Overduin, Pier Paul; Ryberg, Trond; Haberland, Christian; Erkens, Ephraim (2022): Marine ERT surveys acquired in the region of Tuktoyaktuk Island, Northwest Territories, Canada [dataset]. PANGAEA, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.949499, In: Boike, Julia; Banaskiewicz, Benjamin; Cable, William L; Erkens, Ephraim; Haberland, Christian; Miesner, Frederieke; Overduin, Pier Paul; Ryberg, Trond (2022): Permafrost related measurements in the Mackenzie Delta, Northwest Territories, Canada, from the MOSES field campaign in September 2021 [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.949183
Always quote citation above when using data! You can download the citation in several formats below.
Published: 2022-10-10 • DOI registered: 2022-11-12
This dataset contains over 30 marine Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) profiles taken in September 2021 around Tuktoyaktuk Island (NWT / Beaufort Sea, Canada). The measurements were part of the “Mackenzie Delta Permafrost Field Campaign” (mCan2021) within the “Modular Observation solutions for Earth Systems” (MOSES) program. The collected profiles consist of numerous adjacent vertical soundings in a (quasi-symmetric) reciprocal Wenner-Schlumberger array, using a floating cable towed behind a boat. GPS records along the electrode streamer were taken, enabling the improvement of pre- processing by excluding measurements for which the cable was curved and electrode positions deviated too widely. The aim of the study was to determine the depth of the submarine permafrost. Cleaned data is provided in csv format.
Further details:
Permafrost Research (AWI_Perma)
Permafrost Research (Periglacial Dynamics) @ AWI (AWI_PerDyn)
Median Latitude: 69.456302 * Median Longitude: -133.005441 * South-bound Latitude: 69.449079 * West-bound Longitude: -133.020529 * North-bound Latitude: 69.461608 * East-bound Longitude: -132.986301
Date/Time Start: 2021-09-21T00:21:42 * Date/Time End: 2021-09-27T22:31:31
CA-Land_2021_NWCanada_ERT-Tuk * Latitude: 69.454000 * Longitude: -133.010000 * Date/Time Start: 2021-09-21T00:21:42 * Date/Time End: 2021-09-27T22:31:31 * O2A Registry URI: registry.o2a-data.de * Location: Tuktoyaktuk Island * Campaign: CA-Land_2021_NWCanada (MOSES 2021, mCan2021) * Basis: AWI Arctic Land Expedition * Method/Device: Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT)
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | ORDINAL NUMBER | Ord No | Overduin, Pier Paul | Geocode | ||
2 | DATE/TIME | Date/Time | Overduin, Pier Paul | Geocode – UTC | ||
3 | Profile ID | Profile ID | Overduin, Pier Paul | index ascending from north to south | ||
4 | Distance, relative | Dist rel | m | Overduin, Pier Paul | of profile, cumulated distances between soundings | |
5 | DEPTH, water | Depth water | m | Overduin, Pier Paul | Geocode | |
6 | Distance, relative | Dist rel | m | Overduin, Pier Paul | to water depth | |
7 | LATITUDE | Latitude | Overduin, Pier Paul | Geocode – of the cable center | ||
8 | LONGITUDE | Longitude | Overduin, Pier Paul | Geocode – of the cable center | ||
9 | Resistivity, apparent | Resistivity app | Ohm m | Overduin, Pier Paul | Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) | Rho 1 |
10 | Resistivity, apparent | Resistivity app | Ohm m | Overduin, Pier Paul | Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) | Rho 2 |
11 | Resistivity, apparent | Resistivity app | Ohm m | Overduin, Pier Paul | Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) | Rho 3 |
12 | Resistivity, apparent | Resistivity app | Ohm m | Overduin, Pier Paul | Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) | Rho 4 |
13 | Resistivity, apparent | Resistivity app | Ohm m | Overduin, Pier Paul | Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) | Rho 5 |
14 | Resistivity, apparent | Resistivity app | Ohm m | Overduin, Pier Paul | Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) | Rho 6 |
15 | Resistivity, apparent | Resistivity app | Ohm m | Overduin, Pier Paul | Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) | Rho 7 |
16 | Resistivity, apparent | Resistivity app | Ohm m | Overduin, Pier Paul | Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) | Rho 8 |
17 | Resistivity, apparent | Resistivity app | Ohm m | Overduin, Pier Paul | Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) | Rho 9 |
18 | Resistivity, apparent | Resistivity app | Ohm m | Overduin, Pier Paul | Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) | Rho 10 |
19 | Position | Position | m | Overduin, Pier Paul | of current electrode C1 | |
20 | Position | Position | m | Overduin, Pier Paul | of current electrode C2 | |
21 | Position | Position | m | Overduin, Pier Paul | of potential electrode P1 | |
22 | Position | Position | m | Overduin, Pier Paul | of potential electrode P2 | |
23 | Position | Position | m | Overduin, Pier Paul | of potential electrode P3 | |
24 | Position | Position | m | Overduin, Pier Paul | of potential electrode P4 | |
25 | Position | Position | m | Overduin, Pier Paul | of potential electrode P5 | |
26 | Position | Position | m | Overduin, Pier Paul | of potential electrode P6 | |
27 | Position | Position | m | Overduin, Pier Paul | of potential electrode P7 | |
28 | Position | Position | m | Overduin, Pier Paul | of potential electrode P8 | |
29 | Position | Position | m | Overduin, Pier Paul | of potential electrode P9 | |
30 | Position | Position | m | Overduin, Pier Paul | of potential electrode P10 | |
31 | Position | Position | m | Overduin, Pier Paul | of potential electrode P11 |
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0)
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
138736 data points
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