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Schweitzer, Johannes; Schmidt-Aursch, Mechita; Krüger, Frank; Guterch, Aleksander (2024): Project BEAR ISLAND: DEPAS ocean-bottom seismometer operations in the Fram Strait in 2007-2008 [dataset]. PANGAEA, (DOI registration in progress)

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BEAR ISLAND (The Dynamic Continental Margin Between the Mid-Atlantic-Ridge System (Mohns Ridge, Knipovich Ridge) and the Bear Island Region) is an interdisciplinary project exploring the stress conditions and sources, and the dynamics and deformation characteristics of the continental margin between the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and Bear Island from its top sedimentary cover to its imprint in the upper mantle. In this region the margin includes an extremely thick sedimentary wedge and steep slopes, with at least one major paleo-fracture zone cutting through the wedge. Recent studies in this area indicate very low seismic velocities in the lithosphere and the stress field undergoes an extensional-compressional transition. It is therefore of particular interest to understand the structural architecture, the stress and the dynamics of the whole region because of its natural hazard exposure and the processes involved in the formation of the margin and the opening of the North Atlantic.
To achieve this, deep seismic sounding data, as well as records from temporary broadband installations, supplementary to data from existing seismic stations in the region were collected. A key element of the project was the operation of a long-term network of broadband ocean-bottom seismometera (OBS). Additionally, two new broadband seismometers and a small temporary seismic array with 13 sensors were operated. Active seismic refraction/reflection experiments were conducted along two profiles crossing the region and recorded with additional short period OBSs and land stations.
Twelve broadband coean-bottom seismometer (OBS) from the German Instrument Pool of Amphibian Seismology (DEPAS) were deployed as part of this network with RV Horyzont II in September 2007. They were distributed on the Barents shelf, the slope and the deep sea near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Nine instruments could be recovered in August 2008 with RV Horyzont II. One instrument was fished before, one was destroyed during recovery and one got lost. Seven stations recorded data for the full deployment period; two stations have no skew value. Based on previous experiments, the accuracy of the positions is estimated to 500 m.
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Hauser, Juerg; Dyer, Kathleen M; Pasyanos, Michael E; Bungum, Hilmar; Faleide, Jan Inge; Clark, Stephen A; Schweitzer, Johannes (2011): A probabilistic seismic model for the European Arctic. Journal of Geophysical Research, 116(B1), B01303,
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Schweitzer, Johannes; Schmidt-Aursch, Mechita; Krüger, Frank; Guterch, Aleksander (2024): BEAR ISLAND: DEPAS ocean-bottom seismometer operations in the Fram Strait in 2007-2008 [dataset]. Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ,
The Research Council of Norway (RCN), grant/award no. 176069: The Dynamic Continental Margin Between the Mid-Atlantic-Ridge System (Mohns Ridge, Knipovich Ridge) and the Bear Island Region
Median Latitude: 74.118920 * Median Longitude: 12.791650 * South-bound Latitude: 72.850300 * West-bound Longitude: 6.139200 * North-bound Latitude: 75.543800 * East-bound Longitude: 15.851000
Date/Time Start: 2007-09-19T07:27:00 * Date/Time End: 2008-08-19T10:40:00
Minimum ELEVATION: -2570 m a.s.l. * Maximum ELEVATION: -325 m a.s.l.
9C_OBS01 * Latitude: 75.543800 * Longitude: 15.135800 * Date/Time Start: 2007-09-26T08:23:56 * Date/Time End: 2008-08-16T06:58:00 * Elevation: -325.0 m * Location: Fram Strait * Method/Device: Ocean bottom seismometer (OBS)
9C_OBS02 * Latitude: 75.251500 * Longitude: 13.333500 * Date/Time Start: 2007-09-26T11:36:18 * Date/Time End: 2008-08-16T11:35:00 * Elevation: -1673.0 m * Location: Fram Strait * Method/Device: Ocean bottom seismometer (OBS)
9C_OBS04 * Latitude: 74.682800 * Longitude: 15.851000 * Date/Time Start: 2007-09-29T20:15:00 * Date/Time End: 2008-04-04T07:19:35 * Elevation: -2076.0 m * Location: Fram Strait * Method/Device: Ocean bottom seismometer (OBS)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEventSchweitzer, Johannes
2ProjectProjectSchweitzer, Johannes
3Principal investigatorPISchweitzer, Johannes
4CodeCodeSchweitzer, JohannesFDSN Network Code
5Station labelStationSchweitzer, Johannes
6Date/time startDate/time startSchweitzer, JohannesSynchronisation
7Date/time startDate/time startSchweitzer, JohannesRecording
8Date/time startDate/time startSchweitzer, JohannesDeployment
9LATITUDELatitudeSchweitzer, JohannesGeocode
10LONGITUDELongitudeSchweitzer, JohannesGeocode
11ELEVATIONElevationm a.s.l.Schweitzer, JohannesGeocode
12Date/time endDate/time endSchweitzer, JohannesRecovery
13Date/time endDate/time endSchweitzer, JohannesRecording
14Date/time endDate/time endSchweitzer, JohannesSynchronistaion
15Clock skewSkewµsSchweitzer, Johannes
16Recorder typeRecorderSchweitzer, Johannes
17Recorder, serial numberRecorder SNSchweitzer, Johannes
18Seismometer typeSeismometerSchweitzer, Johannes
19Seismometer, serial numberSeismometer SNSchweitzer, Johannes
20Seismometer gainSeismometer gainSchweitzer, Johannes
21Hydrophone typeHydrophoneSchweitzer, Johannes
22Hydrophone, serial numberHydrophone SNSchweitzer, Johannes
23Hydrophone gainHydrophone gainSchweitzer, Johannes
24Hydrophone polarityHydrophone polSchweitzer, Johannes
25Sampling rateSampling rateHzSchweitzer, Johannes
26CommentCommentSchweitzer, Johannes
27Binary ObjectBinarySchweitzer, JohannesAuxiliary data
28Binary ObjectBinarySchweitzer, JohannesLog file
29Binary ObjectBinarySchweitzer, JohannesRaw data
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
237 data points

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