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Haliuc, Aritina; Daniau, Anne-Laure; Mouillot, Florent; Chen, Wentao; Leys, Bérangère; David, Valérie; Hanquiez, Vincent; Dennielou, Bernard; Schefuß, Enno; Bayon, Germain; Crosta, Xavier: Age determination from microcharcoal of surface ocean sediments offshore Africa [dataset]. PANGAEA, (dataset in review), In: Haliuc, A et al.: Microcharcoal analysis of surface ocean sediments offshore Africa [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA, (dataset in review)

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Africa; biomass burning; charcoal morphotypes; fire regimes; marine sediments; Microcharcoal
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Median Latitude: -8.700441 * Median Longitude: 9.773706 * South-bound Latitude: -36.266667 * West-bound Longitude: 4.426700 * North-bound Latitude: 3.251645 * East-bound Longitude: 37.985000
Date/Time Start: 1989-10-16T12:57:00 * Date/Time End: 2012-01-05T05:49:29
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.005 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.460 m
Anker24 * Latitude: -6.033300 * Longitude: 12.566700 * Elevation: -5.0 m * Method/Device: Grab (GRAB) * Comment: Congo River estuary, (Eisma et al., 1978)
COL-A-CS01 * Latitude: -6.460000 * Longitude: 6.030000 * Date/Time: 2011-12-18T23:42:25 * Elevation: -4755.0 m * Location: South Atlantic Ocean * Campaign: CONGOLOBE * Basis: Pourquoi Pas ? (2005) * Method/Device: Calypso Corer (CALYPSO)
COL-B-CS07 * Latitude: -6.430000 * Longitude: 5.830000 * Date/Time: 2012-01-05T05:49:29 * Elevation: -4822.0 m * Location: South Atlantic Ocean * Campaign: CONGOLOBE * Basis: Pourquoi Pas ? (2005) * Method/Device: Calypso Corer (CALYPSO)
Further fundings:
* Climate Change Initiative (CCI) Fire_cci Project, Award: 4000126706/19/I-NB
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEventHaliuc, Aritina
2Latitude of eventLatitudeHaliuc, Aritina
3Longitude of eventLongitudeHaliuc, Aritina
4Date/Time of eventDate/TimeHaliuc, Aritina
5Elevation of eventElevationmHaliuc, Aritina
6Basis of eventBasisHaliuc, Aritina
7Method/Device of eventMethod/DeviceHaliuc, Aritina
8SiteSiteHaliuc, Aritina
9BasinBasinHaliuc, AritinaHydrographic basin
10Sedimentation rate per yearSRcm/aHaliuc, Aritina
11DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmHaliuc, AritinaGeocode
12Age modelAge modelkaHaliuc, Aritina
13Age, datedAge datedkaHaliuc, Aritina
14Age, dated standard deviationAge dated std dev±Haliuc, Aritina
15Sample digestion methodSample digestion methHaliuc, AritinaDating method
16CharacteristicCharacteristicHaliuc, AritinaDepositional context/Sediment characteristics
17Age, commentCommHaliuc, AritinaEstimated ages (this study)/Calendar year at 1 cm depth
18IntervalIntervalHaliuc, AritinaEstimated time interval covered by the samples (a) (simplified)
19Reference/sourceReferenceHaliuc, Aritina
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0) (License comes into effect after moratorium ends)
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
889 data points

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