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Carreiro-Silva, Marina; Martins, Ines; Raimundo, Joana; Caetano, Miguel; Bettencourt, Raul; Cerqueira, Teresa; Colaço, Ana (2022): Results of an ex-situ experiment testing the effects of mining-generated sediment plumes on the cold-water octocoral Dentomuricea aff. meteor in the Azores [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA,

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We report the results of an aquaria-based experiment testing the effects of suspended particles generated during potential mining activities, on a common habitat-building coral species in the Azores, Dentomuricea aff. meteor. Corals were collected from the summit of Condor Seamount (Azores, NE Atlantic) at depths between 185-210 m in August 2014. Coral fragments were maintained in 10-L aquaria and exposed to three experimental treatments for a period of four weeks at the DeepSeaLab aquaria facilities (Okeanos-University of the Azores): (1) control conditions (no added sediments); (2) suspended polymetallic sulphide (PMS) particles; (3) suspended quartz particles. PMS particles were obtained by grinding PMS inactive chimney rocks collected at the hydrothermal vent field Lucky Strike. Both particle types were delivered at a concentration of 25 mg L-1. The putative effects of PMS particles were evaluated through measurements of the coral physiological responses at the levels of the organism (oxygen consumption, ammonium excretion), tissue (bioaccumulation of metals) and cell (enzyme activity and gene expression).
Cnidaria; enzyme activity; experiment; gene expression; metabolism; metal bioaccumulation; North Atlantic; octocorals
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Carreiro-Silva, Marina; Martins, Ines; Riou, Virginie; Raimundo, Joana; Caetano, Miguel; Bettencourt, Raul; Rakka, Maria; Cerqueira, Teresa; Godinho, Antonio; Morato, Telmo; Colaço, Ana (2022): Mechanical and toxicological effects of deep-sea mining sediment plumes on a habitat-forming cold-water octocoral. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9, 915650,
Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), grant/award no. Mining2/0005/2017: Mining Impact 2
Horizon 2020 (H2020), grant/award no. 678760: A Trans-Atlantic assessment and deep-water ecosystem-based spatial management plan for Europe
Horizon 2020 (H2020), grant/award no. 818123: Integrated Assessment of Atlantic Marine Ecosystems in Space and Time
Seventh Framework Programme (FP7), grant/award no. 603418: Managing Impacts of Deep-seA reSource exploitation
Latitude: 38.539689 * Longitude: -29.039155
Date/Time Start: 2014-08-08T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2014-08-08T00:00:00
Sampling_Azores_Cold_Water_Octocoral * Latitude: 38.539689 * Longitude: -29.039155 * Date/Time: 2014-08-08T00:00:00 * Elevation Start: -185.0 m * Elevation End: -210.0 m * Location: Condor Seamounts * Comment: Sampling location of octoral specimens, Dentomuricea aff. meteor, studied in ex-situ aquaria experiments at the DeepSeaLab aquaria facilities of the Okeanos Institute, University of the Azores.
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC) * Processing Level: PANGAEA data processing level 3 (ProcLevel3)
7 datasets

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Datasets listed in this bundled publication

  1. Carreiro-Silva, M; Martins, I; Raimundo, J et al. (2022): Aquarium monitoring of an ex-situ experiment involving the cold-water octocoral Dentomuricea aff. meteor.
  2. Carreiro-Silva, M; Martins, I; Raimundo, J et al. (2022): Metabolic rates of the cold-water octocoral Dentomuricea aff. meteor during an ex-situ experiment in the Azores.
  3. Carreiro-Silva, M; Martins, I; Raimundo, J et al. (2022): Metal bioaccumulation by the cold-water octocoral Dentomuricea aff. meteor during an ex-situ experiment testing the effects of mining-generated sediment plumes.
  4. Carreiro-Silva, M; Martins, I; Raimundo, J et al. (2022): Metal concentrations in seawater of an ex-situ experiment with the cold-water octocoral Dentomuricea aff. meteor.
  5. Carreiro-Silva, M; Martins, I; Raimundo, J et al. (2022): Stress biomarkers in the cold-water octocoral Dentomuricea aff. meteor during an ex-situ experiment in the Azores.
  6. Carreiro-Silva, M; Martins, I; Raimundo, J et al. (2022): Suspended sediment concentrations of an ex-situ experiment with the cold-water octocoral Dentomuricea aff. meteor in the Azores.
  7. Carreiro-Silva, M; Martins, I; Raimundo, J et al. (2022): Gene expression by the cold-water octocoral Dentomuricea aff. meteor during an ex-situ experiment testing the effects of mining-generated sediment plumes.