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Holbourn, Ann E; Kuhnt, Wolfgang; Kulhanek, Denise K (2024): Re-organization of Pacific overturning circulation across the Miocene Climate Optimum [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA, (DOI registration in progress)

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We reconstruct the evolution of deep-water chemistry across the Miocene Climate Optimum (16.9 to 14.7 Ma) and Middle Miocene Climate Transition (14.7-13.8 Ma), using high-resolution benthic foraminiferal stable isotopes, X-ray fluorescence (XRF) scanner-derived elemental records, light reflectance spectroscopy data as well as coarse fraction >63 µm residue and calcium carbonate (CaCO3) weight percentage records from western equatorial Pacific Site U1490. We integrate our results with published records from key locations in the Pacific, Indian and Southern Oceans to investigate ocean-wide circulation changes and to better understand the processes driving short- and long-term variations in deep water production and ocean overturning on a warmer-than-modern Earth.
Benthic foraminiferal stable isotopes; Carbonate Content; Middle Miocene Climate Transition; Miocene Climate Optimum; Pacific overturning circulation; XRF core scanner data
Supplement to:
Holbourn, Ann E; Kuhnt, Wolfgang; Kulhanek, Denise K; Mountain, Gregory S; Rosenthal, Yair; Sagawa, Takuya; Lübbers, Julia; Andersen, Nils (submitted): Re-organization of Pacific overturning circulation across the Miocene Climate Optimum. Nature Communications
German Research Foundation (DFG), grant/award no. Ku649/40-1, 2: Miocene climate and Pacific circulation
Median Latitude: -5.066410 * Median Longitude: 150.877936 * South-bound Latitude: -57.726000 * West-bound Longitude: 79.814800 * North-bound Latitude: 19.456710 * East-bound Longitude: -76.378000
Date/Time Start: 1988-04-18T20:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2016-12-04T00:40:00
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0) (License comes into effect after moratorium ends)
16 datasets

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Datasets listed in this bundled publication

  1. Holbourn, AE; Kuhnt, W; Kulhanek, DK (in review): Stable isotope record and coarse fraction content of IODP Site 363-U1490.
  2. Holbourn, AE; Kuhnt, W; Kulhanek, DK (in review): Stable isotope offset C. mundulus - Recuvigerina, IODP Site 363-U1490.
  3. Holbourn, AE; Kuhnt, W; Kulhanek, DK (in review): Stable isotope offset C. mundulus - O. umbonatus, IODP Site 363-U1490.
  4. Holbourn, AE; Kuhnt, W; Kulhanek, DK (in review): Carbonate concent of IODP Site 363-U1490.
  5. Holbourn, AE; Kuhnt, W; Kulhanek, DK (in review): Elemental data of IODP Site 363-U1490.
  6. Holbourn, AE; Kuhnt, W; Kulhanek, DK (in review): Stable isotope record on revised age model, IODP Site U1338-U1337.
  7. Holbourn, AE; Kuhnt, W; Kulhanek, DK (in review): Revised splice record of ODP Site 184-1146.
  8. Holbourn, AE; Kuhnt, W; Kulhanek, DK (in review): Age model of ODP Site 184-1146.
  9. Holbourn, AE; Kuhnt, W; Kulhanek, DK (in review): Stabel isotope record of ODP Site 184-1146.
  10. Holbourn, AE; Kuhnt, W; Kulhanek, DK (in review): Stable isotope record on revised age model ODP Hole 122-761B.
  11. Holbourn, AE; Kuhnt, W; Kulhanek, DK (in review): CO2 data including revised ODP 122-761B ages.
  12. Holbourn, AE; Kuhnt, W; Kulhanek, DK (in review): Stable isotope record on revised age model, ODP Hole 120-751A.
  13. Holbourn, AE; Kuhnt, W; Kulhanek, DK (in review): Stable isotope record on revised age model, ODP Site 202-1236.
  14. Holbourn, AE; Kuhnt, W; Kulhanek, DK (in review): Stable isotope record on revised age model, ODP Site 202-1237.
  15. Holbourn, AE; Kuhnt, W; Kulhanek, DK (in review): Stable isotope record of IODP Site 353-U1443.
  16. Holbourn, AE; Kuhnt, W; Kulhanek, DK (in review): Stable isotope record on revised age model, ODP Hole 189-1171C.