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Land, Alexander; Reichle, Daniel (2024): Tree-ring width measurements of living Douglas firs in Central Europe [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2024-10-01DOI registered: 2024-10-30

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Wood samples from Douglas fir trees were taken using an increment borer. From each tree two opposing increment cores were taken at breast height. The sampled trees stood in an area of ~50x50 meters. Total ring width was measured and digitized. The resulting two radii measurements of each tree were visually synchronized and averaged to form a tree-ring series. Additionally, metadata were collected such as tree height, circumference and provenance (coastal, interior). The tree-ring data were used to investigate the resilience, resistance and recovery of the Douglas fir trees to severe drought events and to perform climate sensitivity analysis. This tree-ring dataset was part of a sampling campaign to assess the growth potential of Douglas fir trees until the year 2100. Annual tree growth variability until 2100 was modeled for Germany (including the river basins draining to Germany) with a spatial resolution of 12x12 km using regional climate projections ensemble.
Central Europe; Pseudotsuga menziesii; Tree-ring width
Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe (FNR), grant/award no. 2219WK37A4: Climate susceptibility of Douglas fir - Growth dynamic, climate sensitivity and risk assessment, Doug-Goes-Risk
Median Latitude: 49.808512 * Median Longitude: 10.301749 * South-bound Latitude: 47.837100 * West-bound Longitude: 6.207020 * North-bound Latitude: 52.310080 * East-bound Longitude: 15.732990
48 datasets

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Datasets listed in this publication series

