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Juhls, Bennet; Overduin, Pier Paul; Morgenstern, Anne; Lütjen, Martha; Esterl, Pia; Walther, Henrike; Bochow, Mathias (2024): Colored dissolved organic matter of Lena River water from 13.09.2019 (#202) to 23.08.2021 (#487) [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In: Juhls, Bennet; Morgenstern, Anne; Chetverova, Antonina; Eulenburg, Antje; Hölemann, Jens A; Povazhnyi, Vasily; Overduin, Pier Paul (2020): Lena River surface water monitoring near the Samoylov Island Research Station [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2024-11-07DOI registered: 2024-12-06

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We collected water samples from the river surface in the center of the Olenekskaya Channel near Samoylov Island using a pre-rinsed HDPE 1 L bottle. During the open water period (June to October), water was sampled from a small boat, and during ice-covered period (November to May), through a hole drilled through the river ice. Some samples during the river ice break-up (between May and June) as well as some samples during the ice freeze-up in October were taken from the shore due to the inaccessibility of a more centered location on the river channel. For CDOM absorption (aCDOM(λ)), the sample was filtered through a 0.45 μm cellulose acetate filter which had been rinsed with 20 mL sample water. CDOM samples were collected in pre-rinsed 50 or 100 mL amber glass bottles that were stored in the dark at 4°C until analysis. aCDOM was measuredat the German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ), Potsdam, Germany using a double beam LAMBDA 950 UV/Vis (PerkinElmer) spectrophotometer. The absorbance (A) was measured between 200 and 800 nm in 1 nm steps using a 1, 2 or 5 cm cuvette, depending on the expected concentration of dissolved organic matter. Absorption (a) was calculated from the resulting absorbance measurements via aCDOM(λ) = 2.303 * A(λ) * l, where l is the path length (length of cuvette in meter). Every 5 to 10 samples, the reference sample (Milli-Q water) was exchanged and a blank was measured to avoid instrument drift.
biogeochemistry; coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM)
Latitude: 72.367977 * Longitude: 126.459550
Date/Time Start: 2019-09-13T06:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2021-08-23T15:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, water: 0.2 m * Maximum DEPTH, water: 0.2 m
Olenekskaya_Ch * Latitude: 72.367977 * Longitude: 126.459550 * Method/Device: Sampling river (RIVER)
RU-Land_2019_Lena_Olenekskaya * Latitude: 72.367977 * Longitude: 126.459550 * Date/Time Start: 2019-03-24T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2019-09-17T00:00:00 * Campaign: RU-Land_2019_Lena (Lena 2019) * Basis: AWI Arctic Land Expedition * Method/Device: Sampling river (RIVER)
RU-Land_2020_Lena_Olenekskaya * Latitude: 72.367977 * Longitude: 126.459550 * Date/Time Start: 2020-07-22T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2020-09-15T00:00:00 * Campaign: RU-Land_2020_Lena (Lena 2020) * Basis: AWI Arctic Land Expedition * Method/Device: Sampling river (RIVER)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1IdentificationIDJuhls, Bennet
2DATE/TIMEDate/TimeJuhls, BennetGeocode
3DEPTH, waterDepth watermJuhls, BennetGeocode
4CommentCommentJuhls, Bennet
5Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 200 nmaCDOM_2001/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
6Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 201 nmaCDOM_2011/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
7Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 202 nmaCDOM_2021/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
8Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 203 nmaCDOM_2031/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
9Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 204 nmaCDOM_2041/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
10Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 205 nmaCDOM_2051/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
11Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 206 nmaCDOM_2061/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
12Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 207 nmaCDOM_2071/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
13Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 208 nmaCDOM_2081/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
14Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 209 nmaCDOM_2091/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
15Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 210 nmaCDOM_2101/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
16Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 211 nmaCDOM_2111/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
17Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 212 nmaCDOM_2121/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
18Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 213 nmaCDOM_2131/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
19Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 214 nmaCDOM_2141/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
20Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 215 nmaCDOM_2151/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
21Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 216 nmaCDOM_2161/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
22Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 217 nmaCDOM_2171/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
23Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 218 nmaCDOM_2181/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
24Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 219 nmaCDOM_2191/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
25Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 220 nmaCDOM_2201/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
26Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 221 nmaCDOM_2211/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
27Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 222 nmaCDOM_2221/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
28Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 223 nmaCDOM_2231/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
29Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 224 nmaCDOM_2241/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
30Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 225 nmaCDOM_2251/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
31Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 226 nmaCDOM_2261/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
32Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 227 nmaCDOM_2271/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
33Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 228 nmaCDOM_2281/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
34Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 229 nmaCDOM_2291/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
35Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 230 nmaCDOM_2301/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
36Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 231 nmaCDOM_2311/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
37Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 232 nmaCDOM_2321/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
38Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 233 nmaCDOM_2331/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
39Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 234 nmaCDOM_2341/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
40Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 235 nmaCDOM_2351/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
41Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 236 nmaCDOM_2361/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
42Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 237 nmaCDOM_2371/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
43Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 238 nmaCDOM_2381/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
44Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 239 nmaCDOM_2391/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
45Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 240 nmaCDOM_2401/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
46Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 241 nmaCDOM_2411/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
47Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 242 nmaCDOM_2421/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
48Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 243 nmaCDOM_2431/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
49Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 244 nmaCDOM_2441/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
50Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 245 nmaCDOM_2451/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
51Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 246 nmaCDOM_2461/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
52Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 247 nmaCDOM_2471/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
53Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 248 nmaCDOM_2481/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
54Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 249 nmaCDOM_2491/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
55Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 250 nmaCDOM_2501/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
56Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 251 nmaCDOM_2511/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
57Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 252 nmaCDOM_2521/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
58Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 253 nmaCDOM_2531/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
59Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 254 nmaCDOM_2541/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
60Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 255 nmaCDOM_2551/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
61Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 256 nmaCDOM_2561/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
62Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 257 nmaCDOM_2571/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
63Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 258 nmaCDOM_2581/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
64Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 259 nmaCDOM_2591/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
65Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 260 nmaCDOM_2601/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
66Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 261 nmaCDOM_2611/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
67Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 262 nmaCDOM_2621/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
68Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 263 nmaCDOM_2631/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
69Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 264 nmaCDOM_2641/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
70Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 265 nmaCDOM_2651/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
71Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 266 nmaCDOM_2661/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
72Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 267 nmaCDOM_2671/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
73Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 268 nmaCDOM_2681/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
74Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 269 nmaCDOM_2691/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
75Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 270 nmaCDOM_2701/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
76Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 271 nmaCDOM_2711/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
77Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 272 nmaCDOM_2721/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
78Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 273 nmaCDOM_2731/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
79Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 274 nmaCDOM_2741/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
80Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 275 nmaCDOM_2751/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
81Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 276 nmaCDOM_2761/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
82Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 277 nmaCDOM_2771/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
83Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 278 nmaCDOM_2781/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
84Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 279 nmaCDOM_2791/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
85Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 280 nmaCDOM_2801/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
86Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 281 nmaCDOM_2811/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
87Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 282 nmaCDOM_2821/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
88Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 283 nmaCDOM_2831/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
89Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 284 nmaCDOM_2841/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
90Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 285 nmaCDOM_2851/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
91Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 286 nmaCDOM_2861/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
92Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 287 nmaCDOM_2871/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
93Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 288 nmaCDOM_2881/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
94Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 289 nmaCDOM_2891/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
95Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 290 nmaCDOM_2901/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
96Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 291 nmaCDOM_2911/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
97Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 292 nmaCDOM_2921/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
98Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 293 nmaCDOM_2931/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
99Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 294 nmaCDOM_2941/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
100Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 295 nmaCDOM_2951/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
101Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 296 nmaCDOM_2961/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
102Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 297 nmaCDOM_2971/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
103Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 298 nmaCDOM_2981/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
104Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 299 nmaCDOM_2991/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
105Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 300 nmaCDOM_3001/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
106Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 301 nmaCDOM_3011/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
107Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 302 nmaCDOM_3021/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
108Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 303 nmaCDOM_3031/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
109Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 304 nmaCDOM_3041/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
110Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 305 nmaCDOM_3051/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
111Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 306 nmaCDOM_3061/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
112Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 307 nmaCDOM_3071/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
113Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 308 nmaCDOM_3081/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
114Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 309 nmaCDOM_3091/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
115Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 310 nmaCDOM_3101/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
116Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 311 nmaCDOM_3111/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
117Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 312 nmaCDOM_3121/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
118Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 313 nmaCDOM_3131/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
119Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 314 nmaCDOM_3141/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
120Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 315 nmaCDOM_3151/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
121Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 316 nmaCDOM_3161/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
122Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 317 nmaCDOM_3171/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
123Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 318 nmaCDOM_3181/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
124Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 319 nmaCDOM_3191/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
125Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 320 nmaCDOM_3201/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
126Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 321 nmaCDOM_3211/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
127Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 322 nmaCDOM_3221/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
128Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 323 nmaCDOM_3231/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
129Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 324 nmaCDOM_3241/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
130Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 325 nmaCDOM_3251/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
131Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 326 nmaCDOM_3261/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
132Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 327 nmaCDOM_3271/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
133Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 328 nmaCDOM_3281/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
134Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 329 nmaCDOM_3291/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
135Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 330 nmaCDOM_3301/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
136Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 331 nmaCDOM_3311/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
137Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 332 nmaCDOM_3321/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
138Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 333 nmaCDOM_3331/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
139Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 334 nmaCDOM_3341/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
140Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 335 nmaCDOM_3351/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
141Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 336 nmaCDOM_3361/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
142Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 337 nmaCDOM_3371/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
143Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 338 nmaCDOM_3381/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
144Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 339 nmaCDOM_3391/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
145Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 340 nmaCDOM_3401/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
146Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 341 nmaCDOM_3411/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
147Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 342 nmaCDOM_3421/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
148Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 343 nmaCDOM_3431/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
149Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 344 nmaCDOM_3441/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
150Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 345 nmaCDOM_3451/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
151Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 346 nmaCDOM_3461/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
152Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 347 nmaCDOM_3471/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)
153Absorption coefficient, colored dissolved organic matter at 348 nmaCDOM_3481/mJuhls, BennetSpectrophotometer UV/VIS (PerkinElmer Lambda 950)