Pollard, James Alastair; Christie, Elizabeth K; Brooks, Susan M; Spencer, Tom (2021): XBeachG Modelling of the 5 December 2013 Storm Surge at Blakeney Point, UK [dataset]. PANGAEA, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.930801
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The excel document contains three tabs: README - provides column descriptions for the remaining two tabs. RawData - Eighteen unique profiles were modelled, with ten runs per profile, for two scenarios: morphological updating enabled, and then disabled. This results in a dataset comprising 360 individual model runs. Each row represents one run as is described in the README tab. Statistics - Calculates the average overtopping discharge (with and without morphological change) for each representative profile. The methodology used to generate this data set is described in: Pollard et al. (2021).
Related to:
Pollard, James Alastair; Christie, Elizabeth K; Brooks, Susan M; Spencer, Tom (2021): Impact of management regime and regime change on gravel barrier response to a major storm surge. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9(2), 147, https://doi.org/10.3390/jmse9020147
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