Wolff, Eric William; Mulvaney, Robert; Grieman, Mackenzie M; Humby, Jack; Hoffmann, Helene; Rowell, Isobel (2024): Water isotope data for the full Skytrain Ice Rise ice core obtained using discrete samples, and used to calculate deuterium excess [dataset]. PANGAEA, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.973167
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Published: 2024-11-12 • DOI registered: 2024-12-11
This dataset consists of water isotope data (δ18O and δD) for the entire 651 m from the ice core drilled in 2018-19 at Skytrain Ice Rise (79.7417°S 78.545°W), Antarctica. The top 2.83 m are from a snowpit. Remaining data in doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.973166 are from water sampled continuously from the melt stream of a continuous flow analysis (CFA) system (data labelled as CFA), and are presented at 20 cm resolution where data exist. Discrete samples (see doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.973167) were also taken both as a check, and in areas where the CFA data are missing; these data are suitable for calculating deuterium excess. Data were measured using a Picarro L2130-i cavity ringdown spectrometer. Note the that top 418 m have previously been archived at 10 cm resolution (as doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.966226)
Related to:
Mulvaney, Robert; Wolff, Eric William; Grieman, Mackenzie M; Hoffmann, Helene; Humby, Jack; Nehrbass-Ahles, Christoph; Rhodes, Rachael H; Rowell, Isobel; Parrenin, Frédéric; Schmidely, Loïc; Fischer, Hubertus; Stocker, Thomas F; Christl, Marcus; Muscheler, Raimund; Landais, Amaëlle; Prié, Frédéric (2023): The ST22 chronology for the Skytrain Ice Rise ice core – Part 2: An age model to the last interglacial and disturbed deep stratigraphy. Climate of the Past, 19(4), 851-864, https://doi.org/10.5194/cp-19-851-2023
Wolff, Eric William; Mulvaney, Robert; Grieman, Mackenzie M; Hoffmann, Helene; Humby, Jack (2023): Skytrain Ice Rise ice core: age model ST22 and underlying data [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.956062
Wolff, Eric William; Mulvaney, Robert; Grieman, Mackenzie M; Humby, Jack; Hoffmann, Helene; Rowell, Isobel (2024): Water isotope data for the full Skytrain Ice Rise ice core obtained using the CFA melt stream [dataset]. PANGAEA, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.973166
Other version:
Wolff, Eric William; Grieman, Mackenzie M; Hoffmann, Helene; Mulvaney, Robert; Rowell, Isobel; Humby, Jack (2024): Water isotope data for last 10 ka from Skytrain Ice Rise ice core [dataset]. PANGAEA, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.966226
Latitude: -79.741700 * Longitude: -78.545000
Minimum DEPTH, ice/snow: 6.8000 m * Maximum DEPTH, ice/snow: 648.4850 m
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | Depth, ice/snow, top/minimum | Depth ice/snow top | m | Wolff, Eric William | ||
2 | Depth, ice/snow, bottom/maximum | Depth ice/snow bot | m | Wolff, Eric William | ||
3 | DEPTH, ice/snow | Depth ice/snow | m | Wolff, Eric William | Geocode – mean | |
4 | Ice age | Ice age | ka BP | Wolff, Eric William | Antarctic ice core chronology (ST22) | mean age |
5 | δ18O, water | δ18O H2O | ‰ SMOW | Wolff, Eric William | Cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) isotopic water analyzer, Picarro Inc., L2130-i | |
6 | δ Deuterium, water | δD H2O | ‰ SMOW | Wolff, Eric William | Cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) isotopic water analyzer, Picarro Inc., L2130-i | |
7 | Deuterium excess | d xs | ‰ | Wolff, Eric William |
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0)
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
1476 data points