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Measurements of body size (prosome length), dry weight, and lipid content (oil sac area and volume) in wild-caught copepods were compiled from multiple studies conducted in the northwest Atlantic between 1977 and 2020, across all months of the year. The merged dataset includes data from >150 field missions and time series stations sampled by Fisheries and Oceans Canada, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and academic institutions, with spatial coverage from the Gulf of Maine, Georges Bank, Nantucket Shoals, Scotian Shelf, Gulf of St. Lawrence, Labrador Sea, and the Newfoundland Shelf. The copepod species included in the data set are Calanus spp. (C. hyperboreus, C. glacialis, C. finmarchicus) and Metridia longa. Wild-collected copepods were sampled using a variety of plankton nets, as described in the metadata for each data point. This amalgamated historical dataset provides a large-scale perspective on copepod size and lipids across a large geographic and temporal range.
Calanus finmarchicus; Calanus glacialis; Calanus hyperboreus; lipids; size
Head, Erica J H; Melle, Webjørn; Pepin, Pierre; Bagøien, Espen; Broms, Cecilie (2013): On the ecology of Calanus finmarchicus in the Subarctic North Atlantic: A comparison of population dynamics and environmental conditions in areas of the Labrador Sea-Labrador/Newfoundland Shelf and Norwegian Sea Atlantic and Coastal Waters. Progress in Oceanography, 114, 46-63,
Helenius, Laura K; Head, Erica J H; Jekielek, Phoebe; Orphanides, Christopher D; Pepin, Pierre; Perrin, Geneviève; Plourde, Stéphane; Ringuette, Marc; Runge, Jeffrey A; Walsh, Harvey Joseph; Johnson, Catherine L (2023): Spatial variability in size and lipid content of the marine copepod Calanus finmarchicus across the Northwest Atlantic continental shelves: implications for North Atlantic right whale prey quality. Journal of Plankton Research, 46(1), 25-40, (Helenius et al. (2023b))
Helenius, Laura K; Head, Erica J H; Jekielek, Phoebe; Orphanides, Christopher D; Pepin, Pierre; Perrin, Geneviève; Plourde, Stéphane; Ringuette, Marc; Runge, Jeffrey A; Walsh, Harvey Joseph; Johnson, Catherine L (2023): Spatial variability of Calanus spp. size and lipid content in the northwest Atlantic -Compilation and brief summary of historical observations, 1977-2020. Fisheries and Oceans Canada, (Helenius et al. (2023a))
Melle, Webjørn; Runge, Jeffrey A; Head, Erica J H; Plourde, Stéphane; Castellani, Claudia; Licandro, Priscilla; Pierson, James; Jónasdóttir, Sigrún Huld; Johnson, Catherine; Broms, Cecilie; Debes, Høgni; Falkenhaug, Tone; Gaard, Eilif; Gislason, Astthor; Heath, Michael R; Niehoff, Barbara; Nielsen, Torkel Gissel; Pepin, Pierre; Stenevik, Erling Kaare; Chust, Guillem (2014): The North Atlantic Ocean as habitat for Calanus finmarchicus: Environmental factors and life history traits. Progress in Oceanography, 129, 244-284,
Pepin, Pierre; Head, Erica J H (2009): Seasonal and depth-dependent variations in the size and lipid contents of stage 5 copepodites of Calanus finmarchicus in the waters of the Newfoundland Shelf and the Labrador Sea. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 56(6), 989-1002,
Pepin, Pierre; Parrish, Christopher C; Head, Erica J H (2011): Late autumn condition of Calanus finmarchicus in the northwestern Atlantic: evidence of size-dependent differential feeding. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 423, 155-166,
Runge, Jeffrey A; Ji, Rubao; Thompson, Cameron R S; Record, Nicholas R; Chen, Changsheng; Vandemark, Douglas C; Salisbury, Joseph E; Maps, Frédéric (2014): Persistence of Calanus finmarchicus in the western Gulf of Maine during recent extreme warming. Journal of Plankton Research, 37(1), 221-232,
Runge, Jeffrey A; Jones, Rebecca J (2012): Results of a collaborative project to observe coastal zooplankton and ichthyoplankton abundance and diversity in the western Gulf of Maine: 2003-2008. In: Stephenson, RL, Annala, JH, A, Runge, JA, Hall-Arber, M (eds.), Advancing an Ecosystem Approach in the Gulf of Maine, American Fisheries Society, Symposium, 345-360,
Runge, Jeffrey A; Plourde, Stéphane; Joly, Pierre; Niehoff, Barbara; Durbin, Edward G (2006): Characteristics of egg production of the planktonic copepod, Calanus finmarchicus, on Georges Bank: 1994–1999. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 53(23-24), 2618-2631,
Median Latitude: 48.296791 * Median Longitude: -63.287997 * South-bound Latitude: 40.450000 * West-bound Longitude: -70.333300 * North-bound Latitude: 60.573889 * East-bound Longitude: -43.000000
Date/Time Start: 1977-04-20T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2020-03-12T00:00:00
Minimum ELEVATION: -3672.0 m a.s.l. * Maximum ELEVATION: -19.0 m a.s.l.
