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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Xie, Ni: Acoustical emission recording of sample s05 from the Three Gorges Reservoir, China [dataset]. PANGAEA, (dataset in review), In: Xie, N: Acoustic Emission and P-wave velocity measurement of sandstone collected from Three Gorges Reservoir, China under uniaxial compression and related water-rock reaction by chemical analyze and microscopic observation [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA, (dataset in review)

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AE activity; microctrusture; P-wave velocity; water weakening effect
Supplement to:
Xie, Ni; Tang, H M; Yang, J B; Jiang, Q H (2022): Damage Evolution in Dry and Saturated Brittle Sandstone Revealed by Acoustic Characterization Under Uniaxial Compression. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 55(3), 1303-1324,
Related to:
Wasantha, P L P; Ranjith, P G; Shao, S S (2014): Energy monitoring and analysis during deformation of bedded-sandstone: Use of acoustic emission. Ultrasonics, 54(1), 217-226,
Latitude: 30.960280 * Longitude: 110.615800
Three_Gorges_Reservoir_Area * Latitude: 30.960280 * Longitude: 110.615800 * Location: China * Method/Device: Rock sample (ROCK)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1IdentificationIDXie, Ni
2Numbern#Xie, NiDD
3Time StampTime StampXie, NiPiezoceramic transducers (PZTs) mounted on sample surface
4ChannelsChannels#Xie, NiPiezoceramic transducers (PZTs) mounted on sample surface
5Rising timeRisingµsXie, NiPiezoceramic transducers (PZTs) mounted on sample surfaceRisingtime
6CountsCounts#Xie, NiPiezoceramic transducers (PZTs) mounted on sample surface
7Acoustical emission rateAERV2 µsXie, NiPiezoceramic transducers (PZTs) mounted on sample surface
8AmplitudeAmplitudedBXie, NiPiezoceramic transducers (PZTs) mounted on sample surface
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0) (License comes into effect after moratorium ends)
678960 data points

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