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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Max, Lars; von Dobeneck, Tilo; Bukar, Shettima; Mulitza, Stefan: Element ratio proxy records for dolomitic and granitic IRD content in sediment core GeoB18530-1 [dataset]. PANGAEA, (dataset in review), In: von Dobeneck, Tilo; Bukar, Shettima: Rock magnetic, geochemical and sedimentological properties related to IRD composition and content of sediment core GeoB18530-1 [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA, (dataset in review)

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Because of its sensitivity for detrital dolomite, the Ca/Sr ratio of sediment core GeoB18530-1 was previously used to identify Heinrich Event layers (doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.943557 and doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.943556). As Ca/Sr is also influenced by marine sedimentation, the relative Ca/Si and Sr/Si variations given here allow assessing the detrital vs. marine carbonate mixing system. We newly introduce the K/Fe ratio as proxy for the volumetrically and magnetically very relevant granitic IRD deposition and support this interpretation by comparing K/Si and Fe/Si ratios. The element data presented here were acquired with the MARUM Aavatech XRF Scanner at acceleration voltages of 10 kV, 30 kV and 50 kV (Max et al., 2022). All six element ratios, which were initially scaled in peak area units, have been normalized to their interlayer means in order to facilitate the quantitative unmixing of HL-related and -unrelated sediment fractions. The magnetic susceptibility estimate derived by multiple regression from Ca/Sr and K/Fe ratios is contained in the model data set doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.971771.
Geochemistry; grain size distribution; Grand Banks Margin; Heinrich events; Ice-Rafted Detritus; rock magnetism
Related to:
Bukar, Shettima; von Dobeneck, Tilo; Wang, Yiyun; Frederichs, Thomas; Dallanave, Edoardo; St-Onge, Guillaume (submitted): Ice-Rafted Detritus (IRD) of the SE Grand Banks Slope, Newfoundland, Throughout Heinrich Layers 1 to 6 - Part II: Magnetic Properties. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems
von Dobeneck, Tilo; Bukar, Shettima: Petrological classification and lithology-specific abundance analysis of ice-rafted detritus (IRD) of sediment core GeoB18530-1 [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA,
Further details:
Bukar, Shettima; von Dobeneck, Tilo: Grain-size distribution and grain-size dependent magnetic susceptibility of sediment core GeoB18530-1 [dataset]. PANGAEA,
German Research Foundation (DFG), grant/award no. 221211316: GRK/IRTG 1904: ArcTrain - Processes and impacts of climate change in the North Atlantic Ocean and the Canadian Arctic
Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF), grant/award no. Shettima Bukar: Overseas postgraduate scholarship to Shettima Bukar
Latitude: 42.839500 * Longitude: -49.234833
Date/Time Start: 2014-06-14T13:58:00 * Date/Time End: 2014-06-14T13:58:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 5.50 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 10.50 m
GeoB18530-1 (509-1) * Latitude: 42.839500 * Longitude: -49.234833 * Date/Time: 2014-06-14T13:58:00 * Elevation: -1888.0 m * Recovery: 10.74 m * Location: SE Grand Banks Slope * Campaign: MSM39 * Basis: Maria S. Merian * Method/Device: Gravity corer (GC)
Corresponds to Figure 2.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmBukar, ShettimaGeocode
2Heinrich eventHeinrich eventBukar, ShettimaHE stratigraphy based on Ca/Sr
3Calcium/Strontium ratioCa/SrMax, LarsX-ray fluorescence core scanner (XRF), AvaatechXRF peak area ratio normalized to IL mean
4Calcium/Silicon ratioCa/SiMax, LarsX-ray fluorescence core scanner (XRF), AvaatechXRF peak area ratio normalized to IL mean
5Strontium/Silicon ratioSr/SiMax, LarsX-ray fluorescence core scanner (XRF), AvaatechXRF peak area ratio normalized to IL mean
6Potassium/Iron ratioK/FeMax, LarsX-ray fluorescence core scanner (XRF), AvaatechXRF peak area ratio normalized to IL mean
7Potassium/Silicon ratioK/SiMax, LarsX-ray fluorescence core scanner (XRF), AvaatechXRF peak area ratio normalized to IL mean
8Iron/Silicon ratioFe/SiMax, LarsX-ray fluorescence core scanner (XRF), AvaatechXRF peak area ratio normalized to IL mean
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0) (License comes into effect after moratorium ends)
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
3437 data points

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