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Ruben, Manuel Jannis; Mollenhauer, Gesine; Galy, Valier (2024): Ramped pyrolysis oxidation and related 14C data sets of particulate phase created by incubating permafrost soils in sea water [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2024-02-16DOI registered: 2024-03-16

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The data was obtained by performing ramped pyrolysis and oxidation with 14C analysis of the emitted CO2 gases using the sedimentary residue of incubated permafrost soil (Yedoma) in seawater. The related data sets of the incubation experiment and experiment description can be found at doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.956711 and bacterial data at The ramped pyrolysis and oxidation setup is described in Hemingway et al. (2017a) and thermogram data conversion in E,p space is described in Hemingway et al. (2017b). Radiocarbon analysis was performed following Mollenhauer et al. (2021).
incubation experiment; Laboratory experiment; permafrost; Radiocarbon; ramped pyrolysis and oxidation
Related to:
Ruben, Manuel Jannis; Mollenhauer, Gesine; Marchant, Hannah K; Wietz, Matthias; Gentz, Torben (2023): Data sets to Yedoma permafrost incubation in seawater, assessing CO₂ release and quantifying fossil carbon contribution using radiocarbon as an inverse tracer [dataset]. PANGAEA,
Hemingway, Jordon D; Galy, Valier V; Gagnon, Alan R; Grant, Katherine E; Rosengard, Sarah Z; Soulet, Guillaume; Zigah, Prosper K; McNichol, Ann P (2017): Assessing the Blank Carbon Contribution, Isotope Mass Balance, and Kinetic Isotope Fractionation of the Ramped Pyrolysis/Oxidation Instrument at NOSAMS. Radiocarbon, 59(1), 179-193,
Hemingway, Jordon D; Rothman, Daniel H; Rosengard, Sarah Z; Galy, Valier V (2017): Technical note: An inverse method to relate organic carbon reactivity to isotope composition from serial oxidation. Biogeosciences, 14(22), 5099-5114,
Mollenhauer, Gesine; Grotheer, Hendrik; Gentz, Torben; Bonk, Elizabeth; Hefter, Jens (2021): Standard operation procedures and performance of the MICADAS radiocarbon laboratory at Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI), Germany. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 496, 45-51,
Related code / software:
Wietz, Matthias (2023): Release and microbial utilization of fossil carbon from eroding permafrost coastlines. Github repository,
Median Latitude: 75.028465 * Median Longitude: 114.599075 * South-bound Latitude: 72.537430 * West-bound Longitude: 100.911800 * North-bound Latitude: 77.519500 * East-bound Longitude: 128.286350
Date/Time Start: 2019-04-05T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2021-08-31T17:37:37
Minimum Elevation: -109.0 m * Maximum Elevation: 6.0 m
AT21_112-1 * Latitude: 77.519500 * Longitude: 100.911800 * Date/Time: 2021-08-31T17:37:37 * Elevation: -109.0 m * Location: Kara Sea * Campaign: ArcticCentury (AT21) * Basis: Akademik Tryoshnikov * Method/Device: CTD/Rosette (CTD-RO)
CAC19-Y * Latitude: 72.537430 * Longitude: 128.286350 * Date/Time: 2019-04-05T00:00:00 * Elevation: 6.0 m * Location: Lena Delta, Siberia * Campaign: RU-Land_2019_Lena (Lena 2019) * Basis: AWI Arctic Land Expedition * Method/Device: Soil profile (SOIL) * Comment: Drilled with a Makita hand drill, HSS bimetal hole saw attachment with 5.4 cm diameter. Always 3 samples next to each other, except of the topmost one.
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