  1. Land, A; Reichle, D (2024): Tree-ring width measurements of Douglas fir from Bad Kissingen from 1979 to 2023.
  2. Land, A; Reichle, D (2024): Tree-ring width measurements of Douglas fir from Bebenhausen from 1908 to 2017.
  3. Land, A; Reichle, D (2024): Tree-ring width measurements of Douglas fir from Bebenhausen from 1911 to 2023.
  4. Land, A; Reichle, D (2024): Tree-ring width measurements of Douglas fir from Bernkastel-Kues from 1990 to 2023.
  5. Land, A; Reichle, D (2024): Tree-ring width measurements of Douglas fir from Degerloch from 1916 to 2021.
  6. Land, A; Reichle, D (2024): Tree-ring width measurements of Douglas fir from Deggingen from 1903 to 2022.
  7. Land, A; Reichle, D (2024): Tree-ring width measurements of Douglas fir from Drachhausen from 1915 to 2022.
  8. Land, A; Reichle, D (2024): Tree-ring width measurements of Douglas fir from Drachhausen from 1936 to 2022.
  9. Land, A; Reichle, D (2024): Tree-ring width measurements of Douglas fir from Elmstein from 1917 to 2021.
  10. Land, A; Reichle, D (2024): Tree-ring width measurements of Douglas fir from Heidenheim from 1939 to 2022.
  11. Land, A; Reichle, D (2024): Tree-ring width measurements of Douglas fir from Herbrechtingen from 1922 to 2022.
  12. Land, A; Reichle, D (2024): Tree-ring width measurements of Douglas fir from Kaiserslautern from 1918 to 2021.
  13. Land, A; Reichle, D (2024): Tree-ring width measurements of Douglas fir from Kaiserslautern from 1917 to 2021.
  14. Land, A; Reichle, D (2024): Tree-ring width measurements of Douglas fir from Kaiserslautern from 1983 to 2021.
  15. Land, A; Reichle, D (2024): Tree-ring width measurements of Douglas fir from Kaiserslautern from 1917 to 2021.
  16. Land, A; Reichle, D (2024): Tree-ring width measurements of Douglas fir from Kaiserslautern from 1922 to 2021.
  17. Land, A; Reichle, D (2024): Tree-ring width measurements of Douglas fir from Karlshausen from 1910 to 2021.
  18. Land, A; Reichle, D (2024): Tree-ring width measurements of Douglas fir from Kiebingen from 1912 to 2017.
  19. Land, A; Reichle, D (2024): Tree-ring width measurements of Douglas fir from Lehnin from 1922 to 2021.
  20. Land, A; Reichle, D (2024): Tree-ring width measurements of Douglas fir from Leimen from 1971 to 2021.
  21. Land, A; Reichle, D (2024): Tree-ring width measurements of Douglas fir from Luebnitz from 1945 to 2021.
  22. Land, A; Reichle, D (2024): Tree-ring width measurements of Douglas fir from Luebnitz from 1940 to 2021.
  23. Land, A; Reichle, D (2024): Tree-ring width measurements of Douglas fir from Metzingen from 1919 to 2018.
  24. Land, A; Reichle, D (2024): Tree-ring width measurements of Douglas fir from Morungen from 1938 to 2022.
  25. Land, A; Reichle, D (2024): Tree-ring width measurements of Douglas fir from Muenchweiler an der Rodalp from 1920 to 2019.
  26. Land, A; Reichle, D (2024): Tree-ring width measurements of Douglas fir from Neustaedtlein am Forst from 1912 to 2021.
  27. Land, A; Reichle, D (2024): Tree-ring width measurements of Douglas fir from Olbersdorf from 1969 to 2021.
  28. Land, A; Reichle, D (2024): Tree-ring width measurements of Douglas fir from Otzweiler from 1925 to 2021.
  29. Land, A; Reichle, D (2024): Tree-ring width measurements of Douglas fir from Oybin from 1928 to 2021.
  30. Land, A; Reichle, D (2024): Tree-ring width measurements of Douglas fir from Oybin from 1933 to 2021.
  31. Land, A; Reichle, D (2024): Tree-ring width measurements of Douglas fir from Pielitz from 1951 to 2021.
  32. Land, A; Reichle, D (2024): Tree-ring width measurements of Douglas fir from Ragoesen from 1900 to 2021.
  33. Land, A; Reichle, D (2024): Tree-ring width measurements of Douglas fir from Ragow-Merz from 1940 to 2022.
  34. Land, A; Reichle, D (2024): Tree-ring width measurements of Douglas fir from Rauen from 1936 to 2022.
  35. Land, A; Reichle, D (2024): Tree-ring width measurements of Douglas fir from Rippenweier from 1927 to 2016.
  36. Land, A; Reichle, D (2024): Tree-ring width measurements of Douglas fir from Rothenschirmbach from 1923 to 2022.
  37. Land, A; Reichle, D (2024): Tree-ring width measurements of Douglas fir from Rottenburg from 1979 to 2021.
  38. Land, A; Reichle, D (2024): Tree-ring width measurements of Douglas fir from St. Florian am Inn from 1984 to 2022.
  39. Land, A; Reichle, D (2024): Tree-ring width measurements of Douglas fir from Staufen im Breisgau from 1944 to 2022.
  40. Land, A; Reichle, D (2024): Tree-ring width measurements of Douglas fir from Staufen im Breisgau from 1960 to 2022.
  41. Land, A; Reichle, D (2024): Tree-ring width measurements of Douglas fir from Strass im Strassertale from 1925 to 2022.
  42. Land, A; Reichle, D (2024): Tree-ring width measurements of Douglas fir from Stuttgart from 1905 to 2018.
  43. Land, A; Reichle, D (2024): Tree-ring width measurements of Douglas fir from Thurnau from 1971 to 2021.
  44. Land, A; Reichle, D (2024): Tree-ring width measurements of Douglas fir from Thurnau from 1902 to 2021.
  45. Land, A; Reichle, D (2024): Tree-ring width measurements of Douglas fir from Uffholtz from 1931 to 2023.
  46. Land, A; Reichle, D (2024): Tree-ring width measurements of Douglas fir from Urschmitt from 1925 to 2021.
  47. Land, A; Reichle, D (2024): Tree-ring width measurements of Douglas fir from Willer-sur-Thur from 1933 to 2023.
  48. Land, A; Reichle, D (2024): Tree-ring width measurements of Douglas fir from Zwiefalten from 1903 to 2022.