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Salganik, Evgenii; Whitmore, Laura M; Bauch, Dorothea; Chamberlain, Emelia; Dietrich, Ulrike; Droste, Elise Sayana; Fong, Allison A; Heitmann, Laura; Nicolaus, Marcel; Kolabutin, Nikolai; Li, Yuhong; Ludwichowski, Kai-Uwe; Marent, Andreas; Mellat, Moein; Meyer, Hanno; Nomura, Daiki; Schmidt, Katrin; Shimanchuk, Egor; Thielke, Linda; Torres-Valdés, Sinhué; Webb, Alison L; Weiner, Mikaela; Granskog, Mats A (2024): Sea-ice salinity, temperature, density, nutrient, oxygen and hydrogen isotope composition from the coring sites during MOSAiC leg 5 in August-September 2020 [dataset]. PANGAEA, (DOI registration in progress)

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Sea-ice thickness, draft, salinity, temperature, density, stable water isotope composition, and nutrient concentrations ([NO3]- + [NO2]; [NO2]; [NH4]+; [PO4]-; [Si(OH)4]) were measured during surveys at the main ice coring site (MCS), strength site, melt pond, and ridge site during the MOSAiC expedition (leg 5). The ice cores were extracted either with a 9-cm (Mark II) or 7.25-cm (Mark III) internal diameter ice corers (Kovacs Enterprise, US). This data set includes data from coring site visits performed from 31 August 2020 to 18 July 2020 at coring locations in the MOSAiC Central Observatory (CO3, Nicolaus et al., 2022). During each coring event, ice temperature was measured in situ from a separate temperature core, using Testo 720 thermometers in drill holes with a length of half-core-diameter at 5-cm vertical resolution. Ice bulk practical salinity was measured from melted core sections at 5-cm resolution using a YSI 30 conductivity meter. Ice density was measured using the hydrostatic weighing method (Pustogvar and Kulyakhtin, 2016) from a density core in the freezer laboratory onboard Polarstern at the temperature of –15°C. Relative volumes of brine and gas were estimated from ice salinity, temperature, and density using Cox and Weeks (1983) for cold ice and Leppäranta and Manninen (1988) for ice warmer than –2°C. Nutrient analyses were conducted shipboard or samples were frozen and analyzed at a shore-based lab. In either case, analyses were conducted colorimetrically using a Seal Analytical AA3 continuous flow auto analyzer (AACE Software, Version 7.09). Measurement of nutrients followed best practices adopted from GO-SHIP recommendations (Hydes et al., 2010; Becker et al., 2020).
The data contains the event label (1), time (2), and global coordinates (3,4) of each coring measurement, coring site (5), and core type (6). Each core has its manually measured ice thickness (7), ice draft (8), and mean snow height (19). Each core section has the total length of its middle (9), top (10), and bottom (11) measured in situ. Each core section has the value of its practical salinity (12), as well as sea ice temperature (13) and ice density at the laboratory (14) and in situ (15) temperatures. Brine volume (16) fraction estimates are presented only for 0 to 60% fractions. Gas volume fraction estimates at the laboratory (17) and in situ (18) temperatures are also given only for brine volume fraction from 0 to 60%. Some core sections have stable water isotopic values (21, 22, 23) (Meyer et al., 2000), nitrate + nitrite (plus error and quality flag; 24, 25, 26), nitrite (27, 28, 29), ammonium (30, 31, 32), phosphate (33, 34, 35), silicate (36, 37, 38).
The locations of the main sites are shown on the map. They include the main coring site co-located with 2020T85 buoy (, the strength site, the ridge site co-located with buoy DTC53 (, the Remote Sensing melt pond site co-located with buoy DTC52 (
Oxygen and hydrogen isotope analyses were carried out at the ISOLAB Facility at AWI Potsdam ( with mass spectrometers (DELTA-S Finnigan MAT, USA): employing the equilibration method (details in Meyer et al., 2000). δ18O and δD values were given in per mil (‰) vs. Vienna standard mean ocean water (V-SMOW) as the standard. The second order parameter d excess was computed according to: d excess = δD-8 δ18O (Dansgaard, 1964).
