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Chadwick, Matthew; Allen, Claire Susannah; Crosta, Xavier (2021): MIS 5e Southern Ocean September sea-ice concentrations and summer sea-surface temperatures reconstructed from marine sediment cores using a MAT diatom transfer function [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5e is the latest period when global atmospheric temperatures were warmer than present and global sea levels were higher than present. Environmental conditions during MIS 5e therefore represent an important 'process analogue' for understanding the climatic mechanisms and responses active under future anthropogenic warming. MIS 5e diatom assemblages were reconstructed for nine Southern Ocean marine sediment cores (ANTA91-8, ELT17-9, MD03-2603, NBP9802-04, PC509, TPC287, TPC288, TPC290 & U1361A). A modern analog technique (MAT) transfer function (Crosta et al. 1998) was applied to the diatom assemblages to reconstruct the MIS 5e September sea-ice concentration (SIC) and summer (January – March) sea-surface temperature (SSST) for each sample. The MAT compares the relative abundances of 33 diatom species in each MIS 5e sample to the abundances of the same species in a modern reference dataset composed of 257 surface sediment samples (modern analogs) from the SO. Modern conditions for each surface sediment sample are interpolated on a 1o x 1o grid, with SSSTs from the World Ocean Atlas 2013 (Locarnini et al., 2013) and September SIC from the numerical atlas of Schweitzer (1995). The MAT was implemented using the “bioindic” R-package (Guiot and de Vernal, 2011), with chord distance used to select the 5 most similar modern analogs to each MIS 5e assemblage. A cut-off threshold, above which any analogs are deemed too dissimilar to the MIS 5e sample, is fixed as the first quartile of random distances determined by a Monte Carlo simulation of the reference dataset (Simpson, 2007). The reconstructed SSSTs have a Root Mean Square Error of Prediction (RMSEP) of 1.09 oC and an R2 of 0.96, and the reconstructed September SICs have a RMSEP of 9 % and an R2 of 0.93.
Diatom assemblage; Last Interglacial; modern analogue technique; sea ice concentration; Sea surface temperature; Sediment cores; Southern Ocean; transfer function
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Chadwick, Matthew; Allen, Claire Susannah; Sime, Louise C; Crosta, Xavier; Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter (2022): How does the Southern Ocean palaeoenvironment during Marine Isotope Stage 5e compare to the modern? Marine Micropaleontology, 170, 102066,
Chadwick, Matthew; Allen, Claire Susannah; Sime, Louise C; Crosta, Xavier; Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter (submitted): Reconstructing Antarctic winter sea-ice extent during Marine Isotope Stage 5e. Climate of the Past
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Crosta, Xavier; Pichon, Jean-Jacques; Burckle, Lloyd H (1998): Application of modern analog technique to marine Antarctic diatoms: Reconstruction of maximum sea-ice extent at the Last Glacial Maximum. Paleoceanography, 13(3), 284-297,
Guiot, Joel; de Vernal, Anne (2011): Is spatial autocorrelation introducing biases in the apparent accuracy of paleoclimatic reconstructions? Quaternary Science Reviews, 30(15-16), 1965-1972,
Locarnini, Ricardo A; Mishonov, Alexey V; Antonov, J I; Boyer, Timothy P; Garcia, H E; Baranova, O; Zweng, M M; Paver, Christopher R; Reagan, James R; Johnson, D R; Hamilton, Melanie; Seidov, Dan (2013): World ocean atlas 2013. Volume 1: Temperature. In: Levitus, S. (Ed.), Mishonov,A. (Technical Ed.), NOAA Atlas NESDIS 75, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 48 pp.,
Presti, Massimo; Barbara, Loïc; Denis, Delphine; Schmidt, Sabine; de Santis, Laura; Crosta, Xavier (2011): Sediment delivery and depositional patterns off Adélie Land (East Antarctica) in relation to late Quaternary climatic cycles. Marine Geology, 284(1-4), 96-113,
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Schweitzer, Peter N (1995): Monthly average polar sea-ice concentration 1978 through 1991. U.S. Geological Survey Digital Data Series, DDS-27,
Simpson, Gavin (2007): Analogue Methods in Palaeoecology: Using the analogue Package. Journal of Statistical Software, 22(2),
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Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), grant/award no. NE/L002531/1
Median Latitude: -63.340764 * Median Longitude: -126.084543 * South-bound Latitude: -70.783330 * West-bound Longitude: 139.375200 * North-bound Latitude: -55.550000 * East-bound Longitude: -36.651170
Date/Time Start: 1965-01-01T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2008-03-29T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 2.010 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 8.980 m
318-U1361A * Latitude: -64.409547 * Longitude: 143.886653 * Elevation: -3465.5 m * Recovery: 338.86 m * Campaign: Exp318 (Wilkes Land) * Basis: Joides Resolution * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 41 cores; 388 m cored; 87 % recovered; 0 m drilled; 388 m penetrated
ANTA91-8 * Latitude: -70.783330 * Longitude: 172.833300 * Elevation: -2383.0 m * Method/Device: Gravity corer (GC)
ELT17.009-PC * Latitude: -63.083000 * Longitude: -135.117000 * Date/Time: 1965-01-01T00:00:00 * Elevation: -4935.0 m * Recovery: 20.18 m * Campaign: ELT17 * Basis: Eltanin * Method/Device: Piston corer (PC)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEventChadwick, Matthew
2Latitude of eventLatitudeChadwick, Matthew
3Longitude of eventLongitudeChadwick, Matthew
4Elevation of eventElevationmChadwick, Matthew
5DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmChadwick, MatthewGeocode – mbsf
6AGEAgeka BPChadwick, MatthewAge model, EDC3 (EPICA Ice Dome C, Parrenin et al., 2007)Geocode
7AGEAgeka BPChadwick, MatthewAge model according to Lisiecki & Raymo (2005) [LR04]Geocode
8Sea ice concentration, SeptemberSea ice con (9)%Chadwick, MatthewModern analog technique (MAT)
9Sea surface temperature, summerSST sum°CChadwick, MatthewModern analog technique (MAT)
10Reference/sourceReferenceChadwick, MatthewChronology reference
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
435 data points

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