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Suan, Guillaume; Pige, Nicolas; Blard, Pierre-Henri; Mattioli, Emanuela: A new helium isotope recored of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum from ODP Site 198-1209 (S3) [dataset]. PANGAEA, (dataset in review)

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The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM; around 56 Ma ago) is arguably the most intensively studied event of rapid greenhouse warming of the geological past. The duration and age of the PETM, however, remains vividly debated, limiting our understanding of the response of the Earth System dynamics to rapid warming. Here we present new extraterrestrial helium 3 (3HeET) data across the PETM at ODP Site 198-1209 (N Pacific) that document a drop in 3HeET fluxes from 0.56 ± 0.02 pcm³/cm²/ka ~1 Ma prior to the PETM to values of 0.37 ± 0.02 pcm³/cm²/ka before and after the PETM. Our 3HeET-based chronology, optimized through spectral analysis and orbital tuning, indicates a duration of 160±10 ka for the PETM body/core, consistent with previous 3HeET estimates from ODP Site 208-1266 (Walvis Ridge). The PETM started at the onset of a 100 ka eccentricity maxima at 56080 ka BP and ended abruptly during a marked decline in eccentricity at 55883 ka, providing strong support for an orbital trigger of both its onset and termination. The reevaluation of the 3HeET age models of the high paleo-latitude ODP Site 113-690 shows that the prominent sedimentary and carbon isotope steps at this site were controlled by obliquity instead of precession. Our revised chronology suggests that obliquity was also the dominant driver of the repeated drops to lower δ13C values during the PETM in otherwise precession-dominated low latitude sites, possibly reflecting the repeated destabilization of methane hydrate or permafrost carbon stocks at high latitudes.
This dataset contains the grayscale reflectance logs obtained on core photographs for ODP Site 198-1209A, B and C, new records of helium isotope and non-carbonate fraction data for ODP Site 198-1209 and the reconstructed apparent 3HeET fluxes (FET), instantaneous sedimentation rates (ISR) and ages. We also report new bulk carbonate carbon and oxygen stable isotope data for ODP Site 198-1209 that are included in a compilation of published bulk carbonate data from the same site along with their corresponding 3HeET ages. We include a compilation of published benthic foraminifera carbon and oxygen stable isotope data for ODP Site 198-1209 with their corresponding 3HeET ages. We also report a compilation of Fe and Ca concentrations, stable isotope data measured on bulk sediment, planktonic and benthic foraminifera from ODP Site 113-690 that are reported against a revised 3HeET-based age model we developed for this site using published 3HeET data and a revised 3HeET flux of 0.42 ± 0.02 pcm³/cm²/ka and an age of 55916 ka BP for point F (169.05 mbsf).
age-depth model; Helium; Pacific; Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM); stabe isotopes
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Pige, Nicolas; Suan, Guillaume; Buiron, Eddy; Langlois, Vincent J; Mehir, Alyssa; Vinçon-Laugier, Arnauld; Mattioli, Emanuela (2023): Microfossil fragmentation across the Paleocene-Eocene transition at ODP Site 1209 (North Pacific): Implication for reconstructing nannofossil fluxes. Marine Micropaleontology, 179, 102213,
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Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), grant/award no. ANR-18-CE31-0020: ANR OXYMORE
Median Latitude: 32.651703 * Median Longitude: 158.505980 * South-bound Latitude: 32.651650 * West-bound Longitude: 158.505930 * North-bound Latitude: 32.651800 * East-bound Longitude: 158.506080
Date/Time Start: 2001-09-18T08:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2001-09-23T04:30:00
Minimum Elevation: -2387.4 m * Maximum Elevation: -2387.2 m
198-1209A * Latitude: 32.651660 * Longitude: 158.505930 * Date/Time Start: 2001-09-18T08:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2001-09-19T13:35:00 * Elevation: -2387.2 m * Penetration: 259.6 m * Recovery: 262.27 m * Location: North Pacific Ocean * Campaign: Leg198 * Basis: Joides Resolution * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 28 cores; 259.6 m cored; 0 m drilled; 101 % recovery
198-1209B * Latitude: 32.651800 * Longitude: 158.505930 * Date/Time Start: 2001-09-19T13:35:00 * Date/Time End: 2001-09-21T07:10:00 * Elevation: -2387.4 m * Penetration: 298 m * Recovery: 303.17 m * Location: North Pacific Ocean * Campaign: Leg198 * Basis: Joides Resolution * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 32 cores; 297.6 m cored; 0.4 m drilled; 101.9 % recovery
198-1209C * Latitude: 32.651650 * Longitude: 158.506080 * Date/Time Start: 2001-09-21T07:10:00 * Date/Time End: 2001-09-23T04:30:00 * Elevation: -2387.4 m * Penetration: 307.5 m * Recovery: 200.6 m * Location: North Pacific Ocean * Campaign: Leg198 * Basis: Joides Resolution * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 23 cores; 202.2 m cored; 105.3 m drilled; 99.2 % recovery
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEventSuan, Guillaume
2Latitude of eventLatitudeSuan, Guillaume
3Longitude of eventLongitudeSuan, Guillaume
4Date/Time of eventDate/TimeSuan, Guillaume
5Elevation of eventElevationmSuan, Guillaume
6Depth, composite revised topDepth comp r toprmcdSuan, GuillaumeIODP Depth Scale Terminology[rmcd']
7Sample code/labelSample labelSuan, GuillaumeDSDP/ODP/IODP sample designation
8HalfHalfSuan, GuillaumeAnd further comments
9δ13C, bulk carbonateδ13C bulk carb‰ PDBSuan, Guillaumevs. VPDB
10δ18O, bulk carbonateδ18O bulk carb‰ PDBSuan, Guillaumevs. VPDB
11Datum/eventDatum/eventSuan, Guillaume
12Reference/sourceReferenceSuan, Guillaume
13Uniform resource locator/link to referenceURL refSuan, Guillaume
14Gas ageGas ageka BPSuan, GuillaumeScenario 1 (mean)
15Gas age, minimumGas age minka BPSuan, GuillaumeScenario 1
16Gas age, maximumGas age maxka BPSuan, GuillaumeScenario 1
17Gas ageGas ageka BPSuan, GuillaumeScenario 1 + hiatus (mean)
18Gas age, minimumGas age minka BPSuan, GuillaumeScenario 1 + hiatus
19Gas age, maximumGas age maxka BPSuan, GuillaumeScenario 1 + hiatus
20Gas ageGas ageka BPSuan, GuillaumeScenario 2 (mean)
21Gas age, minimumGas age minka BPSuan, GuillaumeScenario 2
22Gas age, maximumGas age maxka BPSuan, GuillaumeScenario 2
23Gas ageGas ageka BPSuan, GuillaumeadjustedScenario 2
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0) (License comes into effect after moratorium ends)
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
4520 data points

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