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A 3 m-long sediment composite record was retrieved from Laguna Vogt (46.74º S, central west Patagonia) using a UWITEC gravity corer (for the uppermost 70 cm depth) and a modified Livingstone piston corer (for the remaining depths) during march, 2020. Several analytical techniques were applied to the sediment records. Firstly, X-ray fluorescence and magnetic susceptibility scanning were done at 1 mm and 1 cm resolution, respectively. Afterwards, subsampling was carried out at a 1 cm depth resolution. Exceptionally, the resolution was changed to 0.5 cm for sections with contrasting lithologies. Bulk chemistry measurements for elements C, N, and S were performed on the subsamples at intervals between 4 and 0.5 cm. Finally, grain size distributions for the subsamples were measured using a 4 cm step protocol. Results are presented with respect to depth and age. Ages were derived from an age-depth model based on 9 samples taken for radiocarbon dating from the composite profile.
lake sediment proxies; Late Holocene; Paleoclimate; Patagonia; XRF
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Franco, Carolina; Maldonado, Antonio; Ohlendorf, Christian; Gebhardt, Andrea Catalina; de Porras, María Eugenia; Nuevo-Delaunay, Amalia; Méndez, César; Zolitschka, Bernd (2024): Holocene environmental and climate evolution of central west Patagonia as reconstructed from lacustrine sediments of Meseta Chile Chico (46.5° S, Chile). Climate of the Past, 20(4), 817-839,
Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo (ANID), grant/award no. 1210042: Exploradores en Aisén continental: una evaluación de las discontinuidades arqueológicas en el tiempo y el espacio
Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo (ANID), grant/award no. R20F0002: Ecosystem, climate change and socio-environmental linkages along the continental-ocean continuum. Long-term socio-ecological research in Patagonia (PATSER)
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), grant/award no. DAAD Doctoral programmes in Germany 2020/21: Environmental and climate reconstruction for Chilean Patagonia - Investigations of lacustrine sediment record at Chile Chico Plateau and its surrounding area
Latitude: -46.640000 * Longitude: -71.900000
Date/Time Start: 2020-03-01T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2020-03-01T00:00:00
Minimum Elevation: 1060.0 m * Maximum Elevation: 1060.0 m
Laguna_Vogt * Latitude: -46.640000 * Longitude: -71.900000 * Elevation: 1060.0 m * Location: Rio Jeinimeni valley, Central-West Patagonia, Chile * Method/Device: Gravity corer, UWITEC (GCUWI) * Comment: Modified Livingston piston corer, 5 cm diameter (BT and CT sections) and UWITEC hammer corer, 9.6 cm diameter (Shc section)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Depth, compositeDepth compmcdFranco, Carolina
2Depth, composite topDepth comp topmcdFranco, Carolina
3Depth, composite bottomDepth comp botmcdFranco, Carolina
4AGEAgeka BPFranco, CarolinaAge, 14C calibratedGeocode
5SiliconSictsFranco, CarolinaX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scanner, Mo-tube
6SulfurSctsFranco, CarolinaX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scanner, Mo-tube
7PotassiumKctsFranco, CarolinaX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scanner, Mo-tube
8CalciumCactsFranco, CarolinaX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scanner, Mo-tube
9TitaniumTictsFranco, CarolinaX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scanner, Mo-tube
10ManganeseMnctsFranco, CarolinaX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scanner, Mo-tube
11IronFectsFranco, CarolinaX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scanner, Mo-tube
12RubidiumRbctsFranco, CarolinaX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scanner, Mo-tube
13StrontiumSrctsFranco, CarolinaX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scanner, Mo-tube
14ZirconiumZrctsFranco, CarolinaX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scanner, Mo-tube
15IncoherenceicohctsFranco, CarolinaX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scanner, Mo-tube
16CoherencecohctsFranco, CarolinaX-ray fluorescence ITRAX core scanner, Mo-tube
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0) (License comes into effect after moratorium ends)
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
45105 data points

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