Boersma, Maarten; Renz, Jasmin: Mesozooplankton abundances at timeseries station Helgoland Roads, in 2020 [dataset]. PANGAEA, (dataset in review), In: Boersma, Maarten; Greve, Wulf; Renz, Jasmin; Ecker, Ursula; Kirstein, Inga V (2017): Mesozooplankton abundances at time series station Helgoland Roads since 1974 [dataset publication series]. Alfred Wegener Institute - Biological Institute Helgoland, PANGAEA,
Samples to detemine zooplankton abundance were collected as part of the Helgoland Roads long-term data series in 2020. Zooplankton were sampled at the "Kabeltonne" site (54°11.3′N, 7°54.0′E) using an oblique haul with a 150µm hand net (Apstein, Hydrobios, Kiel) and preserved in 4% formaldehyde (buffered with Borax) to allow for storage and later examination. Sampling volume was calculated with a mechanic flowmeter (Hydrobios, Kiel). Samples were counted either as whole or as subsamples depending on the density. However, at least 60 individuals of each key species were counted per subsample to ensure counting of a representative part of the sample. Species were identified to the lowest possible taxonomic level using a stereomicroscope (Leica M205C). If identification to the species level was not possible, the next identifiable taxonomic category was assigned.
Further details:
Latitude: 54.188330 * Longitude: 7.900000
Date/Time Start: 2020-01-06T09:41:00 * Date/Time End: 2020-12-30T08:15:00
Minimum DEPTH, water: 0 m * Maximum DEPTH, water: 10 m
HelgolandRoads2020 (Kabeltonne) * Latitude: 54.188330 * Longitude: 7.900000 * Date/Time Start: 2020-01-01T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2020-12-31T23:59:59 * Elevation: -10.0 m * DEIMS ID: * O2A Registry URI: * Location: German Bight, North Sea * Campaign: LTER_HelgolandRoads (Kabeltonne, Long-term Ecological Research Helgoland Roads) * Basis: Marine Station Helgoland * Method/Device: Monitoring (MON)
The data provided here represents a summary of species and taxonomic groups. Species and groups added together are shown in the parameter comments (see "Further Details").
Empty cells = taxon was not investigated in this sample.
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | DATE/TIME | Date/Time | Boersma, Maarten | Geocode – T00:00 = sampling time unknown | ||
2 | DEPTH, water | Depth water | m | Boersma, Maarten | Geocode – top | |
3 | DEPTH, water | Depth water | m | Boersma, Maarten | Geocode – bottom | |
4 | Copepoda, nauplii | Copepoda naup | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
5 | Acartia spp. | Acartia spp. | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
6 | Calanus spp. | Calanus spp. | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
7 | Centropages spp. | Centropages spp. | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
8 | Pseudocalanus spp. | Pseudocalanus spp. | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | contains Paracalanus spp. |
9 | Temora longicornis | T. longicornis | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
10 | Oithona spp. | Oithona spp. | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
11 | Cyclopoida | Cyclopoida | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
12 | Harpacticoida | Harpacticoida | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
13 | Copepoda, other | Copepoda oth | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | other copepod species, see comments in Further Details |
14 | Amphipoda | Amphipoda | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
15 | Cirripedia | Cirripedia | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
16 | Cladocera | Cladocera | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
17 | Cumacea | Cumacea | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
18 | Decapoda, zoea | Decapoda zoea | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
19 | Decapoda, megalopa | Megalopa | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
20 | Euphausiacea | Euphaus | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
21 | Isopoda | Isopoda | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
22 | Mysida | Mysida | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
23 | Ostracoda | Ostrac | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
24 | Pantopoda | Pantopoda | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
25 | Annelida | Annelida | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
26 | Anthozoa | Anthozoa | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
27 | Appendicularia | Appendic | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
28 | Bryozoa | Bryozoa | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
29 | Cephalochordata | Cephalochordata | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
30 | Chaetognatha | Chaetognatha | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
31 | Coelenterata | Coelenterata | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | indeterminata |
32 | Ctenophora | Ctenophora | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
33 | Echinodermata, adult | Echinod ad | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
34 | Echinodermata, juvenile | Echinod juv | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
35 | Echinodermata, larvae | Echinod larv | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
36 | Eggs indeterminata | Eggs indet | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
37 | Fish eggs | Fish eggs | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
38 | Fish larvae | Fish larv | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
39 | Hydrozoa | Hydrozoa | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
40 | Mollusca | Mollusca | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
41 | Nemertea | Nemertea | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
42 | Phoronida | Phoronida | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
43 | Platyhelminthes | Platyhelminthes | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
44 | Rotifera | Rotifera | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
45 | Scyphozoa | Scyphozoa | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
46 | Tunicata | Tunicata | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction | |
47 | Mesozooplankton, other groups | Mesozoopl oth | #/m3 | Boersma, Maarten | Counting >150 µm fraction |
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Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
2200 data points
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