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Poliakova, Anastasia; Brown, Antony G; Alsos, Inger Greve: Raw pollen counts of sedimetn core Te2019 [dataset]. PANGAEA, (dataset in review), In: Poliakova, A et al.: Raw counts of pollen and spores for the sediment core Te2019 (Svalbard, Colesdalen valley, lake Tenndammen (N 78°06.118; E 15°02.024) and for 10 soil samples collected from the lake shores [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA, (dataset in review)

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Anthropogenic impact; exotic pollen; long-distance pollen component; pollen analysis; Svalbard vegetation history
Related to:
Poliakova, Anastasia; Brown, Antony G; Alsos, Inger Greve (2024): Exotic pollen in sediments from the high Arctic Lake Tenndammen, Svalbard archipelago: diversity, sources, and transport pathways. Palynology, 48(3), 2287005,
The Research Council of Norway (RCN), grant/award no. Grants (213692/F20, 230617/E10, and 296987/E50): Future ArcTic Ecosystems (FATE): drivers of diversity and future scenarios from ethnoecology, contemporary ecology and ancient DNA
Latitude: 78.101967 * Longitude: 15.033733
Date/Time Start: 2019-09-04T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2019-09-04T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.000 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.840 m
Te2019 * Latitude: 78.101967 * Longitude: 15.033733 * Date/Time: 2019-09-04T00:00:00 * Elevation: 5.0 m * Recovery: 0.85m * Location: Svalbard, Colesdalen valley, lake Tenndammen * Method/Device: Corer, Nesje-type (CORE_NESJE)
Lycopodium addad: 20848
Volume: 3 ml
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1AGEAgeka BPPoliakova, AnastasiaGeocode
2AgeAgea AD/CEPoliakova, Anastasia
3DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmPoliakova, AnastasiaGeocode
4Pinus sylvestrisPin.s#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, exotic pollen
5Pinus haploxylon-typePin.h-T#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, exotic pollen
6Picea-typePicea-T#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, exotic pollen
7Juniperus-typeJun-T#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, exotic pollen
8AlnusAln#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, exotic pollen
9AmaranthaceaeAmaceae#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, exotic pollen
10Artemisia-typeArt-T#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, exotic pollen
11Solidago-typeSld-T#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, exotic pollen
12Plantago-typePla-T#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, exotic pollen
13Thalictrum-typeTha-T#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, exotic pollen
14Apiaceae indeterminataApiae.indet#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, exotic pollen
15Fabaceae indeterminataFabae.indet#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, exotic pollen
16Rumex-typeRum-T#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, exotic pollen
17Triticum-typeTrt-T#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, exotic pollen
18Myrica-typeMyr-T#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, exotic pollenMyrica (gale) type
19Erica-typeEri-T#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, exotic pollen
20Albizia/Mimosa-typeAlbizia/Mimosa-T#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, exotic pollen
21Eucalyptus-typeEucalyptus-T#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, exotic pollen
22Acalypha-typeAcalypha-T#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, exotic pollen
23Passiflora-typePassiflora-T#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, exotic pollen
24Amaryllidaceae-typeAmaryllidaceae-T#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, exotic pollen
25UlmusUlm#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, exotic pollen
26JuglansJug#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, exotic pollen
27Erigeron-typeErigeron-T#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, pollen of regional origin
28Cassiope-typeCassiope-T#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, pollen of regional origin
29Vaccinium-typeVac-T#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, pollen of regional origin
30Arnica/Taraxacum-typeArnica/Taraxacum-T#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, pollen of regional origin
31Cerastium-typeCer-T#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, pollen of regional origin
32Campanula-typeCam-T#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, pollen of regional originCampanula (rotundifolia) type
33Dryas-typeDry-T#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, pollen of regional originDryas (octopetala) type
34Papaver-typePap-T#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, pollen of regional originPapaver (dahlianum) type
35Pedicularis-typePed-T#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, pollen of regional originPedicularis (hirsuta) type
36Polemonium-typePoe-T#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, pollen of regional originPolemonium (boreale) type
37Bistorta-typeBis-T#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, pollen of regional originBistorta (vivipara) type
38Koenigia islandica-typeK. islandica-T#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, pollen of regional origin
39Micranthes nivalisM. nivalis#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, pollen of regional origin
40Saxifraga cernua-typeSax.c-T#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, pollen of regional origin
41Saxifraga cespitosa-typeSax.x-T#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, pollen of regional origin
42Saxifraga oppositifolia-typeSax.o-T#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, pollen of regional origin
43Equisetum-typeEquisetum-T#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, pollen of regional origin
44Spores, monolete echinatemonoechi#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, pollen of regional originCystopteris-type
45Spores, monolete psilatemonopsil#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, pollen of regional origin
46Spores, triletetrilete spores#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, pollen of regional originHyperzia selago-type
47Sphagnum-typeSph-T#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, pollen of regional origin
48Spores indeterminataSpo.indet#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, pollen of regional originother indeterminata Bryophyta spores
49BetulaBet#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, pollen of mixed or unclear origin
50Salix-typeSalix-type#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, pollen of mixed or unclear origin
51Brassicaceae indeterminataBrassicaceae indet#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, pollen of mixed or unclear origin
52Caryophyllaceae indeterminataCphae.indet#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, pollen of mixed or unclear origin
53Polygonaceae indeterminataPolygonaceae indet#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, pollen of mixed or unclear origin
54Saxifragaceae indeterminataSaxifragaceae indet#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, pollen of mixed or unclear origin
55Ranunculus-typeRan-T#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, pollen of mixed or unclear origin
56Poaceae indeterminataPoaceae indet#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, pollen of mixed or unclear origintype 1
57Poaceae indeterminataPoaceae indet#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, pollen of mixed or unclear origintype 2
58Ericaceae indeterminataEriae.indet#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, pollen of mixed or unclear origin
59Cyperaceae indeterminataCypae.indet#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, pollen of mixed or unclear origin
60Juncus-typeJuncus-T#Poliakova, AnastasiaCounting pollen, pollen of mixed or unclear origin
61Pollen indeterminataPollen indet#Poliakova, Anastasia
62Lycopodium (counted)Lyc(ct)#Poliakova, Anastasia
63ConcentrationConc#/mlPoliakova, AnastasiaPollen concentration
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0) (License comes into effect after moratorium ends)
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
3885 data points

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