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Hiesinger, Harald (2024): Master track from POLAR 5 flight P5-250_SPLAM_2024_2407170101 in 1 sec resolution (zipped, 1 MB) [dataset]. PANGAEA, (DOI registration in progress)

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Raw data acquired by GPS1 position sensors on board research aircraft Polar 5 during the campaign P5-250_SPLAM_2024 were processed to receive a validated master track which can be used as reference of further expedition data. Novatel FlexPak6 GPS receiver was used as navigation sensors during the campaign. Data were downloaded from AWI Datamanagement System ( with a resolution of 1 sec. Processed data are provided as a master track with 1 sec resolution and a generalized track with a reduced set of the most significant positions of the master track. A detailed report on processing is also available for each flight.
Other version:
Helm, Veit; Hiesinger, Harald (2024): Master tracks in different resolutions during POLAR 5 campaign P5-250_SPLAM_2024 [dataset publication series]. Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, PANGAEA,
Hiesinger, Harald (2024): Master tracks in different resolutions from POLAR 5 flight P5-250_SPLAM_2024_2407170101 [dataset]. PANGAEA,
Median Latitude: 78.245762 * Median Longitude: 15.503875 * South-bound Latitude: 78.245759 * West-bound Longitude: 15.503842 * North-bound Latitude: 78.245765 * East-bound Longitude: 15.503908
Date/Time Start: 2024-07-17T09:42:10 * Date/Time End: 2024-07-17T15:27:09
P5-250_SPLAM_2024_2407170101 * Latitude Start: 78.245759 * Longitude Start: 15.503842 * Latitude End: 78.245765 * Longitude End: 15.503908 * Date/Time Start: 2024-07-17T09:42:10 * Date/Time End: 2024-07-17T15:27:09 * Campaign: P5-250_SPLAM_2024 * Basis: POLAR 5 * Method/Device: Aircraft (AC)
Curation Level: Basic curation (CurationLevelB)
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