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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Lüdmann, Thomas; Betzler, Christian; Lindhorst, Sebastian (2022): Boomer (sub-bottom profiler) data of CURRDROW cruise in 2011, Maldivian carbonate platform [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In: Lüdmann, T et al. (2022): Hydroacoustic and seismic data from the Maldivian carbonate platform acquired during the years 2007-2014 [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2022-05-09DOI registered: 2022-06-22

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The shallow-water survey with the dive safari vessel was performed with a boomer-plate AA301 (Applied Acoustic) as acoustic source operated with a power of 300 J/shot, a 24-channel MicroEel analog streamer (Geometrics), and a global positioning system (Hemisphere, Canada). Shot intervals was 1.2 s and the applied recording length 0.2 s TWT. Profiling speed was 3 to 3.5 knots.
boomer; Indian Ocean; Maldives
Related to:
Lüdmann, Thomas; Betzler, Christian; Lindhorst, Sebastian (2022): The Maldives, a key location of carbonate drifts. Marine Geology, 450, 106838,
Median Latitude: 4.113246 * Median Longitude: 72.819841 * South-bound Latitude: 4.091931 * West-bound Longitude: 72.812162 * North-bound Latitude: 4.134561 * East-bound Longitude: 72.827521
Date/Time Start: 2011-11-28T02:17:00 * Date/Time End: 2011-11-28T05:40:00
CURRDROW_Boomer_44 * Latitude Start: 4.091931 * Longitude Start: 72.812162 * Latitude End: 4.134561 * Longitude End: 72.827521 * Date/Time Start: 2011-11-28T02:17:00 * Date/Time End: 2011-11-28T05:40:00 * Campaign: CURRDROW * Basis: Hope Cruiser * Method/Device: Boomer-plate AA301 (Applied Acoustic) as acoustic source operated with a power of 300 J/shot, a 24-channel MicroEel analog streamer (Geometrics), and a global positioning system (Hemisphere, Canada)
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
14 data points


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