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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Luong, Justin C: Biodiversity metrics during experimental drought and restoration in a coastal prairie in Santa Cruz, CA, USA in 2019 and 2021 [dataset]. PANGAEA, (dataset in review), In: Luong, JC: The impacts of grassland restoration and drought on biodiversity metrics in a coastal prairie in Santa Cruz, CA, USA in 2019 and 2021 [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA, (dataset in review)

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Various biodiversity metrics of restored, unrestored, droughted and ambient rainfall plots derived from plant community data in 2021 and trait data from 2019. Different facets of metrics include: taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic, that is, the average relative total native cover in a plot determined from an average of six 0.25 m² quadrats; the total number of unique native plant species in a plot (richness); the total number of unique plant taxa in a plot (alpha); the nearest taxon distance, i.e. the abundance weighted phylogenetic distance at the 0th quantile; the abundance weighted phylogenetic distance at the 10th quantile; the mean phylogenetic distance; i.e. the abundance weighted phylogenetic distance at the 50th quantile; functional richness, a measure of the total trait space occupied; functional evenness, a measure of the relative distribution of traits in an occupied trait space; functional divergence, a measure of the relative divergence of traits in an occupied trait space, and functional dispersion, a measure of the relative disperion of traits in an occupied trait space determined through relative abundances and dominance.
Biodiversity; community ecology; ecology; Field experiment; functional traits; phylogenetics; restoration ecology; trait diversity; trait ecology
Latitude: 36.952020 * Longitude: -122.063230
Minimum Elevation: 7.0 m * Maximum Elevation: 7.0 m
YoungerLagoonReserve * Latitude: 36.952020 * Longitude: -122.063230 * Elevation: 7.0 m * Location: California, USA * Method/Device: Multiple investigations (MULT)
Unique identifer for every plot. The first letter: P represents restored plots and I represents unrestored plots; The second letter: S represents drought, and C represents ambient weather conditions). The number is the replicate number of a given treatment combination.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1PlotPlotLuong, Justin C
2CoverageCov%Luong, Justin CCalculatedNative
3Species richness levelS level#Luong, Justin CCalculatedNative
4Alpha diversityalpha#/m2Luong, Justin CCalculated
5Nearest taxon distance, at 0th quantileNTDMaLuong, Justin CCalculated
6Phylogenetic taxon distance, at 10th quantilePD10MaLuong, Justin CCalculated
7Mean phylogenetic distance, at 50th quantileMPDMaLuong, Justin CCalculated
8Functional richnessFunctional richnessLuong, Justin CCalculated
9Functional evennessFEveLuong, Justin CCalculated
10Functional divergenceFDivLuong, Justin CCalculated
11Functional dispersionFunc dispersionLuong, Justin CCalculated
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0) (License comes into effect after moratorium ends)
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
220 data points

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