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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Devresse, Quentin; Becker, Kevin W; Engel, Anja: Particulate organic matter and gel-like particles measured from water bottle samples during METEOR cruise M160 [dataset]. PANGAEA, (dataset in review)

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This dataset includes measured and calculated data over the epi-mesopelagic layer (0-450 m depth) of 29 stations with 4 stations within a cyclonic eddy nearby Brava island, 5 stations within a cyclonic eddy nearby Sal island, and one station within an anticyclonic eddy around the Cabo Verde islands in the eastern Tropical North Atlantic during the M160 cruise on the RV Meteor from November 22nd to December 20th, 2019. Particulate organic carbon and nitrogen were analyzed according to Sharp (1974; Transparent exopolymer particles (TEP) and Coomassie blue stainable particle (CSP) were measured by the microscopic method after Engel et al. (2009; Determination of Marine Gel Particles , Practical guidelines for the analysis of seawater. / ed. by Oliver Wurl Boca Raton [u.a.] ; CRC Press, ISBN: 978-1-420-07306-5 ). spectral slope of the particle size distribution were calculated after Mari, X. and Kiørboe, T. (1996). Abundance, size distribution and bacterial coloniza− tion of transparent exopolymeric particles (TEP) during spring in the kattegat. J. Plankton Res., 18(6):969–986.
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), grant/award no. 03F0815A: Küstennahe Auftriebsgebiete REEBUS: Physikalisch-biogeochemische sowie pelagisch-benthische Kopplung in Wirbeln vor Westafrika
Median Latitude: 16.363608 * Median Longitude: -22.713390 * South-bound Latitude: 14.269660 * West-bound Longitude: -25.923520 * North-bound Latitude: 18.599700 * East-bound Longitude: -19.700400
Date/Time Start: 2019-11-26T15:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2019-12-17T22:58:00
Minimum DEPTH, water: 10 m * Maximum DEPTH, water: 450 m
M160_17-1 * Latitude: 14.499370 * Longitude: -23.550480 * Date/Time: 2019-11-26T15:40:00 * Elevation: -3939.0 m * Location: North Atlantic Ocean * Campaign: M160 * Basis: Meteor (1986) * Method/Device: CTD/Rosette (CTD-RO)
M160_21-1 * Latitude: 14.494400 * Longitude: -23.534680 * Date/Time: 2019-11-26T19:32:00 * Elevation: -3939.0 m * Location: North Atlantic Ocean * Campaign: M160 * Basis: Meteor (1986) * Method/Device: CTD/Rosette (CTD-RO)
M160_38-1 * Latitude: 17.000020 * Longitude: -20.600030 * Date/Time: 2019-11-29T22:46:00 * Elevation: -3438.0 m * Location: North Atlantic Ocean * Campaign: M160 * Basis: Meteor (1986) * Method/Device: CTD/Rosette (CTD-RO)
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0) (License comes into effect after moratorium ends)
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
2213 data points

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