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Kopp, Heidrun; Lange, Dietrich; Thorwart, Martin; Dannowski, Anke; Schmidt-Aursch, Mechita (2022): Project LOBSTER: DEPAS and GEOMAR ocean-bottom seismometer operations in the Ligurian Sea in 2017-2018 [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2022-12-19DOI registered: 2023-02-02

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The long-term network comprising ocean bottom broadband seismometers (OBS) forms an integral part of the European AlpArray initiative and the German DFG Priority Programme SPP ‚Mountain Building in 4 Dimensions' MB 4D ( The instruments are deployed with a mean distance of 25 nm (46km) to the neighboring station (28 nm (51 km) to neighboring three stations) west and north of the island of Corsica. The westernmost instruments are located near the Gulf of Lions and the northernmost instruments were installed off the Ligurian coast.
The scientific aim of the LOBSTER project is manifold: (1) characterisation of the crust and upper mantle of the Ligurian Basin and the transition from the oceanic to the continental domain; (2) understanding the structures and kinematics of rifting during the opening of the Ligurian Sea; (3) imaging the prolongation of the Alpine front; and (4) studying the recent deformation in the Ligurian Basin and the surrounding coastal areas as imaged through local seismicity.
Additionally, the AlpArray OBS network was important to complete the densely spaced AlpArray broadband seismic network. The technical aim of the LOBSTER project is to provide consistent data that can be smoothly integrated into the land data. Instruments have been deployed in June 2017 by RV Pourquois Pas and recovered after 8 months of recording in January 2018 by RV Maria S Merian (MSM71).
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Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung; et al. (2017): DEPAS (Deutscher Geräte-Pool für amphibische Seismologie): German Instrument Pool for Amphibian Seismology. Journal of large-scale research facilities JLSRF, 3,
AlpArray Seismic Network (2015): AlpArray Seismic Network (AASN) temporary component. AlpArray Working Group. Other/Seismic Network, (Link to processed primary data)
Dannowski, Anke; Kopp, Heidrun; Grevemeyer, Ingo; Lange, Dietrich; Thorwart, Martin; Bialas, Jörg; Wollatz-Vogt, Martin (2020): Seismic evidence for failed rifting in the Ligurian Basin, Western Alpine domain. Solid Earth, 11(3), 873-887,
Kopp, Heidrun; Lange, Dietrich; Thorwart, Martin; Paul, Anne; Dannowski, Anke; Petersen, Florian; Aubert, Coralie; Beek, Florian; Beniest, Anouk; Besancon, Simon; Brotzer, Andreas; Caielli, Grazia; Crawford, Wayne C; Deen, Martha; Lehmann, Carsten; Marquardt, Kevin; Neckel, Morlin; Papanagnou, Leonie; Schramm, Bettina; Schröder, Patrick; Steffen, Klaus-Peter; Wolf, Felix-Noah; Xia, Yueyang (2018): RV MARIA S. MERIAN Fahrtbericht / Cruise Report MSM71 LOBSTER: Ligurian Ocean Bottom Seismology and Tectonics Research, Las Palmas (Spain) - Heraklion (Greece) 07.02.-27.02.2017. GEOMAR Report (N. Ser.), 41, 47 pp,
Thorwart, Martin; Dannowski, Anke; Grevemeyer, Ingo; Lange, Dietrich; Kopp, Heidrun; Petersen, Florian; Crawford, Wayne C; Paul, Anne; AlpArray Working Group (2021): Basin inversion: reactivated rift structures in the central Ligurian Sea revealed using ocean bottom seismometers. Solid Earth, 12(11), 2553-2571,
Wolf, Felix-Noah; Lange, Dietrich; Dannowski, Anke; Thorwart, Martin; Crawford, Wayne C; Wiesenberg, Lars; Grevemeyer, Ingo; Kopp, Heidrun; AlpArray Working Group (2021): 3D crustal structure of the Ligurian Basin revealed by surface wave tomography using ocean bottom seismometer data. Solid Earth, 12(11), 2597-2613,
German Research Foundation (DFG), grant/award no. KO_2961/6-1: Mountain building in 4 dimensions (4DMB)
German Research Foundation (DFG), grant/award no. LA_2970/4-1: Mountain building in 4 dimensions (4DMB)
German Research Foundation (DFG), grant/award no. TH_2440/1-1: Mountain building in 4 dimensions (4DMB)
Median Latitude: 42.560063 * Median Longitude: 6.771500 * South-bound Latitude: 41.710000 * West-bound Longitude: 5.019000 * North-bound Latitude: 43.850000 * East-bound Longitude: 9.230000
Date/Time Start: 2017-06-15T14:53:00 * Date/Time End: 2018-02-23T05:36:00
Minimum ELEVATION: -2752 m a.s.l. * Maximum ELEVATION: -1133 m a.s.l.
Z3_A402A * Latitude: 42.879000 * Longitude: 5.300500 * Date/Time Start: 2017-06-20T07:32:00 * Date/Time End: 2018-02-16T02:27:00 * Elevation: -1632.0 m * Location: off Corsica * Method/Device: Ocean bottom seismometer (OBS)
Z3_A404A * Latitude: 42.178000 * Longitude: 5.019300 * Date/Time Start: 2017-06-17T02:46:00 * Date/Time End: 2018-02-15T18:29:00 * Elevation: -2013.0 m * Location: off Corsica * Method/Device: Ocean bottom seismometer (OBS)
Z3_A405A * Latitude: 42.412000 * Longitude: 5.303700 * Date/Time Start: 2017-06-16T02:19:00 * Date/Time End: 2018-02-15T21:34:00 * Elevation: -2192.0 m * Location: off Corsica * Method/Device: Ocean bottom seismometer (OBS)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEventKopp, Heidrun
2ProjectProjectKopp, Heidrun
3Principal investigatorPIKopp, Heidrun
4CodeCodeKopp, HeidrunFDSN Network Code
5Station labelStationKopp, Heidrun
6Date/time startDate/time startKopp, HeidrunRecording
7Date/time startDate/time startKopp, HeidrunDeployment
8LATITUDELatitudeKopp, HeidrunGeocode
9LONGITUDELongitudeKopp, HeidrunGeocode
10ELEVATIONElevationm a.s.l.Kopp, HeidrunGeocode
11Date/time endDate/time endKopp, HeidrunRecovery
12Date/time endDate/time endKopp, HeidrunRecording
13Clock skewSkewµsKopp, Heidrun
14Recorder typeRecorderKopp, Heidrun
15Recorder, serial numberRecorder SNKopp, Heidrun
16Seismometer typeSeismometerKopp, Heidrun
17Seismometer, serial numberSeismometer SNKopp, Heidrun
18Seismometer gainSeismometer gainKopp, Heidrun
19Hydrophone typeHydrophoneKopp, Heidrun
20Hydrophone, serial numberHydrophone SNKopp, Heidrun
21Hydrophone gainHydrophone gainKopp, Heidrun
22Hydrophone polarityHydrophone polKopp, Heidrun
23Sampling rateSampling rateHzKopp, Heidrun
24Cruise/expeditionExpeditionKopp, Heidrun
25Binary ObjectBinaryKopp, HeidrunAuxiliary data
26Binary ObjectBinaryKopp, HeidrunLog file
27Binary ObjectBinaryKopp, HeidrunRaw data
28Binary ObjectBinaryKopp, HeidrunSeismometer state of health
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
379 data points

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