Arctic; cores; density; MOSAiC20192020; MOSAiC_ECO; MOSAiC_ICE; Physical properties; Salinity; Sea ice; Temperature; time-series
Related to:
Lei, Ruibo; Cheng, Bin; Hoppmann, Mario; Nicolaus, Marcel; Regnery, Julia (2023): Temperature and heating induced temperature difference measurements from SIMBA-type sea ice mass balance buoy 2020T85, deployed during MOSAiC 2020/21 [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA,
Salganik, Evgenii; Hoppmann, Mario; Scholz, Daniel (2023): Temperature and heating induced temperature difference measurements from the sea ice mass balance buoy DTC52 during MOSAiC 2019/2020 [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA,
Salganik, Evgenii; Hoppmann, Mario; Scholz, Daniel (2023): Temperature and heating induced temperature difference measurements from the sea ice mass balance buoy DTC53 during MOSAiC 2019/2020 [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA,
Cox, G F N; Weeks, W F (1983): Equations for Determining the Gas and Brine Volumes in Sea-Ice Samples. Journal of Glaciology, 29(102), 306-316,
Dansgaard, W (1964): Stable isotopes in precipitation. Tellus, 16(4), 436-468,
Leppäranta, M; Manninen, T (1988): The brine and gas content of sea ice with attention to low salinities and high temperatures. Finnish Institute of Marine Research Internal Report (Vol. 2). Helsinki
Meyer, Hanno; Schönicke, Lutz; Wand, Ulrich; Hubberten, Hans-Wolfgang; Friedrichsen, Hans (2000): Isotope Studies of Hydrogen and Oxygen in Ground Ice - Experiences with the Equilibration Technique. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies, 36(2), 133-149,
Nicolaus, Marcel; Perovich, Donald K; Spreen, Gunnar; Granskog, Mats A; von Albedyll, Luisa; Angelopoulos, Michael; Anhaus, Philipp; Arndt, Stefanie; Belter, Hans Jakob; Bessonov, Vladimir; Birnbaum, Gerit; Brauchle, Jörg; Calmer, Radiance; Cardellach, Estel; Cheng, Bin; Clemens-Sewall, David; Dadic, Ruzica; Damm, Ellen; de Boer, Gijs; Demir, Oguz; Dethloff, Klaus; Divine, Dmitry V; Fong, Allison A; Fons, Steven W; Frey, Markus M; Fuchs, Niels; Gabarró, Carolina; Gerland, Sebastian; Goessling, Helge; Gradinger, Rolf; Haapala, Jari; Haas, Christian; Hamilton, Jonathan; Hannula, Henna-Reetta; Hendricks, Stefan; Herber, Andreas; Heuzé, Céline; Hoppmann, Mario; Høyland, Knut Vilhelm; Huntemann, Marcus; Hutchings, Jennifer K; Hwang, Byongjun; Itkin, Polona; Jacobi, Hans-Werner; Jaggi, Matthias; Jutila, Arttu; Kaleschke, Lars; Katlein, Christian; Kolabutin, Nikolai; Krampe, Daniela; Kristensen, Steen Savstrup; Krumpen, Thomas; Kurtz, Nathan; Lampert, Astrid; Lange, Benjamin Allen; Lei, Ruibo; Light, Bonnie; Linhardt, Felix; Liston, Glen E; Loose, Brice; Macfarlane, Amy R; Mahmud, Mallik; Matero, Ilkka; Maus, Sönke; Morgenstern, Anne; Naderpour, Reza; Nandan, Vishnu; Niubom, Alexey; Oggier, Marc; Oppelt, Natascha; Pätzold, Falk; Perron, Christophe; Petrovsky, Tomasz; Pirazzini, Roberta; Polashenski, Chris; Rabe, Benjamin; Raphael, Ian; Regnery, Julia; Rex, Markus; Ricker, Robert; Riemann-Campe, Kathrin; Rinke, Annette; Rohde, Jan; Salganik, Evgenii; Scharien, Randall K; Schiller, Martin; Schneebeli, Martin; Semmling, Maximilian; Shimanchuk, Egor; Shupe, Matthew D; Smith, Madison M; Smolyanitsky, Vasily M; Sokolov, Vladimir; Stanton, T; Stroeve, Julienne C; Thielke, Linda; Timofeeva, Anna; Tonboe, Rasmus Tage; Tavri, Aikaterini; Tsamados, Michel; Wagner, David N; Watkins, Daniel; Webster, Melinda; Wendisch, Manfred (2022): Overview of the MOSAiC expedition: Snow and sea ice. 10(1),
Pustogvar, A; Kulyakhtin, A (2016): Sea ice density measurements. Methods and uncertainties. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 131, 46-52,
Additional metadata:
SENSOR: Metadata for laboratory ISOLAB Facility - Stable Isotope Laboratory Potsdam at current Version. Alfred Wegener Institut Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, hdl:10013/sensor.ddc92f54-4c63-492d-81c7-696260694001
