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Slesinger, Emily; Mundorf, Samantha; Laurel, Benjamin J; Hurst, Thomas P (2024): Seawater carbonate chemistry and mortality, growth, and condition of Pacifc cod (Gadus macrocephalus) at early life stages [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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This study investigated the interactive efects of Ocean Warming and Ocean Acidification on Pacifc cod embryos and larvae by rearing fsh in a factorial experimental design at three temperatures crossed with two CO2 levels. The range of temperatures included cold (3 °C), mid (6 °C) and warm (10 °C) treatments, while an ambient and high (~ 1500 μatm) treatment were used for the CO2 levels. Collectively, these treatments spanned current and future ocean conditions within the Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea regions of the eastern North Pacifc Ocean. Whole-animal traits, including mortality, growth, and condition, were measured throughout both the embryo and larval life stages.
This dataset is included in the OA-ICC data compilation maintained in the framework of the IAEA Ocean Acidification International Coordination Centre (see Original data were provided by the author of the related paper (see Related to) to the OA-ICC data curator. In order to allow full comparability with other ocean acidification data sets, the R package seacarb (Gattuso et al, 2024) was used to compute a complete and consistent set of carbonate system variables, as described by Nisumaa et al. (2010). In this dataset the original values were archived in addition with the recalculated parameters (see related PI). The date of carbonate chemistry calculation by seacarb is 2024-07-31.
Animalia; Chordata; Coast and continental shelf; Containers and aquaria (20-1000 L or < 1 m**2); Gadus macrocephalus; Growth/Morphology; Laboratory experiment; Mortality/Survival; Nekton; North Pacific; Pelagos; Reproduction; Single species; Temperate; Temperature
Related to:
Slesinger, Emily; Mundorf, Samantha; Laurel, Benjamin J; Hurst, Thomas P (2024): The combined effects of ocean warming and ocean acidification on Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) early life stages. Marine Biology, 171(6), 121,
Nisumaa, Anne-Marin; Pesant, Stephane; Bellerby, Richard G J; Delille, Bruno; Middelburg, Jack J; Orr, James C; Riebesell, Ulf; Tyrrell, Toby; Wolf-Gladrow, Dieter A; Gattuso, Jean-Pierre (2010): EPOCA/EUR-OCEANS data compilation on the biological and biogeochemical responses to ocean acidification. Earth System Science Data, 2(2), 167-175,
Related code / software:
Gattuso, Jean-Pierre; Epitalon, Jean-Marie; Lavigne, Héloïse; Orr, James; Gentili, Bernard; Hagens, Mathilde; Hofmann, Andreas; Mueller, Jens-Daniel; Proye, Aurélien; Rae, James; Soetaert, Karline (2024): seacarb: seawater carbonate chemistry with R. R package version 3.3.3.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Type of studyStudy typeSlesinger, Emily
2Species, unique identificationSpecies UIDSlesinger, Emily
3Time in daysTimedaysSlesinger, Emilypost hatch
4Treatment: temperatureT:temp°CSlesinger, Emily
5TreatmentTreatSlesinger, Emily
6IdentificationIDSlesinger, EmilyTank
7NumberNoSlesinger, Emily
8Dry massDry mmgSlesinger, Emily
9Dry mass, standard errorDry m std e±Slesinger, Emily
10Length, standardI stdmmSlesinger, Emily
11Fish, standard length, standard errorFish SL std e±Slesinger, Emily
12HeighthmmSlesinger, Emilymyotome
13Height, standard errorh std e±Slesinger, Emily
14ConditionCondSlesinger, Emilybased on deviance in dry weight and length
15Condition, standard errorCond std e±Slesinger, Emilybased on deviance in dry weight and length
16ConditionCondSlesinger, Emilybased on deviance in myotome height and length relationship
17Condition, standard errorCond std e±Slesinger, Emilybased on deviance in myotome height and length relationship
18Yolk areaYolk Amm2Slesinger, Emily
19Yolk area, standard errorYolk A std e±Slesinger, Emily
20MortalityMortalitySlesinger, EmilyEgg
21MortalityMortalitySlesinger, Emilylarval
22pHpHSlesinger, EmilyPotentiometricseawater scale
23Temperature, waterTemp°CSlesinger, Emily
24SalinitySalSlesinger, Emily
25Oxygen, dissolvedDOmg/lSlesinger, Emily
26Carbon, inorganic, dissolvedDICµmol/kgSlesinger, Emily
27Alkalinity, totalATµmol/kgSlesinger, Emily
28pHpHSlesinger, EmilyCalculated with seacarb package in Rseawater scale
29Partial pressure of carbon dioxide (water) at sea surface temperature (wet air)pCO2water_SST_wetµatmSlesinger, Emily
30Carbonate system computation flagCSC flagYang, YanCalculated using seacarb after Nisumaa et al. (2010)
31pHpHYang, YanCalculated using seacarb after Nisumaa et al. (2010)total scale
32Carbon dioxideCO2µmol/kgYang, YanCalculated using seacarb after Nisumaa et al. (2010)
33Fugacity of carbon dioxide (water) at sea surface temperature (wet air)fCO2water_SST_wetµatmYang, YanCalculated using seacarb after Nisumaa et al. (2010)
34Partial pressure of carbon dioxide (water) at sea surface temperature (wet air)pCO2water_SST_wetµatmYang, YanCalculated using seacarb after Nisumaa et al. (2010)
35Bicarbonate ion[HCO3]-µmol/kgYang, YanCalculated using seacarb after Nisumaa et al. (2010)
36Carbonate ion[CO3]2-µmol/kgYang, YanCalculated using seacarb after Nisumaa et al. (2010)
37Aragonite saturation stateOmega ArgYang, YanCalculated using seacarb after Nisumaa et al. (2010)
38Calcite saturation stateOmega CalYang, YanCalculated using seacarb after Nisumaa et al. (2010)
3392 data points

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