Lüdmann, Thomas; Betzler, Christian; Lindhorst, Sebastian (2022): Hydroacoustic and seismic data from the Maldivian carbonate platform acquired during the years 2007-2014 [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.943834
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Published: 2022-05-09 • Last updated: 2022-05-24 • DOI registered: 2022-06-03
The data were acquired during three research cruises in the Maldives: in 2007 (German RV METEOR; cruise M74/4 NEOMA), 2011 (dive safari vessel HOPE CRUISER, CURRDROW) and 2014 (German RV SONNE, cruise SO236 MALSTROM). The Maldives archipelago is among the world's largest carbonate platforms. It formed during the Cenozoic in a regime of high-amplitude sea-level fluctuations, global climate cooling, palaeo-oceanographic change as well as the onset of the monsoon regime. The aim of the cruises was to unravel the record of these changes, especially for the Miocene to Recent time interval, in order to investigate the response of the platform to such processes. The data comprises multi-channel reflection seismic, Parasound and boomer (sub-bottom profiler), as well as ADCP (acoustic doppler current profiler) data.
Related to:
Lüdmann, Thomas; Betzler, Christian; Lindhorst, Sebastian (2022): The Maldives, a key location of carbonate drifts. Marine Geology, 450, 106838, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.margeo.2022.106838
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, Bonn (BMBF), grant/award no. 03G0667A: NEOMA - The Neogene of the Maldives
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bonn (DFG), grant/award no. BE1272/21: CURRDROW - The role of currents for carbonate platform drowning
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), grant/award no. 03G0236A: SO 236 - MALSTROM: Malediven Karbonatstratigraphie und IODP Pre-Site Survey
Median Latitude: 4.765713 * Median Longitude: 73.095481 * South-bound Latitude: 4.091931 * West-bound Longitude: 72.767548 * North-bound Latitude: 5.123025 * East-bound Longitude: 73.496000
Date/Time Start: 2007-11-30T18:51:00 * Date/Time End: 2014-08-20T16:01:00
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0)
6 datasets
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Datasets listed in this bundled publication
- Lüdmann, T; Betzler, C; Lindhorst, S (2022): Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler current measurements (ADCP 38 kHz) during RV METEOR cruise M74/4, Maldivian carbonate platform. https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.943827
- Lüdmann, T; Betzler, C; Lindhorst, S (2022): Boomer (sub-bottom profiler) data of CURRDROW cruise in 2011, Maldivian carbonate platform. https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.943833
- Lüdmann, T; Betzler, C; Lindhorst, S (2022): Multichannel reflection seismics during RV METEOR cruise M74/4, Maldivian carbonate platform. https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.943828
- Lüdmann, T; Betzler, C; Lindhorst, S (2022): Multichannel reflection seismics during RV SONNE cruise SO236, Maldivian carbonate platform. https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.943830
- Lüdmann, T; Betzler, C; Lindhorst, S (2022): Sediment echosounder raw data (Atlas Parasound P70 echosounder working area dataset) of RV METEOR cruise M74/4, Maldivian carbonate platform. https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.943829
- Lüdmann, T; Betzler, C; Lindhorst, S (2022): Sediment echosounder raw data (Atlas Parasound P70 echosounder working area dataset) of RV SONNE cruise SO236, Maldivian carbonate platform. https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.943831