SENSOR: Metadata for mass spectrometer Finnigan Delta-S mass spectrometer (BERTA) at current Version. Alfred Wegener Institut Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, hdl:10013/sensor.62e86761-9fae-4f12-9c10-9b245028ea4c
SENSOR: Metadata for mass spectrometer Finnigan Delta-S mass spectrometer (DIFE) at current Version. Alfred Wegener Institut Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, hdl:10013/sensor.af148dea-fe65-4c87-9744-50dc4c81f7c9
Further details:
Leg 5 floe map: Aerial photo from 06 Sep 2020. Illustration by M. Nicolaus, Map_leg5.png
Quick looks: Physical properties from the coring sites during MOSAiC leg 5 in August-September 2020. physical_properties.png
Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven (AWI), grant/award no. AFMOSAiC-1_00: Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate
Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven (AWI), grant/award no. AWI_PS122_00: Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate / MOSAiC
Horizon 2020 (H2020), grant/award no. 730965: Arctic Research Icebreaker Consortium: A strategy for meeting the needs for marine-based research in the Arctic (ARICE)
The Research Council of Norway (RCN), grant/award no. 280292: Ridges - Safe HAVens for ice-associated Flora and Fauna in a Seasonally ice-covered Arctic OCean
The Research Council of Norway (RCN), grant/award no. 328957: air-snow-ice-ocean INTERactions transforming Atlantic Arctic Climate (INTERAAC)
Median Latitude: 88.704441 * Median Longitude: 106.944726 * South-bound Latitude: 88.092238 * West-bound Longitude: 101.683201 * North-bound Latitude: 89.077045 * East-bound Longitude: 114.119046
Date/Time Start: 2020-08-29T04:30:00 * Date/Time End: 2020-09-18T11:17:40
Minimum Elevation: -4308.8 m * Maximum Elevation: -4275.4 m
PS122/5_59-492 * Latitude: 88.090428 * Longitude: 109.209238 * Date/Time: 2020-08-29T04:00:00 * Elevation: -4308.8 m * O2A Registry URI: * Location: Arctic Ocean * Campaign: PS122/5 (MOSAiC20192020) * Basis: Polarstern * Method/Device: Ice corer (IC) * Comment: Ice core for Temperature; Ice core for salinity; Ice core for texture; Coring on Strength Area
PS122/5_60-3 * Latitude: 88.286100 * Longitude: 113.821611 * Date/Time: 2020-08-31T05:30:00 * Elevation: -4283.3 m * O2A Registry URI: * Location: Arctic Ocean * Campaign: PS122/5 (MOSAiC20192020) * Basis: Polarstern * Method/Device: Ice corer (IC) * Comment: Temperature core (TEMP); Salinity core (ALO18); ISO core; CH4 core; DIC1 core; CHLA core (ECO1A); REPository core (REP); DIC2 core; PROD core (ECO1B); PIGS core (ECO1C); TEXture core (TEX); TEX AARI core (TEX AARI); PLasTics core (PLT); OPTics core (OPT); DNA2 core (ECO2B); DNA3 core (ECO2C); GYPSUM core (GYP); DNA1 core (ECO2A); MEIO1 core; MEIO2 core; MEIO3 core ; RNA1 core; NPP core (PP1); RNA2 core; NPP core (PP2); RNA3 core (RNApool); NPP core (PP3); SEDIMENT core (SED); RNA4 core; Manuel core 1 (30 cm bottom); Manuel core 2 (30 cm bottom); Manuel core 3 (30 cm bottom); Manuel core 4 (30 cm bottom); Bob core 1 (5 cm bottom); Bob core 2 (5 cm bottom); Bob core 3 (5 cm bottom); Bob core 4 (5 cm bottom); Bob core 5 (5 cm bottom); Bob core 6 (5 cm bottom); MOSAiC 2.0 floe, common ice coring site, located in CO
PS122/5_61-6 * Latitude: 88.722418 * Longitude: 112.059281 * Date/Time: 2020-09-07T05:35:04 * Elevation: -4288.5 m * O2A Registry URI: * Location: Arctic Ocean * Campaign: PS122/5 (MOSAiC20192020) * Basis: Polarstern * Method/Device: Ice corer (IC) * Comment: Temperature core; DIC1 core (DIC1); Salinity core (SALO18); DIC2 core (DIC2); CH4 core (CH4); ISO core (ISO); Nd x 1 core (BGC); Nd x 2 core (BGC); Nd x 3 core (BGC); Nd x 4; Nd x 5 core (BGC); Nd x 6 core (BGC); Nd x 7 core (BGC); Nd x 8 core (BGC); Nd x 9 core (BGC); Nd x 10 core (BGC); Repository core (REP); Texture core (TEX); CHLA core (ECO1A); PROD core (ECO1B); PIGS core (ECO1C); ALGAE core (ECO1D); MEIO1 core (MEIO1); MEIO2 core (MEIO2); MEIO3 core (MEIO3); NPP core (PP1); NPP core (PP2); NPP core (PP3); GYPSUM core (GYP); Optics core (OPT); RNA4 core (RN4); SEDIMENT core (SED); Plastics core (PLT); TEX AARI core; RNA1 core (RNA1); RNA2 core (RNA2); RNA3 core (RNA3); Ice and ECO and BGC cores
