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Petersen, Sven; Rothenbeck, Marcel (2021): AUV ABYSS sensor data (ADCP, CTD, Fluorometer, turbidity, redox potential, electric field) and vehicle performance for dives during METEOR cruise M127 [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2021-08-20DOI registered: 2021-12-01

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A total of fifteen missions of the autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) Abyss was performed in June 2016 over the TAG hydrothermal field as part of the EU-funded project Blue Mining. Each dive lasted a few hours and recorded information for a number of sensors including ADCP (RDI Teledyne Model WHN300 S/N), CTD (Seabird SBE49FastCAT), ECO (=combined fluorometer and turbidity senso; Wetlabs FLNTU/0712017), REDOX-sensor (Eh-sensor by Ko-Ichi Nakamura from AIST, South Korea) . The sensor data is recorded in separate files for each dive. The vehicles performance under water and core functions (roll, pitch, heading, power use, and many others) are recorded in the STATE file of each dive. Additionally magnetometer and passive electric field data is recorded for each dive. The processed magnetic data grids are provided under The processed electric anomaly data in longitudinal direction (along the flight path) and transverse direction (perpendicular to the flight direction) is provided in separate data sets. For two missions the electrical field data has been measured at three different altitudes (average elevations of 35 m, 60 m and 90 m) above the seafloor. These three different altitudes (high-res, intermediate res, and low-res) are provided as different data sets for those two dives.
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Szitkar, Florent; Hölz, Sebastian; Tarits, P; Petersen, Sven (2021): Deep‐Sea Electric and Magnetic Surveys Over Active and Inactive Basalt‐Hosted Hydrothermal Sites of the TAG Segment (26°, MAR): An Optimal Combination for Seafloor Massive Sulfide Exploration. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126(10),
Seventh Framework Programme (FP7), grant/award no. 604500: Breakthrough Solutions for Mineral Extraction and Processing in Extreme Environment – Blue Mining
Median Latitude: 26.147611 * Median Longitude: -44.814357 * South-bound Latitude: 26.098333 * West-bound Longitude: -45.018500 * North-bound Latitude: 26.313333 * East-bound Longitude: -44.757004
Date/Time Start: 2016-05-31T20:33:00 * Date/Time End: 2016-06-22T13:31:00
32 datasets

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Datasets listed in this publication series