GoM_Cop (GoM) * Latitude Start: 43.880000 * Longitude Start: -69.580000 * Latitude End: 40.450000 * Longitude End: -68.468300 * Date/Time Start: 1977-04-20T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2020-03-12T00:00:00 * Location: Gulf of Maine * Method/Device: Net (NET)
GSL_Cop (GSL) * Latitude Start: 51.690833 * Longitude Start: -55.490000 * Latitude End: 45.833611 * Longitude End: -61.750278 * Date/Time Start: 1979-02-01T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2019-11-17T00:00:00 * Location: Gulf of St. Lawrence * Method/Device: Net (NET)
LS_Cop (LS) * Latitude Start: 60.573889 * Longitude Start: -48.233056 * Latitude End: 46.800000 * Longitude End: -52.483333 * Date/Time Start: 1994-05-26T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2006-12-31T00:00:00 * Location: Labrador Sea * Method/Device: Net (NET)
Funding received from:
- Fisheries and Oceans Canada
- U.S. National Science Foundation
- Maine Department of Marine Resources
- U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM)
- University of New Hampshire Coastal Ocean Observation and Analysis (COOA) Center
- NOAA Fisheries Northeast Regional Action Plan
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Optional event labelEvent 2
2Location of eventLocation
3NumberNoJohnson, Catherine LNumbering of original dataset according to Helenius et al. (2023a)Number of original dataset (refer to source list in Helenius et al., 2023)
4Cruise/expeditionExpeditionJohnson, Catherine LCruise name/label
5CategoryCatJohnson, Catherine LAdditional data category label
6Year of samplingYear samplJohnson, Catherine LYear of collection
7MonthMonthJohnson, Catherine LMonth of collection
8DayDayJohnson, Catherine LDay of collection
9Time of dayTime of dayJohnson, Catherine LTime of collection (UTC)
10DATE/TIMEDate/TimeJohnson, Catherine LGeocode – Date/time of collection (if available)
11Station labelStationJohnson, Catherine LName of sampling station (if available)
12LATITUDELatitudeJohnson, Catherine LGeocode – Latitude of sampling station
13LONGITUDELongitudeJohnson, Catherine LGeocode – Longitude of sampling station
14ELEVATIONElevationm a.s.l.Johnson, Catherine LGeocode – Average bottom depth at sampling station
15Depth, water, bottom/maximumDepth water botmJohnson, Catherine LMaximum depth of collection
16Depth, water, top/minimumDepth water topmJohnson, Catherine LMinimum depth of collection
17GearGearJohnson, Catherine LNet (NET)Net used for collection (diameter and mesh size if available)
18Species identificationSpecies identJohnson, Catherine LGenus/species (Calanus sp., Cfin = C. finmarchicus, Cglac = C. glacialis, Chyp = C. hyperboreus, Cfin/glac = uncertain ID, possible C. finmarchicus or C. glacialis based on PL, Mlonga = Metridia longa, Metridia sp.)
19Species, unique identificationSpecies UID
20Species, unique identification (URI)Species UID (URI)
21Species, unique identification (Semantic URI)Species UID (Semantic URI)
22Species, unique identificationSpecies UIDUncertain ID (possible C. finmarchicus or C. glacialis based on PL)
23Species, unique identification (URI)Species UID (URI)Uncertain ID (possible C. finmarchicus or C. glacialis based on PL)
24Species, unique identification (Semantic URI)Species UID (Semantic URI)Uncertain ID (possible C. finmarchicus or C. glacialis based on PL)
25Life stageLife stageJohnson, Catherine LCopepodite stage (1-6, 6f = adult female, 6m = adult male)
26SexSexJohnson, Catherine L
27PreservationPreservJohnson, Catherine LSample preservation (formalin, live), if available
28Dry massDry mmgJohnson, Catherine LBalanceDW
29Prosome, lengthPros lmmJohnson, Catherine LStereomicroscopyPL
30Prosome, heightPros hmmJohnson, Catherine LStereomicroscopyPH
31Prosome, diameterPros diammmJohnson, Catherine LStereomicroscopyProd d
32Prosome, areaPros amm2Johnson, Catherine LCalculatedPA
33Cephalosome, lengthCephalosome lmmJohnson, Catherine LStereomicroscopyCeph l
34Metasome, lengthMetasome lmmJohnson, Catherine LStereomicroscopyMet l
35Urosome lengthUros lmmJohnson, Catherine LStereomicroscopyUro l
36Oil sac, lengthOil sac lmmJohnson, Catherine LStereomicroscopyOSL
37Oil sac, heightOil sac hmmJohnson, Catherine LStereomicroscopyOSH
38Oil sac, areaOil sac amm2Johnson, Catherine LCalculatedOSA
39Oil sac, volumeOil sac volmm3Johnson, Catherine LCalculatedOSV
40CarbonCµgJohnson, Catherine LElemental analyserCarbon content
41CarbonC%Johnson, Catherine LCalculatedCarbon content
42NitrogenNµgJohnson, Catherine LElemental analyserNitrogen content
43NitrogenN%Johnson, Catherine LCalculatedNitrogen content
44Carbon/Nitrogen ratioC/NJohnson, Catherine LCalculatedC/N ratio
45Reference/sourceReferenceJohnson, Catherine LPublications that have used these data partially or fully (on a dataset basis, except datapoint-specific for Helenius et al. 2023a)
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0) (License comes into effect after moratorium ends)
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
2303698 data points

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