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEventGranskog, Mats A
2DATE/TIMEDate/TimeGranskog, Mats AGeocode
3LATITUDELatitudeGranskog, Mats AGeocode – coordinates of the ice coring site at the time of sampling
4LONGITUDELongitudeGranskog, Mats AGeocode – coordinates of the ice coring site at the time of sampling
5SiteSiteGranskog, Mats A
6CoreCoreGranskog, Mats A
7Sea ice thicknessEsEsmGranskog, Mats AIce thickness gauge (ICEGAUGE)Distance from the top of ice to the bottom of the ice
8Sea ice draftSea ice draftmGranskog, Mats AIce thickness gauge (ICEGAUGE)Distance from water level to bottom of the ice
9Depth, adjustedDepth adjambsfGranskog, Mats ACalculatedmiddle of the ice layer sampled, relative to the surface of the ice
10Depth, adjusted topDepth adj topambsfGranskog, Mats ACalculatedtop of ice layer sampled, relative to the surface of the ice
11Depth, adjusted bottomDepth adj botambsfGranskog, Mats ACalculatedbottom of ice layer sampled, relative to the surface of the ice
12Sea ice salinitySea ice salGranskog, Mats ASalinometer, inductivePractical salinity measured after melting
13Temperature, ice/snowt°CGranskog, Mats AThermometer
14Density, iceDensity icekg/m3Høyland, Knut VilhelmHydrostatic weighingprime; Sea ice density measured at laboratory temperature of -15C
15Density, iceDensity icekg/m3Høyland, Knut VilhelmCalculatedSea ice density calculated from the measured salinity, density and temperature
16Volume, brineVol brine%Granskog, Mats ACalculatedLiquid brine volume fraction calculated from the measured sea ice salinity and temperature
17Volume, gasVol gas%Granskog, Mats Aprime; Gas volume fraction measured at laboratory temperature of -15C
18Volume, gasVol gas%Granskog, Mats ACalculatedGas volume fraction calculated from the measured sea ice salinity, density, and temperature
19Snow heightSnow hmGranskog, Mats ATape measureAverage snow depth at coring site
20δ18O, waterδ18O H2O‰ SMOWMeyer, HannoMass spectrometer Finnigan MAT Delta-S (ISOLAB)
21δ Deuterium, waterδD H2O‰ SMOWMeyer, HannoMass spectrometer Finnigan MAT Delta-S (ISOLAB)
22Deuterium excessd xsMeyer, HannoCalculated after Dansgaard (1964)
23Nitrate and Nitrite[NO3]- + [NO2]-µmol/lWhitmore, Laura MContinuous flow analyser, Seal, AA3
24Nitrate and Nitrite, standard deviation[NO3]- + [NO2]- std dev±Whitmore, Laura MContinuous flow analyser, Seal, AA3
25Quality flag, nitrate and nitriteQF [NO3]- + [NO2]-Whitmore, Laura M
26Nitrite[NO2]-µmol/lWhitmore, Laura MContinuous flow analyser, Seal, AA3
27Nitrite, standard deviation[NO2]- std dev±Whitmore, Laura MContinuous flow analyser, Seal, AA3
28Quality flag, nitriteQF [NO2]-Whitmore, Laura M
29Ammonium[NH4]+µmol/lWhitmore, Laura MContinuous flow analyser, Seal, AA3
30Ammonium, standard deviation[NH4]+ std dev±Whitmore, Laura MContinuous flow analyser, Seal, AA3
31Quality flag, ammoniumQF [NH4]+Whitmore, Laura M
32Phosphate[PO4]3-µmol/lWhitmore, Laura MContinuous flow analyser, Seal, AA3
33Phosphate, standard deviation[PO4]3- std dev±Whitmore, Laura MContinuous flow analyser, Seal, AA3
34Quality flag, phosphateQF [PO4]3-Whitmore, Laura M
35SilicateSi(OH)4µmol/lWhitmore, Laura MContinuous flow analyser, Seal, AA3
36Silicate, standard deviationSi(OH)4 std dev±Whitmore, Laura MContinuous flow analyser, Seal, AA3
37Quality flag, silicateQF Si(OH)4Whitmore, Laura M
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
9197 data points

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