  1. Petersen, S; Rothenbeck, M (2021): Electric field sensor data for AUV dive ABYSS 0239 (high altitude) during METEOR cruise M127.
  2. Petersen, S; Rothenbeck, M (2021): Electric field sensor data for AUV dive ABYSS 0239 (intermediate altitude) during METEOR cruise M127.
  3. Petersen, S; Rothenbeck, M (2021): Electric field sensor data for AUV dive ABYSS 0239 (low altitude) during METEOR cruise M127.
  4. Petersen, S; Rothenbeck, M (2021): Electric field sensor data for AUV dive ABYSS 0234 (low altitude) during METEOR cruise M127.
  5. Petersen, S; Rothenbeck, M (2021): Electric field sensor data for AUV dive ABYSS 0224 during METEOR cruise M127.
  6. Petersen, S; Rothenbeck, M (2021): Raw sensor data (ADCP, CTD, Fluorometer, turbidity, redox potential) and vehicle performance for AUV dive ABYSS 0225 during METEOR cruise M127.
  7. Petersen, S; Rothenbeck, M (2021): Electric field sensor data for AUV dive ABYSS 0225 during METEOR cruise M127.
  8. Petersen, S; Rothenbeck, M (2021): Raw sensor data (ADCP, CTD, Fluorometer, turbidity, redox potential) and vehicle performance for AUV dive ABYSS 0226 during METEOR cruise M127.
  9. Petersen, S; Rothenbeck, M (2021): Electric field sensor data for AUV dive ABYSS 0226 during METEOR cruise M127.
  10. Petersen, S; Rothenbeck, M (2021): Raw sensor data (ADCP, CTD, Fluorometer, turbidity, redox potential) and vehicle performance for AUV dive ABYSS 0229 during METEOR cruise M127.
  11. Petersen, S; Rothenbeck, M (2021): Electric field sensor data for AUV dive ABYSS 0229 during METEOR cruise M127.
  12. Petersen, S; Rothenbeck, M (2021): Raw sensor data (ADCP, CTD, Fluorometer, turbidity, redox potential) and vehicle performance for AUV dive ABYSS 0230 during METEOR cruise M127.
  13. Petersen, S; Rothenbeck, M (2021): Electric field sensor data for AUV dive ABYSS 0230 during METEOR cruise M127.
  14. Petersen, S; Rothenbeck, M (2021): Raw sensor data (ADCP, CTD, Fluorometer, turbidity, redox potential) and vehicle performance for AUV dive ABYSS 0231 during METEOR cruise M127.
  15. Petersen, S; Rothenbeck, M (2021): Electric field sensor data for AUV dive ABYSS 0231 during METEOR cruise M127.
  16. Petersen, S; Rothenbeck, M (2021): Raw sensor data (ADCP, CTD, Fluorometer, turbidity, redox potential) and vehicle performance for AUV dive ABYSS 0234 during METEOR cruise M127.
  17. Petersen, S; Rothenbeck, M (2021): Electric field sensor data for AUV dive ABYSS 0234 (high altitude) during METEOR cruise M127.
  18. Petersen, S; Rothenbeck, M (2021): Electric field sensor data for AUV dive ABYSS 0234 (intermediate altitude) during METEOR cruise M127.
  19. Petersen, S; Rothenbeck, M (2021): Raw sensor data (ADCP, CTD, Fluorometer, turbidity, redox potential) and vehicle performance for AUV dive ABYSS 0235 during METEOR cruise M127.
  20. Petersen, S; Rothenbeck, M (2021): Electric field sensor data for AUV dive ABYSS 0235 during METEOR cruise M127.
  21. Petersen, S; Rothenbeck, M (2021): Raw sensor data (ADCP, CTD, Fluorometer, turbidity, redox potential) and vehicle performance for AUV dive ABYSS 0236 during METEOR cruise M127.
  22. Petersen, S; Rothenbeck, M (2021): Electric field sensor data for AUV dive ABYSS 0236 during METEOR cruise M127.
  23. Petersen, S; Rothenbeck, M (2021): Raw sensor data (ADCP, CTD, Fluorometer, turbidity, redox potential) and vehicle performance for AUV dive ABYSS 0237 during METEOR cruise M127.
  24. Petersen, S; Rothenbeck, M (2021): Electric field sensor data for AUV dive ABYSS 0237 during METEOR cruise M127.
  25. Petersen, S; Rothenbeck, M (2021): Raw sensor data (ADCP, CTD, Fluorometer, turbidity, redox potential) and vehicle performance for AUV dive ABYSS 0238 during METEOR cruise M127.
  26. Petersen, S; Rothenbeck, M (2021): Electric field sensor data for AUV dive ABYSS 0238 during METEOR cruise M127.
  27. Petersen, S; Rothenbeck, M (2021): Raw sensor data (ADCP, CTD, Fluorometer, turbidity, redox potential) and vehicle performance for AUV dive ABYSS 0239 during METEOR cruise M127.
  28. Petersen, S; Rothenbeck, M (2021): Raw sensor data (ADCP, CTD, Fluorometer, turbidity, redox potential) and vehicle performance for AUV dive ABYSS 0240 during METEOR cruise M127.
  29. Petersen, S; Rothenbeck, M (2021): Electric field sensor data for AUV dive ABYSS 0240 during METEOR cruise M127.
  30. Petersen, S; Rothenbeck, M (2021): Raw sensor data (ADCP, CTD, Fluorometer, turbidity, redox potential) and vehicle performance for AUV dive ABYSS 0241 during METEOR cruise M127.
  31. Petersen, S; Rothenbeck, M (2021): Electric field sensor data for AUV dive ABYSS 0241 during METEOR cruise M127.
  32. Petersen, S; Rothenbeck, M (2021): Raw sensor data (ADCP, CTD, Fluorometer, turbidity, redox potential) and vehicle performance for AUV dive ABYSS 0224 during METEOR cruise M127.