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Erschbamer, Brigitta; Schallhart, Nikolaus (2021): Time series of temperature and humidity of Site moraine1971 in Obergurgl, Austria (1996 to recent) [dataset bundled publication]. Alpine Research Centre Obergurgl, Universität Innsbruck, PANGAEA,

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Published: 2021-04-25DOI registered: 2021-06-12

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The Rotmoos Valley is one of the core monitoring areas of the LTER site Obergurgl. It is an alpine glacier valley with a comprehensively studied glacier foreland at an elevation of 2280 to 2450 m a.s.l. with a well-preserved chronosequence, starting at the terminal moraine ridge, dated 1858 (Kaufmann 2001), followed by a glacier retreat of more than 2 km until today.
Several studies on primary succession and on the essential drivers of colonization were performed. At the same time, weather stations have been installed at two glacial moraines in the Rotmoos Valley.
The weather station at the glacial moraine of 1971 provides data of air and soil temperatures and relative air humidity since 1996.
Related to:
Erschbamer, Brigitta (2013): Mikroklima und Biotemperaturen auf der 1971er Moräne des Rotmoosferner- Gletschervorfeldes (Obergurgl, Ötztal). In: Koch E.-M. & Erschbamer B. (Hrsg.): Klima, Wetter, Gletscher im Wandel. Alpine Forschungsstelle Obergurgl - innsbruck university press • iup, Innsbruck, 3,
Kaufmann, R (2001): Invertebrate succession on an alpine glacier foreland. Ecology, 82(8), 2261-2278,;2
Latitude: 46.828636 * Longitude: 11.041957
Date/Time Start: 1996-06-05T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2019-12-31T23:50:00
24 datasets

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Datasets listed in this bundled publication

  1. Erschbamer, B; Schallhart, N (2021): Obergurgl, AT, moraine1971, Micro- and Bio-climate time series in 1997.
  2. Erschbamer, B; Schallhart, N (2021): Obergurgl, AT, moraine1971, Micro- and Bio-climate time series in 1998.
  3. Erschbamer, B; Schallhart, N (2021): Obergurgl, AT, moraine1971, Micro- and Bio-climate time series in 1999.
  4. Erschbamer, B; Schallhart, N (2021): Obergurgl, AT, moraine1971, Micro- and Bio-climate time series in 2001.
  5. Erschbamer, B; Schallhart, N (2021): Obergurgl, AT, moraine1971, Micro- and Bio-climate time series in 2002.
  6. Erschbamer, B; Schallhart, N (2021): Obergurgl, AT, moraine1971, Micro- and Bio-climate time series in 2003.
  7. Erschbamer, B; Schallhart, N (2021): Obergurgl, AT, moraine1971, Micro- and Bio-climate time series in 2004.
  8. Erschbamer, B; Schallhart, N (2021): Obergurgl, AT, moraine1971, Micro- and Bio-climate time series in 2005.
  9. Erschbamer, B; Schallhart, N (2021): Obergurgl, AT, moraine1971, Micro- and Bio-climate time series in 2006.
  10. Erschbamer, B; Schallhart, N (2021): Obergurgl, AT, moraine1971, Micro- and Bio-climate time series in 2007.
  11. Erschbamer, B; Schallhart, N (2021): Obergurgl, AT, moraine1971, Micro- and Bio-climate time series in 2008.
  12. Erschbamer, B; Schallhart, N (2021): Obergurgl, AT, moraine1971, Micro- and Bio-climate time series in 2009.
  13. Erschbamer, B; Schallhart, N (2021): Obergurgl, AT, moraine1971, Micro- and Bio-climate time series in 2010.
  14. Erschbamer, B; Schallhart, N (2021): Obergurgl, AT, moraine1971, Micro- and Bio-climate time series in 2011.
  15. Erschbamer, B; Schallhart, N (2021): Obergurgl, AT, moraine1971, Micro- and Bio-climate time series in 1996.
  16. Erschbamer, B; Schallhart, N (2021): Obergurgl, AT, moraine1971, Micro- and Bio-climate time series in 2000.
  17. Erschbamer, B; Schallhart, N (2021): Obergurgl, AT, moraine1971, Micro- and Bio-climate time series in 2012.
  18. Erschbamer, B; Schallhart, N (2021): Obergurgl, AT, moraine1971, Micro- and Bio-climate time series in 2013.
  19. Erschbamer, B; Schallhart, N (2021): Obergurgl, AT, moraine1971, Micro- and Bio-climate time series in 2014.
  20. Erschbamer, B; Schallhart, N (2021): Obergurgl, AT, moraine1971, Micro- and Bio-climate time series in 2015.
  21. Erschbamer, B; Schallhart, N (2021): Obergurgl, AT, moraine1971, Micro- and Bio-climate time series in 2016.
  22. Erschbamer, B; Schallhart, N (2021): Obergurgl, AT, moraine1971, Micro- and Bio-climate time series in 2017.
  23. Erschbamer, B; Schallhart, N (2021): Obergurgl, AT, moraine1971, Micro- and Bio-climate time series in 2018.
  24. Erschbamer, B; Schallhart, N (2021): Obergurgl, AT, moraine1971, Micro- and Bio-climate time series in 2019.