Wilcox, Paul S (2020): 230Th dating results of Schrattenkarst speleothem [dataset]. PANGAEA, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.925795, In: Wilcox, PS (2020): Schrattenkarst speleothem geochemistry [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.925799
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Published: 2020-12-15 • DOI registered: 2021-02-05
Related to:
Arps, Jennifer (2017): Towards ε-precision of U-series age determinations of secondary carbonates [dissertation]. Univ. Heidelberg
Wilcox, Paul S; Honiat, Charlotte; Trüssel, Martin; Edwards, R Lawrence; Spötl, Christoph (2020): Exceptional warmth and climate instability occurred in the European Alps during the Last Interglacial period. Communications Earth & Environment, 1(1), https://doi.org/10.1038/s43247-020-00063-w
Latitude: 46.783000 * Longitude: 8.267000
Minimum DISTANCE: 0.125 cm * Maximum DISTANCE: 87.200 cm
U decay constants: l238 = 1.55125x10-10 (Jaffey et al., 1971) and l234 = 2.82206x10-6 (Cheng et al., 2013). Th decay constant: l230 = 9.1705x10-6 (Cheng et al., 2013).
o account for uplift, 0.3°C was subtracted to all temperatures.
M6-1-20 is a 22 cm tall stalagmite from Neotektonik Cave which grew from about 6.6 ka BP to presen day (Arps, 2017).
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | Event label | Event | Wilcox, Paul S | |||
2 | DISTANCE | Distance | cm | Wilcox, Paul S | Geocode – Depth | |
3 | Uranium-238 | 238U | µg/kg | Wilcox, Paul S | MC-ICP-MS ThermoFisher Neptune Plus | |
4 | Uranium-238, standard deviation | 238U std dev | ± | Wilcox, Paul S | Calculated, 2 sigma | |
5 | Thorium-232 | 232Th | ng/kg | Wilcox, Paul S | MC-ICP-MS ThermoFisher Neptune Plus | |
6 | Thorium-232, standard deviation | 232Th std dev | ± | Wilcox, Paul S | Calculated, 2 sigma | |
7 | Thorium-230/Thorium-232 atomic ratio | 230Th/232Th atom | Wilcox, Paul S | MC-ICP-MS ThermoFisher Neptune Plus | x10^-6 | |
8 | Thorium-230/Thorium-232 atomic ratio, standard deviation | 230Th/232Th atom std dev | ± | Wilcox, Paul S | Calculated, 2 sigma | |
9 | δ234 Uranium | δ234U | ‰ | Wilcox, Paul S | MC-ICP-MS ThermoFisher Neptune Plus | δ234U = ([234U/238U]activity – 1)x1000 |
10 | δ234 Uranium, standard deviation | δ234U std dev | ± | Wilcox, Paul S | Calculated, 2 sigma | δ234U = ([234U/238U]activity – 1)x1000 |
11 | Thorium-230/Uranium-238 activity ratio | (230Th/238U) | Wilcox, Paul S | MC-ICP-MS ThermoFisher Neptune Plus | ||
12 | Thorium-230/Uranium-238 activity ratio, standard deviation | (230Th/238U) std dev | ± | Wilcox, Paul S | Calculated, 2 sigma | |
13 | Age, dated | Age dated | ka | Wilcox, Paul S | Age, 230Thorium | uncorrected |
14 | Age, dated standard deviation | Age dated std dev | ± | Wilcox, Paul S | Calculated, 2 sigma | uncorrected |
15 | Age, dated | Age dated | ka | Wilcox, Paul S | Age, 230Thorium | corrected 230Th ages assume the initial 230Th/232Th atomic ratio of 4.4 ±2.2 x10-6. Those are the values for a material at secular equilibrium, with the bulk earth 232Th/238U value of 3.8. The errors are arbitrarily assumed to be 50%. |
16 | Age, dated standard deviation | Age dated std dev | ± | Wilcox, Paul S | Calculated, 2 sigma | corrected 230Th ages assume the initial 230Th/232Th atomic ratio of 4.4 ±2.2 x10-6. Those are the values for a material at secular equilibrium, with the bulk earth 232Th/238U value of 3.8. The errors are arbitrarily assumed to be 50%. |
17 | δ234 Uranium | δ234U | ‰ | Wilcox, Paul S | Corrected | δ234Uinitial was calculated based on 230Th age (T), i.e.,δ234Uinitial = δ234Umeasured x el234xT |
18 | δ234 Uranium, standard deviation | δ234U std dev | ± | Wilcox, Paul S | Calculated, 2 sigma | δ234Uinitial was calculated based on 230Th age (T), i.e.,δ234Uinitial = δ234Umeasured x el234xT |
19 | Age, dated | Age dated | ka BP | Wilcox, Paul S | Age, 230Thorium | corrected BP (defined as the year 1950 A.D. ) |
20 | Age, dated standard deviation | Age dated std dev | ± | Wilcox, Paul S | Calculated, 2 sigma | corrected BP (defined as the year 1950 A.D. ) |
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684 data points