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Vasil'chuk, Yurij K; Surkova, Galina V (2021): Cold-season temperature parameters (average January and winter temperatures) in the northern permafrost zones of Russia for three different periods between 1930-2017 [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In: Vasil'chuk, YK; Surkova, GV (2021): The relationship between the isotopic composition of ice wedges and the temperature of the cold period over the past 80 years in the north of the permafrost zone of Russia [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2021-07-27DOI registered: 2021-12-24

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Distribution of the current mean January and mean winter temperatures near the places of determination of the isotopic composition of ice wedge veinlets for three periods: a) from 1930 to 1966, b) from 1967 to 2000, c) from 2001 to 2019 (after Vasilchuk, 1992 for the period 1930-1966). The values δ¹⁸O veinlets for the period of 1930-1966 years were used.
Climate change; Ice wedges; Permafrost; Stable isotopes; temperature distribution
Related to:
Vasil'chuk, Yurij K; Surkova, Galina V (2020): Verification of the Relationship between the Isotopic Composition of Ice Wedges and Cold-season Temperature over the Recent 80 Years in the Northern Permafrost Zone of Russia. Russian Meteorology and Hydrology, 45(11), 791-796,
Vasil'chuk, Yurij K (1992): Oxygen Isotope Composition of Ground Ice (Application to Paleogeocryological Reconstructions) [in Russian]. Theor. Probl. Dept., RAS, Moscow University, Research Institute of Engineering for Construction (PNIIIS), Moscow (Volume 1, 420 pp., Volume 2, 264 pp.)
Russian Foundation for Basic Research, grant/award no. 18-05-60272: Arctic
Russian Science Foundation, grant/award no. 19-17-00126: Verification and validation of Late Pleistocene paleotemperature scenario based on the stable isotope data in syngenetic ice wedges in Siberia using independent paleoclimatic models
Median Latitude: 68.654021 * Median Longitude: 132.970671 * South-bound Latitude: 56.766000 * West-bound Longitude: 60.366667 * North-bound Latitude: 77.100000 * East-bound Longitude: 177.516700
Amderma_1 * Latitude: 69.750000 * Longitude: 61.666667 * Location: Nenets, Russia
Anadyr_1 * Latitude: 64.733300 * Longitude: 177.516700 * Location: Chukotka, Russia
Anyuisk_settl * Latitude: 68.344509 * Longitude: 161.560369 * Location: Sakha Republic, Russia
Funding was received from the Russian Science Foundation (Award nr. 19-17-00126, field studies and isotope analysis) and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Award nr. 18-05-60272, methodology of the study and calculations).
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEventVasil'chuk, Yurij K
2Latitude of eventLatitudeVasil'chuk, Yurij K
3Longitude of event 2Longitude 2Vasil'chuk, Yurij K
4LocationLocationVasil'chuk, Yurij K
5YearsYearsVasil'chuk, Yurij KPeriod
6δ18Oδ18OVasil'chuk, Yurij Kice wedge veinlet
7Sample commentSample commentVasil'chuk, Yurij Kδ18O value
8Temperature, winter, sum of daily mean temperaturesTwin sum°CVasil'chuk, Yurij K
9Temperature, mean winterT win°CVasil'chuk, Yurij K
10Temperature, mean JanuaryTjan°CVasil'chuk, Yurij K
11Temperature, soil, annual meanTsoil annual mean°CVasil'chuk, Yurij K
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
826 data points

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