (U-Th)/He age
21Age, standard deviationAge std dev±Cisneros de León, Alejandro
22FactorFactorCisneros de León, Alejandroalpha retention factor after Farley et al. (1996)
23Error, relativeError r%Cisneros de León, Alejandro
24Sphere equivalent radiusRsµmCisneros de León, AlejandroESR
25Age, datedAge datedkaCisneros de León, AlejandroFt-Cor. He age - alpha ejection corrected, but disequilibrium uncorrected (U-Th)/He age
26Age, standard deviationAge std dev±Cisneros de León, Alejandro
27AgeAgeMaCisneros de León, AlejandroFt-Cor. He age - alpha ejection corrected, but disequilibrium uncorrected (U-Th)/He age
28Age, standard deviationAge std dev±Cisneros de León, Alejandro
29Age, datedAge datedkaCisneros de León, Alejandro238U/230Th age - U-Th disequilibrium age determined by SIMS in Friedrichs et al. (2020)
30Age, standard deviationAge std dev±Cisneros de León, Alejandro
31Thorium/Uranium ratioTh/UCisneros de León, AlejandroTh/U whole rock - determined in Friedrichs et al. (2020)
32FactorFactorCisneros de León, AlejandroD230 - Th zircon-melt fractionation factor (Farley et al., 2002)
33FactorFactorCisneros de León, AlejandroD231 - Th zircon-melt fractionation factor (Farley et al., 2002)
34Age, datedAge datedkaCisneros de León, AlejandroDiseq.-Cor. He age – disequilibrium corrected (U–Th)/He age
35Age, standard deviationAge std dev±Cisneros de León, Alejandro
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0) (License comes into effect after moratorium ends)
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
910 data points

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