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Volz, Jessica B; Lange, Mirko; Koehler, Dennis; Geibert, Walter; Stimac, Ingrid; Kasten, Sabine: Baseline radionuclide activities for sediment cores taken during RV SONNE cruise SO268 in the CCZ, Pacific Ocean [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA, (dataset in review)

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This baseline dataset comprises downcore measurements of the activity of different radionuclides for sediment cores (GC, MUC, ROV-operated PUC) retrieved in the framework of the European collaborative JPI Oceans MiningImpact project onboard R/V SONNE cruise SO268 in 2019. The scientific work during cruise SO268 was part of the second phase of the MiningImpact project (Environmental impacts and risks of deep-sea mining) and is designed to assess the environmental impacts of deep-sea mining of polymetallic nodules in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone (CCZ) in the Pacific Ocean. After performing total acid digestions, the sediments were analyzed by isotope dilution using ICP-SF-MS (Element2, Thermo Scientific) for the determination of radionuclides at the Marine Geochemistry Lab, Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven.
Clarion Clipperton Fracture Zone; deep sea mining; deep sea sediment; Geochemical data
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), grant/award no. 03F0812F: JPI-O MiningImpact: Auswirkungen von Manganknollenbergbau auf biogeochemische Prozesse und die Ausbreitung von Stoffen in der Tiefsee
Median Latitude: 12.852423 * Median Longitude: -120.945715 * South-bound Latitude: 11.844767 * West-bound Longitude: -125.924517 * North-bound Latitude: 14.135083 * East-bound Longitude: -117.012333
Date/Time Start: 2019-02-28T15:52:24 * Date/Time End: 2019-04-26T18:59:34
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0) (License comes into effect after moratorium ends)
16 datasets

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Datasets listed in this publication series

  1. Volz, JB; Lange, M; Koehler, D et al. (in review): Baseline radionuclide activities for sediment core SO268/1_5-1 (MUC-01) during R/V SONNE cruise SO268/1 in the CCZ, Pacific Ocean.
  2. Volz, JB; Lange, M; Koehler, D et al. (in review): Baseline radionuclide activities for sediment core SO268/1_19-1 (MUC-05) during RV SONNE cruise SO268/1 in the CCZ, Pacific Ocean.
  3. Volz, JB; Lange, M; Koehler, D et al. (in review): Baseline radionuclide activities for sediment core SO268/1_26-1 (MUC-06) during RV SONNE cruise SO268/1 in the CCZ, Pacific Ocean.
  4. Volz, JB; Lange, M; Koehler, D et al. (in review): Baseline radionuclide activities for sediment core SO268/1_38-1 (MUC-07) during RV SONNE cruise SO268/1 in the CCZ, Pacific Ocean.
  5. Volz, JB; Lange, M; Koehler, D et al. (in review): Baseline radionuclide activities for sediment core SO268/1_43-1 (MUC-10) during RV SONNE cruise SO268/1 in the CCZ, Pacific Ocean.
  6. Volz, JB; Lange, M; Koehler, D et al. (in review): Baseline radionuclide activities for sediment core SO268/1_56-1 (MUC-13) during RV SONNE cruise SO268/1 in the CCZ, Pacific Ocean.
  7. Volz, JB; Lange, M; Koehler, D et al. (in review): Baseline radionuclide activities for sediment core SO268/1_65-1 (MUC-14) during RV SONNE cruise SO268/1 in the CCZ, Pacific Ocean.
  8. Volz, JB; Lange, M; Koehler, D et al. (in review): Baseline radionuclide activities for sediment core SO268/1_67-1 (MUC-16) during RV SONNE cruise SO268/1 in the CCZ, Pacific Ocean.
  9. Volz, JB; Lange, M; Koehler, D et al. (in review): Baseline radionuclide activities for sediment core SO268/1_74-1 (MUC-17) during RV SONNE cruise SO268/1 in the CCZ, Pacific Ocean.
  10. Volz, JB; Lange, M; Koehler, D et al. (in review): Baseline radionuclide activities for sediment core SO268/1_75-1 (MUC-18) during RV SONNE cruise SO268/1 in the CCZ, Pacific Ocean.
  11. Volz, JB; Lange, M; Koehler, D et al. (in review): Baseline radionuclide activities for sediment core SO268/1_79-1 (MUC-19) during RV SONNE cruise SO268/1 in the CCZ, Pacific Ocean.
  12. Volz, JB; Lange, M; Koehler, D et al. (in review): Baseline radionuclide activities for sediment core SO268/1_84-1 (GC-05) during RV SONNE cruise SO268/1 in the CCZ, Pacific Ocean.
  13. Volz, JB; Lange, M; Koehler, D et al. (in review): Baseline radionuclide activities for sediment core SO268/2_104-1 (GC-06) during RV SONNE cruise SO268/2 in the CCZ, Pacific Ocean.
  14. Volz, JB; Lange, M; Koehler, D et al. (in review): Baseline radionuclide activities for sediment core SO268/2_106-1 (MUC-22) during RV SONNE cruise SO268/2 in the CCZ, Pacific Ocean.
  15. Volz, JB; Lange, M; Koehler, D et al. (in review): Baseline radionuclide activities for sediment core SO268/2_157-1 (GC-10) during RV SONNE cruise SO268/2 in the CCZ, Pacific Ocean.
  16. Volz, JB; Lange, M; Koehler, D et al. (in review): Baseline radionuclide activities for sediment core SO268/2_158-1_PUC-81 during RV SONNE cruise SO268/2 in the CCZ, Pacific Ocean.